Terror › What Is Tiger Milk › Avido › Chutney › Rational Numbers › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Terror
  2. What is Tiger Milk
  3. avido
  4. chutney
  5. Rational Numbers

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Terror › Definition and Meaning

Experience intense fear is called terror. The word fear has various synonyms in Spanish, such as horror, fright, dread, panic or fear.

The many faces of terror

The experience of terror is present in many ways. In fiction there are specific genres, film or literature of terror, whose primary characteristic is to create an atmosphere of panic in the viewer or the reader. In real life, the intense feeling of fear can live in many ways: the night terrors of children, threatening situations or extreme danger or in a context of violence or war.

In the world of dreams also we experience situations of dread and fear

Sometimes terror becomes a kind of game, as occurs with some children 's attractions or terrifying carnival costumes.
Terror is generally rejected by humans, except in those cases be part of the fiction or entertainment. However, acts that generate terror are a powerful tool to achieve certain objectives, as is the case with the actions of terrorist groups or mafias.
In a historical sense, terror is part of the universal history of mankind and in a special way in the wars, situations of exploitation, genocide or in some revolutionary processes (for example, during the French Revolution took place a stage as bloody and brutal which is known as the Terror).

The physiological mechanisms of terror

The physiological mechanism that activates terror in the brains of people and animals, particularly in the so - called limbic system. This system serves to regulate emotions and puts us on guard against panic situations.
The experience of extreme fear depends on a hormone, oxytocin. Activation of this hormone can react to that which produces terror and from this notice the individual can act in one way or another: escaping the danger that terrifies him, facing the fear or staying paralyzed.
From a physiological standpoint, horror situations produce a series of alterations: increased heart rate and blood pressure, increased metabolism cell and glucose and blood flows to the lower extremities to facilitate escape.
Terrifying experiences not only affect the body momentarily but can leave significant long - term psychological consequences.
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[ 2 ]

What is Tiger Milk › Definition and Meaning

If a Spanish, an Argentine or Uruguayan first heard the words "tiger 's milk" is very likely to think of milk obtained from a tigress. However, if the same words are spoken in Peru, the listener itself know its true meaning. In the food Peruvian, Tiger milk juice is used to flavor the ceviche, a fish or a combination of fish and seafood very typical of Peruvian cuisine.
In a distinctly humorous tone, Peruvians say the explanation for this curious term because when you take one becomes a tiger.

Milk Tiger in Peruvian cuisine

Most cooks Peruvian ceviche accompanying milk Tigre, a sauce or spicy cream that is an emblem of its gastronomy. This sauce is derived from hot peppers as the most characteristic ingriendiente. The chili is a yellow pepper and is one of the basic ingredients to make the sauce. The chili is what gives milk Tigre its singular they value the Peruvian spicy flavor.
Tiger for milk are used, besides pepper, a number of ingredients in their proper proportions: fresh coriander, lemon juice, onion, fish stock, garlic paste, oil, olive oil, salt and pepper. These products are suitably minced and placed in a bowl and then liquefy all until a white liquid reminiscent color of milk is obtained.
The next step is to add to the above mixture and all the fish is reliquefied. Finally salt, hot pepper and pepper is added and is ready Tigre milk for consumption. This add ceviche is spicy and refreshing at the same time.

Peruvian cuisine

Culinary connoisseurs consider issues that Peruvian cuisine is one of the most original and highest quality in the world. There are several reasons that may explain his international success. On the one hand, the quality of raw materials, especially fish and seafood, but without forgetting others like quinoa or variety of tubers. Moreover, Peruvian cuisine is the result of crossbreeding culture with Spanish, Japanese and Chinese (Chinese-Peruvian restaurants are known as chifas) cuisine.
Some of the signature dishes of traditional Peruvian cuisine are carapulcra (pottage of origin indigenous ), the tiraditos of fish, shrimp soup, rice with seafood, fries huancaína and, of course, the ceviche accompanied by milk Tiger.
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[ 3 ]

avido › Definition and Meaning

The avid or greedy adjective expresses the intense desire for something. So, if we say "my boss is eager for money" or "the team is hungry for victories" we are indicating that both the chief and the team have a strong desire. This intensity is comparable to the excitement by getting a goal. We say that we are eager about something when we have a momentum irrepressible pushing us towards what we want to achieve.
The avid adjective corresponding to the noun greed, which is a similar ambition, passion or feeling voracity. The opposite of greed idea would, therefore, indifference, apathy, discouragement or disinterest. Thus, greed and indifference would be two antagonistic concepts.

