Versatile › Forgiveness › Version › Promise › Animosity › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. versatile
  2. forgiveness
  3. version
  4. promise
  5. animosity

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

versatile › Definition and Meaning

The term versatile is used extendedly in our language when you realize that someone or something to fit any situation, even the most dissimilar. Also when something has several utilities say it is versatile.
That facility may have a person in adapting to environments, contexts, situations, jobs, among others, undoubtedly, is taken as a huge quality and advantage over others who do not.
And this is basically because today more than ever we live in a society that is constantly changing, and that the rotund and rapidly changing new technologies have much to do and then have this feature will be an advantage that will allow the person easily adapted, for example to change a phone cell having a degree of complexity higher in its management.
The versatile individual can respond to various stimuli and also adapts quickly and satisfactorily to different contexts, can live in Argentina today and tomorrow in Germany without changing culture affecting them.
For instance, in all work environments it is greatly appreciated to those employees who are recognized this quality.
Moreover, the concept is used, although to a lesser extent, to say that this or that has a very changeable, fluctuating nature. We use the word in this sense really just because the front is carried in our language is the term of ciclotímico, with which mean exactly the same.
People with versatile or character are ciclotímico this particular feature that we mentioned quite unpredictable, since it is not known how they can respond to a situation, a comment, among other issues.
The versatile guy today can feel at ease and comfortable with a morning person, get up, meeting her in the same circumstances and not directly say hello because it upsets.
This unpredictability, when recognized and known by its surroundings undoubtedly can play a trick as it is normal that when people appreciate such behavior decides not to get too close to these people, looking directly affected his life Social.
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[ 2 ]

forgiveness › Definition and Meaning

Forgiveness is the act by which we express someone apologize for our mistakes or admit the failure of the other and accept your apology. In communication there is a link between sender and receiver and in the case of forgiveness can ask or may be accepted.
It often happens that we make mistakes in our behavior, which cause discomfort or offense to other people. If we are aware of the damage caused, we have the obligation moral to apologize. It is a request that is requested to try to repair the harm caused. In these cases, we say excuse me or I apologize, hoping to be accepted, thereby restoring the relationship between the two.
In the opposite case, when we are offended, it is the other who can ask our forgiveness and we accept it or not. In either direction, forgiveness expresses regret.
Forgiveness involves a high ethical sense, whether we forgive as if we are forgiven. If forgiveness is sincere, it means that the offense or action that caused the discomfort aims eliminated. It would be like a verbal agreement between two individuals.
In a religious sense, forgiveness becomes more solemn meaning. In fact, in the Catholic religion the believer is forgiven by the priest in the act of confession, which is one of the main sacraments, along with marriage, baptism and others.
In other religions there is also the phenomenon of forgiveness, but in another sense. An example is the Buddhist religion, belief that believes that we must eliminate negative ideas. To achieve this, forgiveness is a very useful mechanism, to be a way that eliminates the inner discomfort we may have as a result of an offense received.
The meaning of forgiveness is applied in ordinary life, in the religious sphere and also in a political sense. When a government takes the decision out of jail political prisoners (as happened in Spain after the period of Franco 's dictatorship), they are granting amnesty, which is a synonym for forgiveness. Something similar happens with the laws endpoint, where a government makes the decision
to exculpate certain crimes committed with intent to destroy a problem.
In popular parlance there are a number of expressions related to forgiveness: I forgive but not forget, you have to know how to forgive, etc. These phrases indicate that forgiveness is a universal mechanism and is something characteristic of the human being, the world ancient or contemporary, of Eastern or Western culture.
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[ 3 ]

