Vital Space › Marvel And DC › What Is Energumeno › Agalmatophilia › Calzone › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Vital Space
  2. Marvel and DC
  3. What is energumeno
  4. Agalmatophilia
  5. Calzone

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Vital Space › Definition and Meaning

In the context of psychology, living space concept refers to the area of security that has a human being, that intimate, personal core of its own and which it shares their concerns and desires with others. People therefore also part of this vital space thanks to the proximity link. It should be pointed out that therefore this space as comfortable is also evolving and changing over the years thanks to the vital route that runs through the subject.
The living space is our place in the world, is the area where we feel we can really be ourselves and experience a full security.
The living space is the place where we seek refuge after having lived an experience traumatic or after a stressful day at work. Then we rest in our comfort zone marked by a predictable routine but with a very special meaning.

Personal safety zone

This living space and relationship of trust with others is also shown through body language itself. For example, when two people have confidence and feel good physically in proximity to the other is common to walk down the street without an elevated physical distance between them.
The same goes if they sit on a bench in a park for a chat. However, when there is this relationship so close, physical distance is much greater because we feel physically invaded when an acquaintance exceeds the margins of our own security space.
When we trust someone, we can give a hug to show this joy at the reunion, however, when we have someone, the handshake is the most commonly used form of protocol. Naturally keep more safe distance.

The house as a space of intimacy

From a metaphorical point of view, the house represents largely the strength of living space, the environment in which everyone feels at its maximum privacy environment. And thus free in its purest form.
A place overrun with memories as shown in pictures and full of personal nuances since the decor and style chosen to enliven the home, enlivens a house in the very essence of who lives in it.
Photo: iStock - pixdeluxe
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[ 2 ]

Marvel and DC › Definition and Meaning

The comic is a subgenre literary which is accompanied by illustrations. The stories of comics are starring heroes, also known as superheroes because they possess extraordinary qualities. Each publisher has its own heroes and villains and the tradition of American comics are two leading publishers, Marvel and DC.

Marvel characters

Fictional characters that make up the world Marvel superheroes are some peculiarity. Spiderman is a young photographer press, Peter Parker, Spidey sense and a great agility and physical strength. Hulk is a humanoid that normal life is a scientist named Bruce Banner (in an experiment scientist Bruce Banner received radiation and when it becomes enraged Hulk, a creature of green and with a force superhuman). Wolverine is a mutant with retractable claws and in its current life called Logan (Wolverine is part of a group of mutants, the X-Men).
Other Marvel superheroes are Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow and Ghost Rider. They all have some common characteristics: its status as the leading superhero secret, his life is full of adventure and danger and act with an avenging spirit.

DC Comics characters

The DC lyrics of this publishing emerged in the 1930s refer to a title of the first adventures, Detective Comics. Among the most popular characters are Superman and Batman. Superman was born on the planet Krypton but was sent to Earth before their planet disappeared (his mission in the world is to help humanity and unnoticed spend his human life starring a reporter named Clark Kent).
Batman does not have extraordinary powers but a great physical and mental strength (Batman is actually Bruce Wayne uses disguise, a billionaire who decided to fight evil after the murder of his parents when he was a child).

The Marvel and DC editorial can be understood as two companies competing to attract the public

However, it is justified that both appear together. On the one hand, sometimes they have recreated adventures in the Marvel heroes share experiences with DC heroes.
On the other hand, among the followers of the Marvel Universe and DC Universe it has created a certain rivalry, something similar to what happens between supporters of Coca Cola or Pepsi, McDonald 's and Burger King, Apple and Microsoft and other commercial rivalries between marks the first order.
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[ 3 ]

What is energumeno › Definition and Meaning

In the language colloquial a madman is someone who behaves angry and without control their emotions. On the other hand, a madman is an individual who has been possessed by the devil, but this usage is deprecated.
As to its etymology, it comes from the Greek energoumenos, which can be translated as a person with an incantation. Latin, acquired or possessed demoniac sense.

Violent behavior attract attention because they pose a threat to others

Thus, when a conduct is brutal and excessive, the person who performs it can be considered a lunatic.
Sometimes it is used with the intention to appease someone who is exalted for some reason and in this context would say "do not be energúmeno!". If someone's action is surprising to us how dangerous (think of a case of reckless driving) could exclaim "energúmeno go!".
The scope of its use in colloquial language, from the psychological point of view a madman is someone who can not control his anger. Psychologists describe this type of behavior as a disorder, namely Intermittent Explosive Disorder or TEI.

