Tmesis › Machining › Ice Cream › Pescetarian › Cosplay › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. tmesis
  2. Machining
  3. ice cream
  4. Pescetarian
  5. Cosplay

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

tmesis › Definition and Meaning

In written language, especially as used in the poetry, the used figures of speech in order to provide a dimension aesthetic language. The various figures show a division into categories.
There are repeat as anaphora, which alter the usual syntactical order as hyperbaton, the omission as ellipses or figures of thought as metaphors.
For emesis or enjambment lexicon, it is a literary device that originated the grecolatina poetry and is within the group of figures position. As for its original meaning, tmesis comes from Greek and means to cut or separate.

main idea and illustrative examples

It is to separate a word or phrase into two parts to introduce between them one or more words. It is also called enjambment lexicon because the word is starting and, therefore, the word that is introduced is a horse of which have been separated. This figure is intended to adduce comicidad language.
It is frequently used in some songs to get some originality in the letter. It is also used to emphasize an idea from a perspective different. Ultimately, this figure of speech can break a word into two halves and thus an original and innovative concept is created. In any case, the tmesis or enjambment can be abrupt or smooth.
So in "soft hard mind" bisects the word gently and introduced hard to create a contrast effect, because it speaks of something soft and hard at the same time. This resource language allows play with words, such as "I'm crazy crazy for you" (in this case the phrase "to be crazy about someone, " an English word that means just crazy and with it an idea brings introduced more shocking).

Other position tropes

Hyperbaton is to alter the logical and normal words forming a sentence order. So, instead of saying "Luis was now to ride for snails" might read: "Luis to ride for snails was today." With this figure the expression seems most noble and original.
The Anastrophe is to reverse the usual order of successive words, such as "God helps those who pass the ammunition" for normal use would be different (praying to God and giving the deck).
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[ 2 ]

Machining › Definition and Meaning

The machining process refers to the various techniques of industrial processing of metals. In this sense, it is a process that is part of the sector metal and mechanics.
The main idea of the machining is to convert a piece of metal in an industrial part. For operations in which it is removed and the material changes are made. Thus, an ingot or metal bar may be altered using any technique, such as machining or abrasion. This system parts are produced in all sizes, shapes and functions.

Different forms of machining a metal

For metal cutting tools in metals such as lathe, milling, turning and electrolytic machining they are used. The traditional machine in this sector is the parallel lathe.
The helical machining is a technique for manufacturing helical - shaped objects, such as corkscrews, drills, milling tools or toothed.
Abrasion machining is wear of metal parts that are not fused, as occurs with forged steel or some welds.

Machining history dates back to the Stone Age

The first stone tools were obtained by carving or polishing and thus spearheads, ornaments or arrows were made. When humans abandoned nomadism and introduced agriculture, they began to make tools through cooking.
In so-called metal age casting techniques metal, especially copper began. It was not until the industrial revolution in the eighteenth century when there was the next hop quality in the machining process.
The invention of steam and new energy allowed subsequent development of the steel industry. Despite the undeniable scientific advances, different machining techniques remain the same: carving, cutting, drilling and lathing materials.
In summary, the various machines and tools used in machining avoid human effort and allow you to create all kinds of parts.

A single screw

Some screws can withstand several tons, as occurs in the metal bridges or wind turbines. Most of them are made from a hardened alloy steel and carbon and are then heat treated to be resistant materials. A screw for various machining processes are used. Among them we can emphasize the cold forging or filleted to form the thread.
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[ 3 ]

ice cream › Definition and Meaning

Ice cream is a universal food that is prepared from a few basic ingredients: whipped cream, water, sugar and sweeteners to give it a certain flavor. After mixing these ingredients, it proceeds to pasteurisation and final cooling phase.
It is a refreshing, creamy and ideal for consumption during the summer product. It presents sizes, shapes and flavors and no water or sherbet, milk and cream. From a nutritional standpoint, it has a high caloric level. The list is practically endless flavors, but the most popular are lemon, chocolate, strawberry and vanilla.
As for their preparation, there are two types, home or using an ice cream machine. The discipline cuisine that is responsible for its development is the ice cream parlor and the craftsman who manufactures is the ice cream.

A product associated with childhood

Being a very refreshing, sweet and product all kinds of flavors, ice cream is very appealing to young audiences. In fact, ice cream parlors are decorated with vivid colors and an atmosphere that connects to the tastes of children.
From a scientific point of view, the success of ice cream among children has an explanation: its consumption active exorphins in the brain and this creates a feeling of comfort and pleasure.

