Tires › Tiger › Typhoon Haiyan › Dairy › Perfume › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. tires
  2. tiger
  3. Typhoon Haiyan
  4. dairy
  5. Perfume

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

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tires › Definition and Meaning

The tire is a piece of toroidal shape and made from rubber, which is arranged on the wheels of various vehicles and machinery such as: automobile, truck, airplane, bicycle, motorcycle, machinery industry, trucks and cranes, among others.
Thanks to the tire, the vehicle or apparatus in question, adheres to the floor allowing starting and braking thereof.
In addition, the tires have threads that reinforce your body, meanwhile, by the management who hold can be classified into: radial, which are those used for cars today, meanwhile, layers of material diponen one on another straight. This brings to cover greater stability and resistance; the diagonal, the layers are placed precisely diagonally over each other; and the self - supporting layers are also on one another in a straight direction and also on the flanks. This gives strength to the cover but remains in terms of comfort and makes it more rigid. The most usual is its application in sports cars.
A physical characteristic of the tires is that they are registered its dimension, for example, if it appears registered the following legend 225 / 50R16 91W, this is read as follows: the first number corresponds to the sectional width from the edge of a other band; the second number implies height profile ; R realizes radial type; the next number is the measure of the circumference inside; the fourth number indicates the load to be given to the tire; and the final letter involve the speed it can reach. In the code the W refers speeds up to 270 km / h.
It should be noted that it is also often called deck or rim.
By the late nineteenth century, in 1888, the inventor of Scottish - born John Boyd Dunlop created the first air chamber airepara tricycle her young son who used this means of locomotion to go to school and had to face the streets very bumpy in Belfast. The advent of the tire facilitated a much softer proposing hitherto solid rubber tires walk.
Undoubtedly, the creation of Dunlop came at the right time because at that time the shuttle land was booming and clear, it came in handy.
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[ 2 ]

tiger › Definition and Meaning

The tiger is a carnivorous mammal belonging to the subfamily of panterinos, which in turn are part of the panthera genus. Porte has a prominent measured as approximately 1.80 m., Not counting his tail usually less than a meter long.
For case it is considered the largest cat in the world. His yellow with black stripes, both on the back and tail, and a white belly, is undoubtedly its most distinctive physical feature.
As often happens with panterinos, the tiger is an animal that has an important force muscular, very fast and a huge fitness for diving.
The tiger likes to live rather solitary and stands out as a good cat by its territoriality, that is, to defend this condition. You can live in forests but also in more open areas they are as savannas, and their main food are animals of smaller size as ungulate species called.
Females are smaller than males and as regards the territory covering larger areas account for males compared to females.
Another distinguishing feature derived from its condition feline is its ability to appreciate certain colors. Also his vision at night turns out to be very sharp through the membrane mirror available in your retina.
Like other felines like the jaguar, lion, leopard, tiger can roar, while this particular sound that humans cause panic can refer communication with other peers, proclamation of territory or jurisdiction by a female.
It is also good in the water and this allows you to dive into it to search for prey.
There are six subspecies of the Tiger: Tiger southern China, Amur Tiger, Sumatran tiger, Malayan tiger, Indochinese and Bengal tiger, which turns out to be the most numerous type since this subspecies constitutes 80% of tigers They inhabit the world.
It should be noted that the tiger is a species in danger of extinction and now mostly live in captivity.
In India and Bangladesh tiger has a huge national consideration and is considered the national animal.
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Typhoon Haiyan › Definition and Meaning

