Subliminal Message › Summit › Prodigio › Controversy › Homogeneous › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Subliminal message
  2. Summit
  3. Prodigio
  4. controversy
  5. homogeneous

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Subliminal message › Definition and Meaning

The human mind has two levels of knowledge. One is conscious and rational. The other is unconscious and irrational. The rational part serves to perform operations, communicate and organize any activity. The unconscious part is more difficult to understand when we are dreaming is expressed in involuntary mistakes when we talk, jokes, etc. The unconscious is hidden, it is not evident at first glance. Sigmund Freud was one of the thinkers who took the unconscious.
Subliminal messages are related to the unconscious mind. A subliminal message is information that our mind perceives without realizing it. The subliminal message is hidden on the information, so the sub prefix, meaning below is used.
In advertising subliminal messages are used so that consumers receive information that is hidden in the message standard. Many ads incorporate these techniques so that the consumer has the urge to buy a product that has received information in a hidden way, but totally intentional.
In the commercial with subliminal message is a trick of communication. Take an example. In a film room urban, a trademark of chocolate wants to advertise and agreed that throughout the film Chocolate few messages appear. Advertising has to be concealed and thus the image of chocolate blends into the scenes. Apparently the chocolate does not appear. However, it is hidden so practically imperceptible. The viewer is not aware of the advertising message, but probably feel like eating this brand of chocolate when I finish the film.
Advertising is not the only field where such information is used. Communication experts are also used in election campaigns. These contain tiny messages and that apparently have no meaning. They can be anywhere: the shape of a logo, a small gesture in a cartel or any small detail.The purpose it is that the subliminal message reaches the mind of the voter and may be unconscious motives to decide on an option.
Researchers who study and analyze the human mind trying to understand the mechanisms of subliminal messages. Its importance can be very useful and diverse applications in marketing, the politics, communication, etc.
Are newly emerging applications that detect these messages. This means that the consumer wants to know what's behind a simple ad.
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[ 2 ]

Summit › Definition and Meaning

Initially the word refers to summit the peak of a mountain, the higher your part. Reaching the summit of a mountain like Everest is an achievement outstanding. In this sense it is said that Edmund Hillary conquered Everest summit, suggesting that in addition to a physical place is a feat of great difficulty. In the world of mountaineering there are a few mountains over 8000 meters. In the terminology of this sport reach the highest peak is the ultimate goal, but it is also important that the route has been used or the characteristics of the rise (with the help of oxygen or without it, for example).
The meaning of summit goes beyond its geographic sense. It is also used to express something very difficult has been achieved. It can be used in any situation where there is a special merit, with extraordinary value. Summit stands for goal, conquest and victory. It implies that there has been a very valuable previous effort and the effort has finally had a great reward.
Summit refers to something and someone reached singular value. A scientist, writer or conquistador are figures summit if they have a very significant level of recognition. There are historical figures who are a symbol of their especialidad.Es the case of Einstein, Shakespeare or Mozart, characters summit of science, literature or music, respectively.
The term summit incorporates the notion of ultimate goal. If we have a project ambitious, we aspire to ultimate success and the summit symbolizes the conquest of winning, full personal satisfaction. Achieve an Olympic medal is the highlight of the career of a sportsman moment, there is no greater achievement.
There is another sense of the word summit. In the political context there are very relevant meetings. The leaders are meeting in a locality and discuss a transcendent subject. Usually these events have an international character. There is talk of the summit in Paris, Moscow or Tokyo. The decisions taken at these events have an international impact and meetings are complex, because representatives of nations have to reach a global agreement even though each country has its own interests.
The summit idea is characteristic of the geography, mountaineering, important achievements, famous people or international meetings. In all cases there is something in common: exceptionality. Anything referring to a summit can be ordinary or vulgar.
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[ 3 ]

