Tempering › Sunshade › Hat › Kinetic Sculpture › Picturesque › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. tempering
  2. sunshade
  3. hat
  4. Kinetic Sculpture
  5. picturesque

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

tempering › Definition and Meaning

The concept has tempered widespread use in our language.

Climate without heat or extreme cold, average temperature pleasant

One of its main uses is linked to climate and is that we use when we mean that in a place does neither cold nor extreme heat, but temperatures are pleasant.
Normal temperatures in a temperate climate is 15 degrees Celsius, meanwhile, rainfall between 500 and 1,000 mm. During the year.
In regions where the climate of this type occurs winters are unbleached or summer heat explode. In both seasons the temperatures are maintained in a balanced media which makes them not extreme as noted.

Treatment and technique used in steel and glass to make them more resistant

Moreover, the word is used to refer to that treatment special is done on alloys of iron with the mission to increase its hardness, and also the technique is applied to glass to make it also hard to this material.
The main feature presented by the materials that have been tempered is not shining, yet its strength and resistance is greatly highlighted.
In the glasses it is very usual to perform the procedure because it gives fairly mild stiffness and makes them resistant when part of a structure. In the field of construction of buildings and houses is recurrent to be applied in glass openings that have undergone this process. And in the automotive field it has also begun to include the strength tempered glass that give the vehicle.
The advantage is that when a tempered glass will break into many small pieces and this detracts danger.

moderate person

Also in the language colloquial use mild to refer to a person who is characterized by moderation and tranquility in the act and say, it is a word, not commit excesses in any sense and always shows moderate in what he says and does. So, this sense is synonymous with moderation and serenity.
Photo: iStock - stockstudioX
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[ 2 ]

sunshade › Definition and Meaning

Element that protects the sun

The umbrella is an object of use manually, which can be a little bigger than an umbrella, and that people especially use to protect from the sun, it is that it is one of the most present on the beaches elements or elsewhere the air free when he comes summer and warm much more than usual sun.
Also, it is referred to as parasol and parasol.

Chinese origin

This is a Chinese creation, indeed millennia, since its appearance dates back some 4,000 years ago. It has also been the civilization mentioned that created oriental umbrella. From this point the planet will spread throughout the rest of the world and soon became a very popular item, and ever present.
Even at one time he knew hold a symbolic social, since around the ninth century was exclusive manner used by the upper classes of society.

Made with materials resistant

In the beginning it is rather the manufactured with tissues, but of course, were not conducive to avoid the sun coming up, then it was changed to more rustic and resistant materials. Today, umbrellas are made from different materials but all the elect are the toughest.
To the frame emphasizes the plastic and canvas, and the colors and designs are endless, yellow, red, light blue, blue, green, combined with the most diverse designs. And the stick that allows nailing it to the sand may be steel, aluminum, fiberglass or wood.
However steel materials and aluminum are often the most desirable for areas of beach where moisture and salinity are the order of the day. The wood are very beautiful aesthetically but suffering deterioration is faster and then recommends them to place on balconies, gardens, outdoor bars where moisture and salt can affect not so quickly.
We must also say that the umbrella is an element that in recent years has taken a decorative value and therefore it is possible to appreciate in events to bring you a different touch to environments.
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hat › Definition and Meaning

A popular hyper garment used to protect the head and as a fashion accessory

The hat is one of the items most popular dress and also older by the time it makes is used by man to protect his head from an issue like the sun, the cold, as an indicator of status social, this especially a few centuries ago, or simply done with an aesthetic intention to bring you a touch of look to your appearance, for instance, it is also considered as one of the accessories fashion par excellence.

