Synthetic Fibers › Tantric Massage › Watermelon › Manto › Discord › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Synthetic fibers
  2. Tantric massage
  3. watermelon
  4. Manto
  5. discord

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Synthetic fibers › Definition and Meaning

Fibers obtained oil

Synthetic fibers are a type of fiber fabric obtained from different products derived from petroleum, that is, that this type of fiber is totally chemistry because synthesizing the raw material and the production of the strand are produced by the men and not directly come, or part of the natural environment as with natural fibers and artificial fibers. Per case it is important to mark the synthetic fiber is not artificial, but often are referred to interchangeably.

Main uses: clothing and industrial

These fibers are used for the manufacture of apparel and also has industrial use being used in the manufacture of items such as parachutes and sails for boats.

Features: rigidity, long life

Among the salient and distinctive features of these fibers their strength, they have strength, long - term durability, simplicity in terms of care, provide heat in summer and cold in the winter, the latter being a disadvantageous condition when it comes to clothing wear.

best known synthetic fibers

A variety of fibers such polyamides being recognized exponent nylon and are characterized by very strong and elastic. The main disadvantages are that deform with the heat that penetrates sensitive skin and can cause allergies. Usually it applied to the manufacture of sportswear and swimwear.
The polyester (Terylene) also employs much instances sportswear. It is also very durable and cost is certainly low.
Acrylic (Leacril) stand out for their resistance to inclement weather and direct action of light. They are used in knitting or weaving threads that manually.
Meanwhile, vinylic poly (Rhovil), resist very well to chemicals and that is why are the most desirable to manufacture textile equipment with technical applications.
In the case of polyethylene, such as saran, they are very strong and that makes it the use for upholstery products like carpets and moquette.
And as the Dorlastan elastane is used to also manufacture sportswear, lingerie and swimwear.
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[ 2 ]

Tantric massage › Definition and Meaning

Tantra is a concept of philosophy oriental and is oriented to the spiritual development of the individual. Therefore, Tantrism aims to free the spirit and expand. As for the modalities, there are variants of tantric yoga, tantric sex and tantric massage.

Features tantric massage

The person giving the massage and the recipient must be completely naked. Thus is achieved that the perception sensory more intense and pleasurable.
Not to associate this search massage with orgasm, but its purpose is broader, as it is to know your own body, your erogenous zones and achieve a sense of physical and spiritual fulfillment.
While body contact is the most used technique, it can also be used such feathers, cotton fabrics and to enhance the sensory perception.
Tantric massage techniques are suitable for stimulating physical and emotional relationship of the couple. If the recipient is a man massage masseuse should stimulate the lingam, the male genital organ. Conversely, if the recipient is a woman she should be encouraged her yoni. Knowledge of sexuality and its various practices were already described in the famous Kama Sutra a text of the tradition hinduista which has about 1800 years old.
Tantric massage should be understood from the coordinates of Eastern philosophy, since from the Western perspective is valued solely as a sexual practice. Thus, this type of massage is based on knowledge of the body and its energy potential and in this sense relates to another type of massage, ayurvedic.
Tantrism applied to massage aims to activate the sensitivity and sensuality and at the same time, stimulate touch and body language. According to Tantrism, the senses have to activate them because through them we get in touch with life. In this line, the protagonist of tantric massage is touch sense. At the same time, the techniques used are combined with proper breathing.


Physical and spiritual dimensions guiding tantric massage results in several benefits to the body. On the one hand, it helps to treat sexual dysfunction, can take awareness of the body, fights fatigue and improves mood. Apart from the objective benefits, tantric massage reminds us that it is possible to feel and live fully.
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watermelon › Definition and Meaning

In any greengrocer we can find watermelons but, interestingly, is not properly a fruit, because watermelon is a cucurbit plant, such as pumpkins, cucumbers or melons.
What first drew the attention of watermelon it is its large size and considerable weight. It has a greenish and smooth bark and its interior has an intense red color. It has some seeds or seeds of black color that is usually wasted although edible (the seeds are a source of minerals, protein and fiber).

major nutrients

While it is a refreshing food, very appropriate for summer and with a high percentage of water, watermelon has interesting nutritional properties. Containing sugars, minerals like potassium, phosphorus and magnesium, folic acid, and vitamins A, B, C and E. Consequently, watermelon is much more than water.