version › Definition and Meaning

One version is the way each person will have about the same event observed.
And not all individuals are equal, or think the same is that for example a single fact may have hundreds of versions, as many people have appreciated.
Every person who observe will appreciate based on their experience, their way of thinking, among other issues, and then create your own version of that fact or subject, which may or may not coincide with that of another, but it indicated that it will beyond their own version there is an agreement or not.
For example, in the observation of an accident, a control may provide a version indicating guilty the vehicle driver and moreover another witness blame the pedestrian.
In these cases where versions of the same event are opposed you will be needed more skills and also witness statements in order to clarify which version is the one that comes closest to the truth.
And this situation we can move all levels, areas and events, as it is very common that each have its own version of a fact and that is diametrically opposed to that of another.
In the field of journalism is very often against a fact or situation that transcends but whose protagonists for example have not come out to confirm or deny the same multiple versions arise and then journalism does is make known all the versions circulating for people based on their knowledge and experience make him the best closing.
Now, in this sense often the versions that are made public by the media are inaccurate, then the protagonists find it very difficult to erase the popular imagination. As honest is that the media do know when information is checked with sources and when you are facing versions to be confirmed with stakeholders.
In the art, especially in music, in cinema, literature, turns out to be a common practice that some musicians, authors, directors make a new interpretation of such a song or a performance already recorded or acted by another artist, usually large renown.
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[ 4 ]

promise › Definition and Meaning

A promise is a commitment that takes one person to another through the floor to engage in fulfilling a particular action. There are different types of commitment, for example, a friend may promise not to tell another secret that has revealed him in the sphere of privacy. Similarly, a marriage is promised fidelity and respect the day of his wedding. A promise is a gesture of love for a person that you value truth, therefore, you give your word.
A promise is a gesture that comes from freedom personnel who freely agrees to do something concrete for someone else. A promise can never arise from external coercion because it is an act that emerges from the depths of the heart.
The value of the word
a promise, emotional level, can have the same value as a contract but is not signed. When a person commits firm to another, the recipient of that promise takes the oath as an absolute truth. Unfortunately, as humans are imperfect and limited, often also they break their promises. In that case occurs disenchantment staff, sadness, feelings of being betrayed, thinking negative and angry.
Pacts on which one has to take responsibility
for example, through an infidelity a married person breaks his promise of fidelity in marriage made. Before making a promise, it is very important to be aware that words have a direct impact, therefore, have to take responsibility for the expectations that you generate in others. If you are not willing to meet these expectations, then an assertively not promise anything you're not willing to comply because no one forces you to do so.
Being aware of the value of a promise is an act of maturity that is acquired through experience. Children are unaware of the value promise something. Of all possible promises, the greatest expression of love is that of the fathers to their children they love them unconditionally with a love that is the greatest of the promises of faith and hope.
Nuncar promise something you can not keep
In conclusion, do not promise something you know you're not going to comply because a relationship breaks the rhythm of unfulfilled promises. Instead, a relationship is strengthened through firm promises. A promise has value for eternity, if you promise something, it's forever.
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[ 5 ]

animosity › Definition and Meaning

Animosity is a negative feeling that someone or a group feel about another or others and is characterized by the presence of a great antipathy is intended precisely to that person who arouses animosity.
For instance, when someone does not want another and manifests saying or giving certain gestural samples, say that you have animosity that person.
We can say that the animosity is equivalent to dislike, the grudges and enmity and therefore is often used synonymously with these words, which incidentally happen to be most commonly used the word to refer animosity that feeling.
Usually perceived animosity or decodes through various actions or more than one fraught with animosity situation. By this we mean that to speak or declare someone animosity against something or other we should have already recognized over a spirited, nasty or unpleasant one for another action.
Animosity is easy to detect because it can be seen in gestures such as lack of attention or expression of disgust on his face and other gestures. And the bad and contrary comments can recognize the animosity.
You can hardly talk of animosity from one person to another if there was a poor response or wrongdoing of it to another only. Now, when there are many contrary actions of an individual against another, and even more, they are free, ie, generated no cause deserving, then there yes we can talk of animosity, no doubt.
With an example we will see clearer... A teacher in every class calls to lesson the same student, because he has between his eyebrows because one day you answered wrong and this is added that always he handles the realization of special work, very difficult, we will be able to state that the teacher has an animus against that student.
It should also let us note that rejection or little sympathy that characterizes animosity not only against a person, it may also be directed towards somewhere, an idea that has had a bad experience or because it is not shared, respectively.
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