Tutoring › Perpendicular › Gourmet › Caviar › Waffles › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. tutoring
  2. perpendicular
  3. gourmet
  4. caviar
  5. waffles

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

tutoring › Definition and Meaning

The term tutoring is preferably used in schools and refers to a set of actions promoted by a teacher, tutor. The tutor is set by the dynamics of mentoring.

The fundamental idea of mentoring

Within the planning of academic activity center responsible for organizing a specific session type, mentoring, in order to meet personal and family situation of students. Therefore, in mentoring not strictly academic subjects but all that can influence the process are addressed learning of students.
From a pedagogical point of view mentoring is an element that complements the academic dimension. In this regard, we must remember that at school age have to achieve some academic goals and, simultaneously, promote personal training of students.

Basics tutorial action

The tutor sets the rules of coexistence that should govern the daily lives of a group of schoolchildren. To make this possible the school has previously developed a general framework coexistence and disciplinary regime.
Common criteria for students to improve their habits as students are set in the time spent tutoring.
A fundamental aspect of any mentoring is to prevent any possible conflict situation between students (bullying, isolation problems or any other problems).

Tutorials should provide for contact with the student group and individual actions with each of them and their parents

The guardian must be in contact with teachers who teach different subjects to better understand the reality of his group of students.
For actions carried to term meet their goals, it is desirable to have a tutorial plan throughout the course academic. In the tutorial plan must establish a set of general goals and specific objectives.
In the practice of the tutorial issues such as tolerance, they addressed the dialogue, values that should guide the daily activities and improving human relations in general. To do this effectively takes term talks and discussions where students can express their problems in a climate positive and respectful.
Finally, mentoring must be understood within the socioeconomic context of the school and within the framework of law education in each country.
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[ 2 ]

perpendicular › Definition and Meaning

Two lines in a Cartesian plane may be coincident, parallel, perpendicular or intersecting. Thus, two lines are coincident when they overlap, since being fully match all common points. Two lines are parallel when they have points in common, that is, even that extend never be cut. Two lines are perpendicular when they have only one common point and, therefore, are cut at the point of contact.
Moreover, the perpendicular lines that meet at the point of contact forming four right angles (90 degree angles). Angles represented in two perpendicular lines is sufficient to indicate one which is made by a small picture and a point inside (in this way indicates a right angle or 90 degrees and the other three angles also have the same extent). Two lines are intersecting when cut, ie, have one thing in common, but no longer right angles are formed in the contact point.

Distinction between perpendicular and intersecting straight

As can be seen, the perpendicular lines are similar to those intersecting straight, but with a difference in relation to the angles (in the intersecting lines are at an acute angle and the other is blunt). This distinction is important, since sometimes the term perpendicular used inappropriately.


There is talk of perpendiculars and this implies that there is perpendicularity, a concept of geometry Euclidean or trigonometry flat for understanding the formation of some figures. For example, if we think of a triangle, rectangle, we have a figure with a right angle because her two perpendicular lines, as happens with square or rectangle appear.
Squareness is primarily a geometric concept and applies to all disciplines and realities. Thus, in the field professional of the drawing, the architecture or engineering lines are drawn perpendicular to the plane of a house, a street circuit, a road or a map of railway lines.
In everyday life, the same thing happens when we make a sketch or consult the map of a city. In short, the squareness exists to the extent that we are able to explain the space in its geometric dimensions.
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[ 3 ]

gourmet › Definition and Meaning

Gourmet is a French word that refers to the enjoyment of food and drink high quality and a high gastronomic value. Originally the gourmet French word expressing the idea of gluttony and used to refer to the gluttonous, but over time the term ceased to have a pejorative meaning and adopted its present sense.
The fact that the term comes from the French gourmet reminds us that gastronomy French has traditionally been considered one of the finest worldwide.

The term

In the gourmet culinary terminology the term is used in several ways. The person with refined culinary tastes called gourmet and would become equivalent to the sybaritic term (two words indicate that this is a person who loves good food and a considerable gastronomic culture).
Some establishments products and foods high value and high quality also known as gourmet shops. In this line, also it speaks of an experience gourmet, which implies that what is consumed is more than just a food. Thus, a person, a meal or a store can be valued as gourmet. In any of the various contexts in which the word is used gourmet referred to quality, exclusivity and high prices.