Health benefits

Its properties are translated into a number of benefits for the body. First, the vitamin C has is beneficial in preventing asthma and also acts as a natural antioxidant. His consumoperiódico helps regulate blood pressure levels. The combination of water and fiber combat constipation and purifies the digestive tract. It is ideal to avoid dehydration, especially in the hot months. Vitamin A is a nutrient that has used to keep skin smooth and healthy hair. There are studies that prove that watermelon strengthens the heart and prevents prostate problems (these benefits are due to lycopene, a substance also found in carrots or tomatoes).
A curiosity about the watermelon is related to its bark, which traditionally is not consumed but has been shown to contain nutrients very beneficial for health (bark has an amino acid, citrulline, which improves physical performance and is used to treat erectile dysfunction ).

In gastronomy

Dining possibilities are immense watermelon. With it you can make jam, salads for summer, prepare sorbets, soups, ice cream, gazpacho, combined with other fruits to make a fruit salad and is perfect as a refreshing juice. Thus, it is more than a low-calorie dessert, light and juicy.
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Manto › Definition and Meaning

The word mantle has very different meanings and in this post we will present the most significant: as garment, as expression, as his own term of geology and as a current term to refer to the night sky.

Clothing and common expression in language

A coat is a garment intended to combat the cold. It is a piece of broad cloth that covers the torso and has been traditionally used by the nobility (its quality depended on the type of fabric and the lining was used). Some coats are another denomination (the famous Spanish mantilla or shawl). Moreover, in some cases this garment has a sense symbolic (the color of the mantle of the Virgin changes according to each tradition popular).
The concept of blanket as clothing serves as an explanatory element to refer to something that offers an image as if it were a mantle (eg, the mantles of flowers are used to decorate certain figures religious or mantles smoke covering the sky of some cities).

The term current geology

Earth has three distinct layers. In the center is the core. On the outside is the earth 's crust. Between the two layers there is an intermediate: the mantle. It is a rocky region with a high temperature. From the point of view of geology, the earth 's mantle is known from data provided by seismographs.
In the field of geology there is also the so - called aquifer, also known as aquifer. Remember that some of the water of rain seeps into the ground and is creating pockets of water in the Geosphere, known as the water table or aquifer.
If we look at the context of forests and ecosystems, there is forest cover, the surface layer of soil of forests, which plays a vital role in maintaining habitat.

The world of stars

The image that represents all of the stars, the moon and all planets and stars that make up the universe is known as stellar mantle. Blanket of stars or star is a poetic concept to refer to an astronomical reality. If anyone observes during the night the stars are contemplating an image in which the dark sky contrasts with the brightness of the stars and in this situation could argue that under a blanket of stars.
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discord › Definition and Meaning

Disagreement concerning opinions given at various levels between individuals, groups, nations...

The concept of discord called a very common situation in our society and in interpersonal relationships, which is the disagreement and opposition of wills and opinions.
Of course not being a person like another will always succeed and criteria differences of opinions when solving a issue in conflict.
However, in the specific case of discord we must say that existing rift is deep, very difficult to settle, leaving people or elements involved in a major confrontation that may even lead to shouting, abuse and violence, in the most serious cases.
Those most important discords are capable of causing ruptures, divisions and schisms cracks in a relationship between individuals, groups, countries, among others.
Of course you can overcome discord but it is not a simple job, it will usually need an interlocutor or mediator to bring calm to close the positions and obviously look for points of agreement.

Its flipside: Concord

The opposite side of discord is harmony, a situation that implies the agreement, the prevailing harmony and conformity between individuals, groups, things, among others.
Obviously we must always contribute to our behavior and opinion to a state of harmony rather than discord, of course. Discord does not bring anything good to the group or society that affect, but rather the opposite, problems, fiercest divisions among the most common situations.
There are more prone to discord people already carry in their personality, and find it difficult to seek agreements with others and always inclined to fight. Obviously relations with them will always be complex to cope calmly and harmoniously.

Goddess of Roman Mythology

On the other hand called Discordia just belonging to a set of legends and myths known as Roman goddess mythology Roman and impersonating discord.
Problematic nature, ie, where it was would have insurance problems usually Discordia, accompanied the god of war and it was common where was present problems and disputes between doses was generated, this happened both in Greek mythology and Roman.
The equivalent Greek was Eris Discordia, while the opposite was Concordia and Harmonia, respectively.
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