Toboggan › Expresso Coffee-Capuchino › Thumbing-Pawed › Magic Hour › Customize › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. toboggan
  2. Expresso coffee-Capuchino
  3. Thumbing-pawed
  4. Magic Hour
  5. customize

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

toboggan › Definition and Meaning

A slide is basically an inclined ramp designed to jump on it. This kind of contraption is geared to children 's entertainment, as the smaller slide down the slide surface from an elevated position and during the course reach a speed that is exhilarating and fun.

In urban playgrounds, swimming pools and snow

The slide is typical of most recreational playgrounds element, especially those located in the areas of entertainment cities. Normally this device is made of some kind of plastic, wood or metal that allows adequate slip. The dimensions of the slides are important and, as a general rule, the smaller ones are aimed at younger children. In some parks are called ends slides, whose main characteristic is the high speed is reached.
At water parks slides have become the main attraction. Jump on one of them is an experience exciting, as well as speed, cornering and movement reciprocating sliding at the end of one impacts with pool water. To make them more attractive, it is common to receive some suggestive name, like the whirlwind, lightning or kamikaze.
This form of entertainment is also presented in the snow. In fact, some sliding tracks for sleds are released which are known as slides.

The etymological and historical origin

The word comes from the English word slide Toboggan that, in turn, comes from the French tabagagne. However, his real remote origin is neither English nor French, but the language Micmac tribe speaking a native of Canada with the same name. The Micmac were accustomed to jump on snow covered natural ramps. This habit was imitated by the French and English colonists settled in Canada and the idea of natural ramp adapted to the contraption they know today as slide.

The slide effect

In certain situations a change of intense and variable speed occurs and when this happens is talk of "slide effect". Such an effect may refer to a sudden change in temperature, to variations in market securities or other circumstance in which there is a sudden and sudden alteration.
In this regard, the effect of a slide serves as a metaphor to illustrate other situations and activities.
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[ 2 ]

Expresso coffee-Capuchino › Definition and Meaning

Coffee is a drink with a dimension global. Its origin must be placed in the current Ethiopia. The Arabs were the ones who began to cultivate it. The Dutch were devoted to their export at the time of the colonies. In the humid highlands of Latin America are the most famous plantations. However, if we talk about the expresso coffee and cappuccino, its origin is in Italy.


Mode espresso coffee is the most concentrated and made from a few grams of coffee are subjected to high pressure. It has a characteristic appearance, namely an ocher color with golden hues on top, a creamy appearance and a strong flavor. As for its appropriate measure, experts believe it has to be an ounce. To achieve its unique taste is important to follow a series of steps in its development :
1) keep the coffee beans freshly roasted
2) place the coffee already ground in a completely clean filter holder and properly press it with a tamper, 3) place the filter holder loaded in expresso coffee machine and wait a few seconds for the liquid finally fill the cup.
There are several types of expresso depending on the processing time good short or ristretto or lungo or long.

cappuccino is a mixture of coffee and milk and is made from expresso

For milk will supply all the expresso qualities it must be subjected to a temperature determined which gives it its characteristic sweetness (the final temperature need not exceed 65 degrees).
Italy is the original homeland of both types of coffee. Mostly men prefer women expresso and cappuccino opt for. This distinction has a very precise historical origin, as the aroma of expresso was formerly considered sinful for women and could not take it. Thus, the Capuchin monks invented the cappuccino thought of the population female. In this sense, the Italians say the cappuccino symbolizes the idea of a marriage ideal, as the expresso represents the male part with its strong character and milk provides the feminine dimension with its sweetness.

The barista is the professional who is dedicated to developing high-quality coffee

The barista is a knowledgeable expert in the world of coffee. A good barista is one who knows its history, its culture, its manufacturing technique and all the secrets so that customers enjoy the aroma of this unique beverage.
Moreover, the barista knows how to combine the different types of coffee with other ingredients (liqueurs, fruits, chocolates or essences) and find the perfect mix between the different types of coffee (in the Barista coffee blends with different qualities are known to the term blend).
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[ 3 ]

Thumbing-pawed › Definition and Meaning

Fondle action indicates that someone uses his hands repeatedly for a purpose. As for its use in everyday language it is used in several contexts: when repeatedly touches something, when a sexual approach or type is done in a figurative sense.

Children and the blind grope things need to know them

Children have a natural curiosity and this pushes them to touch everything around them as a mechanism of interaction with reality. The handling of objects provides useful information. You could say that touch on children is a basic form of knowledge. Over time, child touch exploration is decreasing.
Blind people have the habit of fondling what is within reach. This attitude has basically two reasons: a natural curiosity to know what is around it and a need to identify the objects to be used.

