Vestige › Gastroenteritis › Relevance › Universal History › Foundation › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. vestige
  2. gastroenteritis
  3. relevance
  4. Universal History
  5. foundation

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

vestige › Definition and Meaning

The concept of trace does not have a job very popular in our language, that is, people not so commonly used to express the meanings involved.
On the one hand, the remnant may be a memory that is part of the past lived with the mission to manifest and express, for example, a letter, a drawing, a jewel or any other object that has been part of our past can become a vestige.
Normally concept instead usually apply other vestiges such as the most popular of memory.
People usually have a consistent look on the past of our lives and this obviously includes those images, things, or situations that knew to mark a decisive moment for our existence. Of course the same charge an entity per se and they always remembered and treasured, even though they have spent many years of their production.
Because who has not kept that doll that used to play at grandma 's house, or letters of love were exchanged with some great love, among others...
Many times when we encounter these vestiges of the past, instantly we moved with the mind to evoke that moment, that is, it can happen that we are not thinking about that but if something suddenly happened linked to mobilize us there very fast with the thought.
On the other hand, it traces the word is often used in another sense, to indicate a sign, a proof, in the context of an investigation which is still on an issue. Here we should also mention that the use of this concept is not as current as if they are the clues or evidence.
At the request of an investigation, evidence or traces allow inferring an issue that leads to the resolution of the case under investigation.
Thus, for example, traces of shoes may be the grounds to the police to determine if the murderer was a man or a woman. A footprint shoe man will close the investigations into the surrounding environment and men exclude women thereby may get faster case resolution. That undoubtedly is the great contribution of a relic in this regard, assist in the resolution.
And also it called vestiges of the ruins or monuments bequeathed to us by primitive peoples and that we express in some cases their cultures and custom s.
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[ 2 ]

gastroenteritis › Definition and Meaning

The Gastroenteritis is an infectious disease that affects the stomach and small intestine producing symptoms characterized by diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and fever. It is a disease that occurs predominantly in children.
This disease usually has a short course and often disappears after 5 to 7 days, the main microorganism involved in its development Rotavirus is a virus type that is acquired by ingesting water or food contaminated.
While viruses do not have a specific treatment, medical care is necessary and is carried out with the aim of providing support and treatment for symptoms, in the case of diarrhea and vomiting may occur significant loss of body fluids as which can cause a state of dehydration that can affect the functioning of the various organs and systems which can endanger the patient's life.
Another symptom to be treated is monitored and fever in children usually presented episodes of seizures when the temperature reaches 39 ° C, are known as febrile convulsions and must be prevented to avoid future sequelae in the nervous system.
In addition to viruses, other microorganisms capable of producing gastroenteritis, as in the case of bacteria such as Salmonella and Campylobacter, and parasites among which the Giardia and Cryptosporidium. In the case of parasites, diarrhea often persist for prolonged periods causing a loss of nutrients affecting growth in weight and height of children affected. In these cases, patients should receive specific antibiotic treatment once identified some of these germs.
Regardless of the causative agent of Gastroenteritis, the key in these cases is the Hydrate. It is very important to supply water or hydration solutions in small amounts several times a day, whenever possible the oral route should be used, if vomiting or impaired consciousness hydration must be carried out using solutions intravenously.
In addition to rehydration it is important that the child or the affected person continues eating food, care should be taken that the food is based on easily digestible foods while avoiding dairy products, soft drinks and whole or products rich in fiber as these can aggravate diarrhea. Children who receive feeding of breast milk may continue receiving.
An important aspect regarding Gastroenteritis is its prevention, regardless of germ causing this infection is acquired by fecal-oral transmission, ie, a healthy person ingests food or water contaminated with microorganisms and subsequently develop the disease if secretions the sick person (saliva, gastric contents and / or stool) are not handled or disposed properly pass contaminate water or food that will result in new cases of the disease. One of the most important preventive measures is proper hand washing, boil water and cleaning objects used for preparing and supplying food.
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[ 3 ]