Hat parties

Its design consists of a glass (hollow part) and that is where the head is placed and their shapes are variable Round or conical; a wing, which is the edge of the piece and extends throughout the circumference of the hat, its main mission protection from sunlight; A soft cuff disposed therein and whose purpose is to prevent sweating and adjust the hat to the skull; the hat band is around the glass on the outside and its mission is ornamental; and the front wing that aims to protect from the sun.
There are endless designs, standing out among others the Panama hat, which actually made in Ecuador and is characterized by being made of plaited palm leaves; the Cloche is a typical design for bell - shaped women; Vietnam Hat is a trademark hat in Asia that has a conical shape; Montera is hat worn by bullfighters; fedora, which is a typical design for males felt with the tire crown and a belt around the crown; and bombín, a design that was widely used between the nineteenth and twentieth, felt, with rather narrow wing and round crown.

popular use

Moreover, the concept is used in some popular phrases with a strong connotation symbolic, as in the case of: take your hat, a phrase that is often used to express someone the respect that he has, courtesy, or admiration that we produce.
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[ 4 ]

Kinetic Sculpture › Definition and Meaning

When we talk about sculpture comes to mind the idea of a modeled figure from a given material. At the same time, the figure in question presents a general characteristic: it is a representation static, without movement. Moreover, it is understood by kinetic energy that which deals with the energy of a moving object. Thus uniting the two terms we get a curious synthesis: something that in principle is not moving but actually does move, that is, the kinetic sculpture. Thus, kinetic sculpture is an artistic representation of an object with some kind of movement.
The idea of movement in the sculpture can be of two types: an apparent movement (for example, an optical illusion associated activity, oscillation or change) or, on the other hand, an actual movement (for example, a figure constantly changing direction). In any case, both types of sculptresses we are in the field of kinetics.

General features

All kinetic sculpture has to do with the idea of movement in some sense. The observer of this sculptural form is facing something unusual, for his eyes observe that since its stillness sculpture is changing. This aspect generates a peculiarity, as the viewer of the work may have the need to move to capture the reality of the work, as each brings a different perspective visual information.
To achieve the effect of moving the artist has the ability to use resources very diverse technicians (one linked to sculpture engine, the use of magnets and electromagnetic mechanisms, the natural effect of wind, light changes, objects suspended with commuting, etc).
Kinetic sculpture would be a section of a global concept, kinetic art. It is own artistic movement of the twentieth century, when artists are in a totally free creative atmosphere and seek new forms of expression. To communicate this innovative spirit is often used the term avant - garde. With this new dimension of art it is already possible to provide the subject of a new dimension. In other words, if the world if it moves, why deprive motion to sculpture.
Like any work of art, sculpture seeks beauty. However, beauty has been seen from the immutability and this trend kinetic sculpture disappears.
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picturesque › Definition and Meaning

Picturesque word has several meanings and is used in different contexts. Here are the two meanings of the term: as a descriptive concept of someone or something and as a feature of art.

People, customs and scenic sites

If there is one with a very different dress and striking at the same time between a large number of individuals, it is likely that someone claims that it is a picturesque kind, implying that it is rare, extravagant and unusual.
When we travel to exotic countries and customs very different from ours we will surely draw attention to the food, the dress, the social uses or decoration of houses. Faced with these new situations and produce some impact will also tell you that something is picturesque. In this sense, our own local customs will surely be valued as quaint by others.
There are places that attract attention and somehow deserve to be painted. If an urban individual is in the desert at the time of sunrise, you could say you are observing a picturesque image.
Stating that someone or something is quaint it is very likely that this word is used to prevent other with a connotation offensive (eccentric, odd, and the like).

In the art world

Picturesque comes from the Italian, specifically the pittoresco word, meaning like the painting. From an artistic point of view the term picturesque is used as a category aesthetics.
Omo associated concept art emerged in the context of eighteenth - century England, when the movement romantic painting was interested in a number of issues. The issue that drew more attention to the painters of Romanticism was the landscape, especially those places that had a certain magic and communicated ideals. This type of landscape was known as quaint.
Another issue that aroused interest among the Romantics was the quaintness, ie, situations and characters typical of a region and this artistic approach also received the picturesque name. Not to forget that Romanticism extolled the feelings national and therefore local issues (customs, dances, meetings in the field, etc.) were painted.
While the picturesque applied to the world of painting, he will soon be extrapolated to other areas, such as gardening or decorating facades of buildings.
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