A historical note

Its exact origin is unknown, but it is very likely that the first ice cream was the result of cooled drinks with ice or snow brought from the mountains. The frozen drinks are the background gourmet ice cream. China is believed that the first recipe appeared and then spread to India, Persia, Greece and Rome. Originally it was a food intended for the top, because the masses had no means available for cooling.
When Marco Polo returned from his travels in Asia brought millenary recipes that soon became very popular in the Italian courts. Subsequently, the Italian gelato masters of the seventeenth century began selling "gelato" a street vendor in a short time this product was known throughout Europe and America.

In 1846 the American Nancy Johnson invented the first automatic ice cream maker

In the late nineteenth century in France were the first machines to homogenize the ice and thereafter the history of industrial ice cream shop began. Currently there are two major modes of this product: American and European. American ice creams are usually more fatty and dense. United States, Canada and New Zealand are the countries that consume them.
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Pescetarian › Definition and Meaning

Experts in nutrition recommend following a diet varied so that the body has all kinds of nutrients. This recommendation is based on one fact: we are omnivores and therefore can and should eat all kinds of food to keep us healthy. However, some people move away from this approach and decide to follow another type of diet. Some resignation from the consumption of meat and converted to vegetarianism. One of the possible variants of vegetarianism is the pescetarianismo.
Thus, those who practice this embodiment is a food Pescetarian. The foundation of this food choice is simple: eat vegetables, legumes and fruits and at the same time, all kinds of seafood.

general profile of Pescetarian

Usually people with this type of diet have a strong interest in health. In some cases they give up meat to lose weight. As a general rule, they replace meat by fish temporarily in order to adapt your body to a totally vegetarian or even vegan diet. With this transition, the body continues to receive protein and health does not suffer. Some pescetarianos include eggs in their diet and dairy products.
The main reason why some people become pescetarianas is ethical because they believe that eating animal flesh involves a form of violence towards animals. This approach is considered contradictory by some as fish, shellfish and seafood are also animals. Despite this apparent inconsistency, the pescetarianos understand that they are semi-vegetarians.

Supporters of the pescetarian diet believe that this power has many advantages

They claim that omega-3 fatty acids found in some fish are very healthy for several reasons: lowers cholesterol and strengthens the heart and brain. Moreover, his supporters argue that this diet is more complete than the strictly vegetarian or vegan. In addition, this feed is broad and includes all kinds of flavors and nutrients.

Food is fashionable

Interest in healthy food has become a global phenomenon. In this line, foods have become popular until recently unknown, such as agave syrup, coconut sugar, quinoa, bimi, kefir or Chilean maqui berries. At the same time, there have been all kinds of diets: the blood group, the cabbage soup, magnetic, or so-called Zen miracle diets.
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Cosplay › Definition and Meaning

From the principles of humanity man she has fun dressing up. The actors in ancient Greece, the jesters in the Middle Ages or superhero costumes are an example. Today with the growing fame of the anime world and the animated characters, this ancient tradition has become a movimientocultural followed by thousands of followers.

Play fantastic universes

Cosplay designates the current fashion dress up cartoon characters, either anime, superheroes or video game characters. What characterizes this trend is the realism that can earn some costumes that after working hours, reproduce accurately the character chosen.
We must also clarify that there are two types of cosplays: those who are made in person and those acquired in any establishment costume. The latter can reach a high price depending on their resemblance to the character or supplements to present (hydraulic arms, lights, wigs...).
Although this trend exists throughout the world, its origin is in Japan, the birthplace of anime and cartoon characters. Japan is very common to find people dressed in the street, because it has worship these fictional characters.
On the other hand, at any concentration cosplay there is always a figure that repeats itself, the anime character.Thus, many anime characters are played in the world of cosplay and these are extracted from series and comics such as Naruto or One Peace.
Recently, with the advent of video games to the general public, the cosplay phenomenon also wanted to adapt the video game characters to their costumes. Thus, the characters in video games like League of Legends or World of Warcraff are reproduced with great accuracy.

Concentrations of cosplay

Like many other cultural currents and movements, cosplay has become commoditized in recent years. In cities around the world cosplay concentrations where people meet, share your hobby and you can enjoy these costumes are so realistic.
Quite often cosplay concentrations combined with concentrations of anime or manga. They merchandising, comics, video games, manga and cosplay are combined.
The most important concentrations of cosplay are located in Spain, in the Hall manga Expocomic Barcelona and Madrid.
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