Among the issues gastronomic connoisseurs usually be some controversy over what is and what is gourmet artisan

Some believe they are opposing ideas and others understand that express the same concept.
Quite often the concept of gourmet is used as a strategy of marketing to convey an image of luxury and exclusivity. From a commercial point of view the concept of gourmet recipe is more attractive than the traditional recipe.

What it is to be a gourmet?

First, to be a gourmet must enjoy food in a broad sense, ie, as a treat for the senses, as a personal experience and understanding the action of eating not just from the point of nutritional or dietary view.
The person has a gourmet food culture and knows how to value a dish for its ingredients, its taste, its development and its history. His knowledge allow you to assess the excellence of a plate or a product (usually the gourmet delicatessem you are interested in the new trends in art and prevents industrial food and fast - food or fast food).
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[ 4 ]

caviar › Definition and Meaning

Caviar is how they are called sturgeon roe a saltwater fish spawning rivers and lakes in Europe and Asia. These eggs are considered a delicacy and are one of the food more expensive and exclusive in the world.
There are about 25 different varieties of caviar, but the most important are three: Belluga, Sevruga and Russian sturgeon. Substitutes are also sold lower quality facing a market with lower purchasing power.

Brief History of caviar

Although many people may think otherwise, caviar has not always been scarce commodity status and high price of today enjoys.
Introduced in Europe by a Russian navy in the eighteenth century, its use was popularized eventually coming to be a strong demand that decimated the population of sturgeons in the old continent.
However, in the second half of the nineteenth the production of caviar increased markedly in the United States, reaching the point that marketed at 55- kg and served in bars to stimulate consumption of beer. United States during this period became the leading exporter of caviar to Europe, surpassing even Russia.

And serves as caviar is taken

When eating caviar there are a number of recommendations on how it is to be served and what must be accompanied. First and foremost is to be served cold, and in a container that is preferably glass, metal and one can alter its taste. Said container must be placed on a base of ice to the product to maintain its temperature.
To serve him take a small portion and caviar gently deposited on a crisp base, either toast, biscuit or bread, smearing it as if it were paté, but without crushing. It is important that the accompaniment is not salty not to alter the original flavor of caviar.
On the other hand, the ideal to take with caviar drink is champagne or cava.
The characteristics that define a quality caviar are not overly fishy know that taste is not too salty, not too big balls, whole, and shiny.
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waffles › Definition and Meaning

A waffle is a type of very crispy cake, similar to the biscuit and having a division grids or grids. The term comes from waffle plates metal that was originally used to make the cake mold (the term which refers to the plates is called wafer and is a term of Dutch origin).
The waffles are cakes originating from the current Belgium, but have spread throughout the world as one of the most international desserts. In many countries they consumed for breakfast, for afternoon tea or as a snack.

The traditional recipe

Two beaten egg whites to soft peaks, one tablespoon of vanilla, two tablespoons of melted butter and a cup of milk: to prepare a waffle the following ingredients must be used temperaturaambiente. All these products are mixed in a bowl and whisk. At the same time, in another recent two cups of flour, a tablespoon of baking powder, two tablespoons of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt they are introduced and all remixed.
In a next step we must proceed to mix the ingredients of the two containers. Butter then put into a specific tool with a grid and acts as a press, the waffle maker. Finally, mix a cup of previously prepared the waffle iron and thus a crisp waffle is getting ready to eat standing.

Different variants of waffles

One of the attractions of this cake is its versatility. Thus, the waffles can be combined with ice cream, fruit, chocolate and coffee, with ginger and cheese, among many other recipes. There are savory waffles, integral light version, or filled with some sweet. Despite its variants, the most popular is the waffle or waffle Brussels, also known as Belgian Waffle (the Belgians take hot and sprinkled with cream or sugar).

Belgian pastries and desserts globalization of national

The fans of the Belgians by the confectioner makes for a certain rivalry in the preparation of waffles between some cities (the inhabitants of Liege consider their waffles are better than in Brussels).
The tradition repostera the Belgian people is not limited to waffle, because we must not forget other tasty desserts typical of this country, like bread pudding, rice cake, the famous Belgian chocolate, mattentaart (pie pastry) or the speculoos (a very popular cookie in some regions).
Finally, it should be noted that the waffle for dessert with international projection serves to recall some of the national desserts that have achieved global expansion, such as ice cream or Italian tiramisu, brownie US alfajores Argentina or daikufu mochi in Japan.
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