Textile Design › Metallurgy › Chard › Automotive › Cruise › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Textile Design
  2. metallurgy
  3. chard
  4. automotive
  5. cruise

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Textile Design › Definition and Meaning

The textile design is one area dedicated to the production of products regarding the textile industry, such as: threads, fibers, fabrics, etc., and are generally intended to produce other products that are marketed in other areas such as clothing and decoration.
On the other hand, the textile design also focuses on the development of what is known as technical textile, involving those fabrics that require elaboration super special because they are intended for use in areas such as medicine, engineering, architecture and the sport that just require unique characteristics adapted to the activities performed.
The textile industry is one of the sectors of the economy most important globally, not only because what they produce is consumed in very large quantities by the public and traders, but also for the huge number of people who are employed directly, and also indirectly, in industries ranging its pair such as clothing, spinning, drycleaning, couture and weaving, to name a few.
Undoubtedly, the industrial revolution was a hinge moment when the development of the textile industry. Meanwhile, among the most notable facts that joined favor of expanding the invention of counted flying shuttle, created in 1733 by Englishman John Kay and facilitating weaving cotton garments in large quantities and at a speed greater what was possible manually. Until then cotton was imported from India and was really complex to sustain the huge demand that was the same with the aforementioned imports were made and that did not come to meet the needs.
It should be noted that the pair began to develop other neighboring areas such as coloring, bleaching and printing. Not to mention the appearance of spinning machines and water machine.
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[ 2 ]

metallurgy › Definition and Meaning

The word metallurgy refers to that technique through which metals are obtained and also the preparation thereof by the minerals available. It should be noted that in pursuit of its mission, metallurgy is also responsible for studying the issue of alloys, to control the quality of all processes and corrosion.
The metallurgical process consists of several phases or stages: first is obtained metal from ore that has in its natural state, and separates it from the gangue, which is the name of the mixture of clay and silicates that found in the metal; then it proceeds to the purification thereof by removing any residual impurities that may be in the metal in question; It is followed with the development of alloys; and finally, as the case, metal treatments which depend on the product to be obtained are made.
There is a history of metallurgy from ancient times, for example, towards the end of the period Neolithic, men intervened copper, silver and gold, with blows, with the intention of leaving them flat as paper. Meanwhile, copper has been the first man worked material and this is closely linked to the possibility of finding in nature in its purest form.
With the passage of time they come more metalworking techniques, as in the case of lost-wax casting, tempered steel, welding, among others.
The man had need to create utensils and tools that assist him in carrying out different activities and also wanting to show off pieces that stand out, triggered this human desire to intervene metals.
On the other hand, the word is also used to refer to the disciplinaque deals with studying the properties exhibited by metals.
And the set of industries involved in the production of metals it is popularly known as metallurgy.
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chard › Definition and Meaning

Chard is a plant that is characterized by its bright green, large edible leaves and its highly developed midrib. Mostly it is cultivated with the mission to use as food meals, but you are also recognized health benefits.
Meanwhile, parts of it we eat are petiole and central nerves well padded sheet. And if not stopped growing it can be to eat full. However, if consumed after the time of growth stems often have a very bitter and unpleasant taste.
It belongs to the family known as Quenopodiáceas, the variety of Cicla and is a native of northern Africa and the countries located on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. There are two varieties, white and green and both have the same properties.
The use of chard really goes back in time, Roman, Greek and Arab civilizations used Meanwhile, the Arabs were the first to impose its culture and discover its healing benefits.
It noted that for successful growth and development needs chard temperate climatic conditions, typical of coastal areas or rather saline soils. While it is a biennial plant cultivation, it is normally cultivated annually.
Currently, the United States, is one of the leading producers of it, though, it should be noted that recently met her in the early nineteenth century. It also highlights in its production other countries such as: Spain, Italy, France, Holland, England and Belgium.
As with all green vegetables, chard is rich in vitamins A, C, B2 and minerals such as iron, potassium, sodium, phosphorus and calcium. In addition it stands out for its simple and quick digestion.
Now if you wonder what condition or disease is good chard tell you that it is very good at treating inflammation in the bladder, duodenum, hemorrhoids, sores, to combat constipation and as a diuretic. Also its consumption is usually very good for developing and maintaining active memory.
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[ 4 ]

automotive › Definition and Meaning

The concept of automotive used in our language to designate two issues that will be addressed in detail below.
On the one hand, it is used to refer to the study of machines that move through the action of a motor, as in the case of cars.
The car is one of the means of transport more popular and widespread throughout the world, since its inception in the late nineteenth century, when the engineer of German origin Karl Friedrich Benz invented. It is a vehicle propelled by an engine and stem thanks to the wheels available, and its basic parts: body, chassis, rack, tires, wheels, wheel, motor, gear shift, brake, steering and suspension. Meanwhile, gasoline, diesel and fuel gas are today used cars to get around.
While the aforementioned Benz is considered the father of the child, would the entrepreneur Henry Ford who in the early twentieth century a milestone in the production of automobiles by imposing the assembly that precisely facilitated the manufacture in series.
On the other hand the term is used to designate the industriaautomovilística, ie the industrial sector linked to automobiles.
It should be noted that the above industry ranges from the design of the car, development, manufacture, following the assembly of the parts, sales and repair and is one of the most important worldwide as a result of the enormous number of jobs It is generating directly, ie in the very factories and also indirectly by the impressive components industry walking its pair.
A measure dating from 2006 tells us that during that year worldwide there were more than 69 million cars. Among the major companies producing cars are: Toyota, General Motors, Volkswagen, Ford, Honda, Nissan, Fiat, Renault, Suzuki, BMW, Mazda, Chrysler and Volvo, among others.
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cruise › Definition and Meaning

The word crossing is used in our language to refer various questions.
One of the most common uses of the term is to refer to this adventure that is undertaken and is associated with a experienciaque is characterized by his courage and foresight, ie, at the crossing always happen events that are not expected or are not predictable such is the case of encounter with things, people, or fantastic situations that provoke an internal change in the person living it, and also in the conception which holds about you determine issues. For if the word is crossing it can be used as synonymous with the concept of adventure.
On the other hand, it is called journey to that part of a road that has been arranged in the metropolitan area population. Meanwhile, in the above procedure, cruise, which is for public use, will run cars. In turn, the crossing is connected to other streets.
Meanwhile, they differ from the expressways, so that steps just to have the same level, and roads, because they are not designed for motor traffic.
It should be noted that a community depends heavily on cruises because they are a means of access and movement for work, to study, among other activities.
On the other hand the word cruise is also widely used in our language to designate that trip is by boat or plane and that the characteristics of the vessel or aircraft and the route itself will involve an adventure. In other words, it will not be in any way a trip conventional in which traveling in a standard airplane, for example, and is shopping, museums are visited and resting comfortably in a hotel, but the journey is a journey unexpected situations which are expected because the location, terrain and climate to which it is directed is characterized by unforeseen conditions on these issues.
At extreme sports and adventure tourism is often referred to as the crossings.
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