When we use the expression "I am eager to..." we are indicating that we are keen to do something, either eating, playing, dancing or any other activity

By using the adjective eager we are saying that our appetite is especially intense and very unusual. If someone has not eaten for a whole day, when night comes surely be eager for mouthing some food.
In the language romantic, greedy and greed are used to express the feeling of love is intense and passionate. On the other hand, when a person has a strong interest in learning it is hungry for knowledge. If someone has a great fondness for reading, you can also say that it is an avid reader. These examples highlight the avid adjective is related to inclinations or passions that can be considered unusual in their intensity.

The origin of the term and reflection on it

It comes from the Latin avidus, which could translate as anxious or ambition. If we think of the feeling of intense desire or ambition, we have a concept with two faces: passion.
Feel a passion for something is a way to give ourselves emotionally to what we want, whether a person, an object or a hobby.
However, if the passion or desire is uncontrolled it leads to problematic situations, as occurs in addictions. This duality of the passions has been the occasion for analysis by some philosophers.
In this regard, Aristotle recommended that passion was subjected to the recommendation of the average as ideal formula, so that morally the attitude correct would find the balance reasonable between anxiety and apathy.
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[ 4 ]

chutney › Definition and Meaning

Chutney or chatni is a Hindi word and means crushing, because it is a compote in its preparation ingredients must be crushed to become a solid paste. Moreover, the term chutney refers to a genus own musical of some Caribbean countries.

The chutney in Indian culinary tradition was adopted by the British during the colonial period

In India the species, sauces and condiments are highly valued as a culinary accessories. The chutney is like jam and is made from a combination of fruits and vegetables that are cooked with vinegar and aromatic species.
The chutney became an international flavor because of the colonial era of the British in India. In this regard, the British what usually consumed as a dietary supplement, for example spreadable toast or mix flavors. It is ideal to accompany meat and fish and all kinds of food.
Like jams and marmalades, chutney has different characteristics, it is sometimes spicy and intense flavor and is sometimes sweeter. The most popular are the chutneys plum, zucchini, mango or apple.

The chutney music

In the Caribbean the popular music has many variants and one of them is the music chutney. This genre is especially known in Trinidad and Tobago and to a lesser extent in Suriname and Guyana.
The chutney music is the result of a merger culture, it comes from the descendants of Indians who worked as servants in Trinidad and Tobago. Over time, the rhythms of Indian chutney mixed with the Caribbean musical style. For this reason, this genre is considered Indo-Caribbean.
Originally the chutney music was part of some celebrations, especially weddings. In the 1960s this genre songs became hits among members of the Hindu community in Trinidad and Tobago. In the 80s and 90s it became a commercial genre due to merging with other styles such as calypso and blues. The dominant themes of the songs are love chutneys and exaltation of life, a theme similar to that of Jamaican reggae.
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Rational Numbers › Definition and Meaning

The study of numbers is part of the essence of mathematics. The idea of number is large and complex at the same time. The most common are called natural numbers (0, 1, 2, 3, 4...), with which it is possible to count and add but many operations are not feasible (all these numbers is expressed with an N uppercase ).
Moreover, there are integers (-3, -2. -1, 0, 1, 2, 3...), which allow certain transactions but not others are possible. Thus, the limitations of natural numbers and integers is what creates the need to invent other numbers, rational numbers.

What is a rational number and classification of numbers

A number rational is one that can be expressed in the form a / b, so that b are integers, but b (the denominator) must be other than 0. A rational number is a fraction but it is noted that no all fractions are rational numbers (for example, 4/1 is a fraction but the result is an integer). To express all these numbers mathematicians use a capital Q.

Rational numbers (1/2, 1/3, 1/4...) fractionating allow a number, ie, divide numerically

As for the term to refer to these numbers, it should be noted that in this case the word comes from the term rational ration, ie part of a whole. In other words, the rational numbers expressing fractions of a whole.
Mathematically, a rational number is any number that can be represented as the ratio of two integers with denominator other than 0. opposite rational numbers are logically irrational, that are those that can not be expressed as a fraction, as does the number pi.
The set of natural numbers is within integer numbers and, in turn, integers as a whole are within rational numbers. In other words, are included in natural and rational integers are also included in the rational.

The historical origin of rational numbers and everyday use

The fraction form of these numbers comes from India, but the line used to express them was introduced by Arab culture. These operations have been carried out since ancient times and in fact believed that the remote origin of this system is related to the consumption of bread in ancient Egypt (this fact is known from papyrus Ahmes, dating from 1900 to. C).
In everyday life we use rational numbers very often. So, when we say "give me a quarter butter" or "one - third of cake" We are using this concept number.
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