The Typhon named Haiyan that hit in recent days as it passes tremendously to the Philippines would be according to specialists in these phenomena the most impressive and overwhelming history. Because what takes measured at this point consisted of very strong winds which reached 315 kilometers per hour, even faster bursts of waves that topped 380 and six meters high and literally capped several cities.
By fact it is that the scale used to measure this type of unusual winds it has been classified at level 5, the highest on the scale.
Since 1979, 34 years ago, a typhoon not impacted the way it has done these days Haiyan. The podium was far Tip, who was able to deliver its strength in early October 1979 and especially affected Japan, in the region of Guam.
But Haiyan is also the protagonist of another sad record and certainly a bleak picture, because that has affected ten million people in the Philippines : ten thousand deaths, some believe the figure will increase with the passing of the hours and raking, hundreds injured and more than 600 thousand citizens who had to be moved because of the destruction caused Haiyan in their homes and places of residence.
The main obstacle facing the area devastated by Haiyan right now is the arrival of assistance since the infraestructuracomunicativa and access has been severely damaged, and of course, this makes it impossible for humanitarian aid being sent from various parts of the world comes with celerity. Even the airport was completely destroyed.
Virtually nothing left standing in the Philippine coastal town of Tacloban, Leyte capital since Haiyan tore houses rennet.
Other cities severely affected are Guiuan and Bacchus, especially the latter of 35 thousand inhabitants has fallen by 80% underwater.
Among the assistance announced stands and u na departure of 25 million Central Revolving Fund of the United Nations is intended for emergencies.
Now the warning has moved to China and Vietnam.
It should be noted that the typhoon is a characteristic cyclone that occurs on the eastern shores of Asia, noted for its huge virulence, some even compare it with the explosion of an atomic bomb by the devastating effect running its path. Wind speed shocking and extremely heavy rains are the companions of East Asian climate phenomenon.
It is in the tropics and subtropics, when the temperature of the sea is between 25 and 27 ° that is generated broth culture for the appearance of typhoon because perturbations generated mass air warm and humid. Then, at the request of the condensation of these masses hotter air will be drawn and will give way to a chain reaction. Air currents begin to rotate around with the anticlockwise direction by the rotation of the planet and thus drag the clouds of disturbances. Once the winds surrounding the disturbances become stable it gives way to the typhoon.
It noted that the central area of the typhoon is the quieter, meanwhile, what we might call walls is the most violent place where the wind is most felt.
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dairy › Definition and Meaning

The concept of milk used in our language to designate those products made from milk or derived therefrom, such as cheese, yogurt, butter, cream, to name the most consumed. For instance, is milk, nutritional secretion coming from the mammary glands of the cow, the main element used for manufacture of dairy products.
The products derived from milk are typically obtained through the fermentation and processing of milk once obtained.
Both milk and products derived from it are considered highly perishable and that fact is recommended meet the maintenance of cold chain once produced and until they reach the hands of consumers, who must also meet this obligation to preserve them.
They should always keep them refrigerated, ie the heleadera and also to strictly respect the deadlines that are part of their packaging. Also in this issue it is that the containers or packaging of milk have a design particular to protect the product in this regard.
One of the essential components of milk is lactose, a type of disaccharide present in a percentage ranging from 4 to 5% and is composed of glucose and galactose, ie, is the milk sugar. For humans to absorb lactose correctly they need to have an enzyme called lactase, which occurs in the small intestine. Now if the human body has little or no presence of lactase, lactose can not be assimilated and this can result in the person what is called lactose intolerance that is transferred to the dairy.
Since half of last century dairy products undergo a consumer massive hyper and this obviously has meant that the industry producing large - sized develops technologies to meet the huge demand in a timely manner. However dairy consumption is not today but is really ancient, dating back approximately eight thousand five hundred years ago. The roving tribes of the period Neolithic, once managed to domesticate animals such as goats and sheep began to use their products, including milk, and from it other derivative products appeared.
While it is a fact that most dairy we consume today comes from cows, it should be noted that milk from other mammals is also consumed in addition to the cow, such as goat, sheep, buffalo, camel and horse, but of course, in a minor amount.
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Perfume › Definition and Meaning

It is called with the term fragrance to that substance, either solid or liquid, which has been manufactured with the mission to emanate a pleasant odor to human noses. Normally we use fragrances to bring you a kind smell of a room, to a garment or ourselves.
From the oldest civilizations it has demonstrated the interest of human beings to smell good and penchant for enjoying good smells, proof of this is that in Sumeria, about three thousand years ago, the first perfumes were developed.
It should be noted that today the perfume is a very popular item for everyday use we give it. When we ended up switching to leave, either to work or perform any other activity, people, both men and women, we stand a few drops of perfume in various parts of the body, behind the ears, wrists, in order to smell better and enjoy better presence in the eyes of others.
But besides the typical perfume that people are used perfumes for environments, cars and clothes, which have the same mission clear that the perfume body : bring you a hyper pleasant scent into space or pledge in which they apply.
Today there is an offer stunning perfume not to mention how great has become the industry of perfumery to the variety of proposals. A classic perfume brands will have joined the stars of the music or the world of theinterpretation to draw their own lines of perfumes to bear their names, and major apparel brands have incorporated between their products proposed perfumes Your clients.
Also the word perfume is used to designate any odor that we find rich and pleasant, such as the smell of a fruit, the smell of a flower, among others. In this sense the perception of smell is pleasant as to whether or not rather subjective because it can be nice to one but may not be for anything else.
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