Verification › Veracious › Stealth › Habitual › Snow › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. verification
  2. veracious
  3. sTEALTH
  4. habitual
  5. snow

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

verification › Definition and Meaning

Verification is an action that leads someone out on a mission to prove that something or someone is genuine or they say and represent the truth.
Many things, objects and even people are suffering a plausible verification process.
For people it is customary before entering a public or private building major are asked to verify their identity, usually through keys, fingerprints, among other modalities in this regard.
Some objects or luxury goods, as in the case of signed jewelry, watches, furniture and clothing, are usually verified before being acquired by an individual or by an auction company before being resold or auctioned, just to emphasize the which it holds particular value for being a limited part of an author or original signature that entails.
This work is done by experts in the field, not always who acquires or resells antiques knows the value they hold all the pieces you buy and why is that when any important piece arises of which is in question calls for a specialist to endorse or deny its value.
Because obviously, in verifying its authenticity or will not be the reseller business.
The same applies if an individual who acquires want to determine for sure without doubt whether the piece takes is one hundred percent real.
But verification is present in many contexts and areas as noted and where it is also common to find it is in the investigacióncientífica, since verification of a fact instances of this kind of research proves to be an impossible way of obviating if you want to try or disprove a theory.
Cars circulating in the usual city traffic and the works of construction are also plausible to receive special check to ensure that both cars and buildings enjoy a satisfactory performance in no way put in danger to the public.
Moreover, the concept is used to show that this prediction that a person duly stated fulfilled. The rise of the dollar implies verification of the comments made by journalist channel 13.
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[ 2 ]

veracious › Definition and Meaning

In many aspects and levels of our life we give a fundamental value to the truth, because the truth involves the real, the authentic, sincerity, which is not faked, lied or misrepresented.
When going with the truth in every way and making as a way to behave in life is known to have a real existence and true that if you opt for the opposite: pretend, lie, pretend.
Closely linked to the concept of truth appears true, that is a word that we use in our language when we say that something is true or meets all the conditions to be and is poised to that.
In life we encounter countless events, events and stories that tell us our relatives, friends, relatives and even strangers, meanwhile, some the can frame flat as a true story because the conditions that form are categorically true or because we checked with other sources involved their veracity.
However, there will be others that have or propose facts based on lies and although it is sometimes easy to detect, if one account is someone who has our confidence can happen to believe him anyway and fall into a trap.
It is very important to determine through various elements when a story is true story or not to fall into deception or add to our transmission to the spread of lies, which usually hurt someone.
Either because he suffered first - person cheating or failing because it is saying something that is not true about him; there is always someone who suffers when a lying story that concerns counted.
Moreover, in the context of the tevé, cinema, literature and theater it is habitual that we find representation or story, as appropriate, of stories that are described as true, precisely because they are based, inspired in real facts and they are not the product of the genius of a writer.
Usually these stories arouse particular interest in the public, which is especially moved to know the details of facts which were duly publicized and whose protagonists existed in reality beyond fiction.
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[ 3 ]

sTEALTH › Definition and Meaning

The concept of caution we apply when a given situation that imposes respect and prudence reserves by circumstances or persons involved must act justly observing that all these attitudes.
We also use it to refer to the way in which we act or behave when we do not want anyone to know something, then it is best to go unnoticed mobilize demurely and ability to be not be seen or heard.
If for example I left home at night without my parents realize it, to attend a party, I will have to re-enter the house with extreme caution so as not to wake up, see me and a fight breaks out.
Moreover, thieves, or who perform some activity or unlawful action should move this feature very carefully, with great restraint, cunning, skill and care, not to be heard or fish in fragranti and not to arouse suspicion.
If a person commits an act of corruption should never comment loudly boast all or who does not correspond to it, because of course, the news would spread and be discovered by this illegal action.
Then, all of the above is easy to deduce that caution is an action or behavior that arises almost spontaneously in person before the detection of a danger imminent that usually consists of being discovered or detected in the commission directly to an act morally corresponds or which is not legal.
It is also important to mention that the concept in question is often linked with that of prudence.
Prudence anyway and goes far beyond your disposal involves a virtue that moves the person who observes to act and behave in a fair, balanced and obviously with caution and reservations that the case proposed manner.
Beyond what the motive that leads us to act with caution or prudence, it is important to point out that it is more advisable to act in this way to do it in reverse order, with imprudence, for surely, either we or a third party, always, someone will be harmed by an action without caution.
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[ 4 ]

habitual › Definition and Meaning

Something is common when it happens regularly. An event can be exceptional and rare. If the same event is repeated in a large number of occasions, it becomes habitual. Thus, it opposes usual exceptional. If something is common it does not attract attention. It is a common and widespread. But if the usual features a new look, yes it will catch our attention.
Habitual stands for current majority, frequent. We are familiar with events that repeat and say that we are accustomed.
Our customs are also daily and regular. That's why we talk about habits, those habits that we practice assiduously. In this sense commonplace is unsurprising and, therefore, involves a certain boredom. And normal is precisely the succession of unusual circumstances.
Psychologically we need to escape normal because we have the impression that everything has been repeated so often it takes an incentive that encourages us something different. And we do unusual things in order to live different sensations. There are people who do not seek new sensations, like their routine, regular life and does not incorporate different habits easily.
This unusual mechanism which is used by advertising because the ads through powerful messages are issued, different from what usually happens. Something similar happens in the news, which appear striking news
that deviate from the ordinary and normal.
Any novel element has a difficulty to assimilate. We need a period of adaptation to new jobs or situations. This situation intensely live newcomers to a country, foreigners. They are not used to their surroundings, everything is different and your curiosity is permanently activated. You will need to take time to go adapting to the customs of the new country. When it succeeds, it will be installed in other normal. It is what normally happens. It is customary.
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[ 5 ]

snow › Definition and Meaning

Snow is undoubtedly one of the most characteristic and own weather events of the winter season, which is precisely where snowfall occurs in large quantities and regularly.
However, it is important that we emphasize that not all parts of our planet when it is winter but the phenomenon indicated that it is common in those near the poles and sectors where industry very, very low minimum temperatures occurs.
The phenomenon consists of icy water precipitated from clouds crystallized way with formatosímil to a snowflake. The typical coloring of the snow is white and so is that when a lot of snow on a land falls it will be covered by a white blanket.
Snow is a phenomenon that appeals to almost everyone. On the one hand, by the visual beauty that often results in those landscapes that are covered by snow and partly also by the entertainment involved, either playing with it, making snowmen or playing sports that need it, such is the if the traditional ski and snowboard newest and found many adherents in recent years.
Sports associated with snow awaken in the world a huge attraction and it is that in those places where the practice can be tourism itself and foreign dominates the scene. In peak season, when snow covers the place, usually found clogged tourists from early until late in the day ski pass the ski and snowboard. Las Lenas in Argentina or Aspen in the United States are two of the most important ski centers in the world.
Buuut there is a flipside as with any meteorological phenomenon that becomes intense at some point. And in the case of snow, when it is very dense and important may hinder the normal traffic of land vehicles and also of air, questions turn out to be basic for the normal development of the daily activities of any community.
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