Fondling with sexual connotations

The sense of touch plays an important role in the foreplay and sex in general. If the sex is consensual touching, it is a pleasant and stimulating action. However, an unwanted when someone, usually a woman, is a victim of aggressive fondling fondling occurs. Fondling or groping a woman as a form of sexual approach is an aggression physical, harassment and a gesture of bad education. Pawing culture is part of the tradition macho and has a certain resemblance to other behaviors such as erotic kind compliments to women or sexist language.


In the Spanish spoken in Argentina and Uruguay fondling the term to mean that belittles used dignity of another person. On the other hand, when a concept improperly and repeatedly employed and you lose your true sense thumbed talk about concepts.
Some examples of this phenomenon could be the following: the idea of solidarity, the concept of freedom of expression understood as if all opinions have the same value or disproportionate use of certain buzzwords and wild cards in everyday language.

The word hand

Hand comes from the Latin manus and is an etymological root that is very present in the language. Thus, terms such as manufacturing, handlebars, manifesto, manual or manuscript remind us that the signifier hand has a strong presence in our vocabulary commonly used.
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[ 4 ]

Magic Hour › Definition and Meaning

The concept of magical hour has nothing to do with paranormal phenomena or fairy tales. It is actually a name used by photographers and filmmakers to refer to two special times during the day: the brief moment before dawn as the sun sets before it gets dark. Therefore, strictly speaking there are two magical hours and are not really exactly two hours, because their duration is less than 60 minutes.

Why is it important magical time for photographers and filmmakers?

During this short period of time optimal light conditions for these professionals are produced. The light features allow capture images with a golden hue and intensity singular not found at other times of the day. In this sense, the magic hour (sometimes called golden hour) is ideal to find images to air free or urban scenes. Connoisseurs say that the red tones are not suitable images as they become brown by the lighting effect.
The images included in the magic hour are suggestive that transmit sensations and subtle ideas: a melancholy atmosphere, a certain splendor, a touch of warmth, a peculiar beauty and the view of time as something fleeting. And all accompanied by an implicit and mysterious idea the presence of silence. These components make the magic hour in a dimension fascinating time to suggest that emotions intense observer.

Meaning of daylight hours

From the point of view of astrology the exact time in which we are born has an impact on our destiny as individuals. From the perspective of numerology, certain times are spiritual type signals (eg, 11:11).
From an approach purely subjective, each person has their "magic hour", ie, the time of day you feel better. In this regard, we biorhythms some people are diurnal and have more energy at dawn, while others feel better at night (the former are called larks and second owls, as these birds are day and night respectively).
Daylight hours are associated with various ideas for whites from 9 to 17 hours duration of the day is indicating labor, 11 may be coffee time at work, there are specific times for meals every culture and there is also inopportune times when it is inappropriate to call someone.
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[ 5 ]

customize › Definition and Meaning

The objects we buy are made usually in series. So, if we buy a shirt or shoes, hundreds or thousands of other people will have exactly the same. Despite this standardization of everything around us, it is possible to incorporate changes to objects in order to adapt to our style staff. This process is called customizar. In this sense, one could say that customizar is the same as customize. In popular terminology, this fashion is often accompanied by a representative slogan, "do it yourself" or do it yourself.

In the fashion sector

Probably the fashion world is where people speak more than customizar. Customizing clothing is based on the creativity and ingenuity. Think of a simple jeans and different alternatives to suit our personal taste (they could unpick low pants, make an original broken, sewing patches or fabrics on them and endless possibilities).
You can customize a garment for many reasons: to make it more fun, to update the old clothes that is not used, to differentiate themselves from others or as a simple pastime.

Means of transport

Loa cars, motorcycles or bicycles can also be decorated with new elements. If we talk about the term most used cars is not customizar but tunear, but both express the same idea.

In the world of marketing

Trademarks sometimes need to customize their products and services. Therefore, they seek that what they sell can be adapted to the style of their customers.
This strategy have put in motion some brands of sneakers, offering the possibility that the client write your name on them, change the original colors or incorporate a decorative element. With this business strategy, companies seek a customer to become a fan.

The need to feel unique and different

Nobody likes to feel like a normal person, who dresses like others and their way of life is the same as that of millions of individuals. Somehow, fashion customizar is related to the need to reassert ourselves as individuals.
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