Possession of the devil

In ancient times certain brain ailments like epilepsy or Huntington's chorea had no medical explanation. Consequently, if someone had the own convulsions of these conditions is believed he was possessed by the devil. Possessed people were called madmen. The same was true madmen, since the origin of mental problems was seen as a sign of possession by the devil.
According to folk beliefs of the Middle Ages, the devil seized their victims against their will because of his misconduct and, therefore, possession was considered a form of punishment (could say that the madman was guilty of his madness).
There was another interpretation possession of the devil, according to which the possessed was an ally of the devil and had to be punished. In any case, the madman was someone dangerous, and a threat to others. In certain scenarios, the energúmeno could escape the possession of the devil through exorcism.
From the point of view of the Inquisition, the lunatic behavior was equally valued as evidence of heresy as such should also be severely punished.
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[ 4 ]

Agalmatophilia › Definition and Meaning

Sexual fixations away from conventional romantic relationships are part of paraphilias. There are many different and curious paraphilias. We can highlight voyeurism, sadism, masochism fetishism among the best known. Other can be classified within the less common paraphilias, as is the case Agalmatophilia. This paraphilia is to feel attraction sexual by mannequins and statues or also by some inanimate objects.
Agalmatophilia word comes from Greek and is the union of two concepts: agalma which means statue and philia which means love.

A particular version of Agalmatophilia

People who feel a specific sexual attraction by statues have Pygmalionism. This designation refers to one of the ancient Greek myths: the myth of Pygmalion.
According to tradition mythology, Pygmalion was a king of Cyprus who had a great talent as a sculptor. It was a sad man because he had no wife and this prompted him to model a statue of a woman, thereby seeking the perfect woman. The more he worked on his new creation, the more I felt an erotic fascination with the statue that was created, to the point that at the end of his work felt an intense desire for the female statue and began to fill it with kisses and hugs.
When checking his strange behavior realized he had fallen from a being of stone. Faced with this strange but intense feeling Pygmalion begged the gods to give life to his statue to marry her. The goddess Venus wanted to please the artist and the cold statue became a delicate woman. Union between Pygmalion and his statue turned into Papos born woman, one of the most beautiful Greek islands.

Interpretations Agalmatophilia and Pygmalionism

Both paraphilias are two versions of the same erotic fascination, the attraction inanimate. While there is no conclusive explanation of the motivation of these paraphilias, yes there are some interpretations:
1) can be understood as a form of love and attraction inspired by the fantasy of a perfect being, a circumstance which reminds the myth of Narcissus and narcissism, 2) can be assessed as a behavior psychopathic in which a person falls in love with some of his own creation and
3) it is possible to explain this paraphilia as a variant of obsessive attachments to erotic myths.
The range of interpretations, Agalmatophilia and Pygmalionism remind us that sexual attraction is a mysterious component. This mystery is reflected in the language we use when we fell in love with someone, because "we feel butterflies in the stomach " or "we received Cupid's arrow".
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[ 5 ]

Calzone › Definition and Meaning

A calzone is a typically Italian and more specifically Neapolitan dish. The calzone is very similar to the pizza as it is a pizza shell by the same mass used in the pizza base. Its appearance is similar to a dumpling.
This is a plate with several denominations: calzone, pizza or calzone pizza shell. For the Neapolitans, it is known as panzerotto, cazzotto or fried pizza.

A special feature of the pizza calzone

While the pizza traditional and calzone pizza are almost identical in many respects, especially in the ingredients used, remember that there is little difference between the two: the filling calzone pizza is not cooked in an oven and pizza traditional itself. This is because the calzone is covered and ingredients are cooked without using the oven.

Main ingredients

The ingredients with a calzone filled may vary but common are the cheese in its various forms (eg mozzarella or ricotta), ham, minced meat, vegetable funghi, tomato and oregano. These ingredients are combined with the intention of creating a fusion of flavors and textures.
Like traditional pizza, one of the keys of the calzone is in the quality of the dough, which is made with flour, water heated, yeast, salt and olive oil.

The calzone came to America with Italian emigration that began in the nineteenth century

Calzone pizza and Italian food in general are internationally recognized dishes. This phenomenon is not due to a marketing campaign, but is related to the migratory waves of Italians, especially those in the south, the continent American.
Southern Italy in the nineteenth century was in a deep economic crisis and political and this pushed thousands of men and women to seek a more hopeful horizon outside their country. Most Italians chose two destinations: the United States or Argentina. Italian immigration in Argentina has had a very significant influence on culture in general and the cuisine is quite evident.
Argentines are very fond of calzone pizza, but also inherited from Italian tomato sauce, pizza Margherita or canchera pizza (the latter named because it was sold originally near the fields where he played football in the la Boca neighborhood in Buenos Aires).
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