relevance › Definition and Meaning

Relevance is the quality of something (a fact or a word) when connecting to a general situation. No relevance if a concrete proposal is related to the subject being treated. On the contrary, a proposal is not relevant if you have no relation to the overall context.
In the development of a trial no evidence that are valid, useful and related to the reason the case. Instead, the judges dismissed because they believe that some tests are irrelevant and have no validity, since violate legal standards to be met in court.
State that is relevant action is to accept, initially, as appropriate and correct. The idea of relevance involves matching the facts. There is a connection between the particular and the general.
Consider that an opinion is relevant to recognize that is valid because it has a suitable characteristic. So, something may be relevant because it fits well with a situation and at the same time not be supported by others. Suppose a person is in a neighborhood meeting to propose ideas to improve the cleanliness of the community. This individual poses a new cleaning schedule. Your input is entirely appropriate. Then the neighbors vote and reject the idea of the time change. This example shows that the relevance is simply a formal requirement. It's an idea, proposal or test that fulfills a necessary condition is consistent with the time and the issue being addressed.
If someone says something inappropriate and improper, it can be considered impertinent. Impertinence is a provocation, a little polite and respectful behavior.
Relevance and impertinence would be synonymous valid and invalid, respectively. We need to understand our communication and we must establish certain rules so that the understanding is effective. In some social contexts (meetings, trials, debates...) it is necessary to establish a procedure for action. It is a way to avoid clutter in participation. In these contexts is usually responsible to oversee compliance with the rules. They are the ones who determine what is relevant and what is not. They act as referees for the development of an act respected the rules accordingly.
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[ 4 ]

Universal History › Definition and Meaning

The story is the story of the events and their analysis. History is not just a subject of the educational system, but is present in our own lives. We want to know who our ancestors were, what happened in the city in which we live, what it is the origin of popular traditions. Also the streets and squares of the place where we have references to the past, to history.
The study of history has different approaches. If you study the biography of an individual, we know his life and the social context of the character. If a chronicler of a small town collects relevant to what it happens information, there is a wider perspective of reality. If a researcher analyzing a particular period of a country, the picture is even wider. We see that history can refer to the particular or general. When the explanation of events refers to the world in general, we are talking about world history.
Universal History is an overview of all the relevant facts. A particular phenomenon (one manifestation ecologist in a village, for instance) is related to a whole, with a stream of ideas that affect the whole of humanity.
Among historians there is a general consensus on what have been the major stages of world history: Prehistory, Ancient Times, Middle Ages, Modern Age and Contemporary Age. Each period has its defining elements: technology, prevailing ideas, forms of government, religious expressions, etc. The process of changing these and other factors will set the course of world history.
There is agreement on steps that shape and define the Universal History, but there is the same criterion on which elements are the most important as engines of history. According to some historians, technology is the key element. For others, the organizational forms policy are crucial. Some analysts emphasize the social model of an era.
Regardless of the relevant factor explaining the great changes in world history as a whole, it is clear that an era has coordinates (ideas, religion, technical progress, society...). All this interacts with certain harmony. Think of the Old Age, a period where there is a thought magical because science has not developed.
Universal History presents the most significant strokes, those events that were a symbol of a stage of humanity. This is what happened with the French Revolution of 1789. Its impact was such that marked the beginning of the Contemporary Age.
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foundation › Definition and Meaning

The word foundation we use extended mode in our language as a synonym for the word argument, that is, the foundation would be the reasoning used in support of an issue, to convince someone of something, or failing to demonstrate a situation.
Almost everything we do or say have a reason for being, as often it is necessary to explain, express why they did something or said such a thing, then, it is where the appear foundations that have the mission to explain one reason or justify or prove something, or because it was decided to act that way rather than another in a given situation.
If someone acts before a fact without motivation of his reason, that is, rather makes an impulsively without thinking of anything, be said to be acting without foundation. Now when a person acts mobilized hundred percent reasons, motivations, may I explain why in a given situation decided to do so, providing precisely fundamentals that explain this action.
On the other hand, the fundamentals are used when we want to explain why we decided to take this or that position in fact.
But the word in question also has other references that we also use in our language, but yes, not so much as just mentioned sense.
If you want to talk about the Primara cause or basis of something it is usually expressed in terms of foundation.
Usually when studying a subject, a science, a sport, among others, the first thing you do is check the root causes that mobilize and stand and call it precisely addresses fundamentals.
For example, football has several technical bases that must be known and managed because those who deploy the sport.
And the other reference that can be attributed to the word is synonymous with concepts like formality and seriousness. So yes formality meant someone present or absence of this will say that this or that have or have no basis.
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