Prodigio › Definition and Meaning

A miracle is an event unusual, something extraordinary and unexpected. The prodigy appears as a striking phenomenon that causes the amazement of those who witness it. It is a fact that leaves no one indifferent and something that is remembered over the years.
Miracles before talking about a prodigy because they have no explanation rational and logical. Mysteriously emerge as something that alters normal and regularity. There is an interpretation very singular in miracles: the rational mind can not explain, but faith can understand.
We say something is a miracle because it manifests itself differently from the usual way. Certain phenomena of nature (the Aurora Borealis, geysers or volcanoes) are classified as prodigies. They are rare in that they do not happen regularly.
The numerical idea is implicit in the wonder: if the number is small, can be a prodigy and if elevated becomes normal.
Great inventions and progress of humanity have been considered prodigies. It happened in the case of aviation, automobile or television, inventions that long ago seemed unimaginable. His appearance shocked the society. There was a revolutionary component in them.
If someone has a remarkable ability prodigy word is also used. There are athletes and artists prodigious. They are able to do things that are beyond the reach of most.
In the field of childhood has been coined the concept of miracle to refer to the special skills of a child, their age, they are improper child.
In the circus and show business idea prodigy is used as a publicity stunt. In ancient circuses they were acting strange characters: the bearded woman, man or giant fish individuals. They were presented as prodigious beings, people with a strange rarity. There is a famous case and is the true story of Joseph Merrick, the Elephant Man. His body and his features resembled an elephant and thus suffered marginalization and social rejection. His story was to movies and and was seen as a wonder of nature in the worst sense of the word, was also prodigious struggle and courage to overcome adversity.
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[ 4 ]

controversy › Definition and Meaning

If two opposing ideas or approaches and there is a discussion between the two positions, he is taking a dispute. This concept does not apply to an ordinary and mundane dispute, but refers to relevant topics.
The controversy is typical of philosophical, religious, scientific or political terrain. One might say that there is a general pattern in most disputes. There are a majoritarian ideas in a particular subject. They are accepted as valid and not questioned. With time, new ideas, which oppose the commonly accepted. A process of debate and discussion starts. Supporters for and against rivaling and eventually one of the two currents able to be hegemonic: traditional or alternative proposal. Sometimes the two visions maintain their position and continued controversy.
In Christianity there have been multiple interpretations, which have resulted in the different conceptions ( Catholicism, Protestantism, Orthodox Church, etc.). In all cases there was some sort of controversy and it remains in the world academic or in the same society.
In science there have been moments of great controversy. Copernicus and Galileo proposed a new image of the world. They showed that the earth is not the center of the universe and his ideas were condemned by the traditional approach based on the scriptures. Two positions (the heliocentric and geocentric) clashed. At bottom, it was a dispute between two different approaches: one scientific and the other religious. Similarly it was the same with the idea of evolution proposed by Darwin and today still talk of creationism versus evolutionism.
In politics, controversies have arisen conflicts with serious consequences. The US Civil War occurred because both sides clashed: the South defended slavery and the north was in favor of its abolition.
In mass communication drugs, prostitution, rights and freedoms: political and ideological positions regarding many topics they are expressed. They are varied discussions and any reality or idea is susceptible of controversy. Man is an animal that communicates and the discrepancy appears sooner or later. Discuss, debate or argue are ways to relate and it is difficult to imagine a situation without confrontation of ideas. If the dispute is rational and respectful is enriching and synonymous with plurality and cultural wealth. If an approach seeks to prevail over another, there is a degeneration of the dispute and its consequences turn out to be negative.
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homogeneous › Definition and Meaning

The concept of homogeneous use it mainly in two ways.
On one hand, when a particular situation or context we find a group whose members have characteristics and origins similes equal, we will say that this is a homogeneous group.
This is precisely because the concept of homogeneous to reference to this or that have shared characteristics or prove to be of the same class.
This year has certainly touched a homogeneous group in the course of third B, unlike last year where social differences were very marked.
So when something is said to be homogeneous have no or almost no difference in their composition, thus resulting in difficult disputes or complications arising precisely linked with diversity.
In those groups where for example the differences between its members are marked important, it is common that proves difficult to reach agreement between the parties, because they come from the same place, because they have the same experiences and all this, of course, will take them to dissent.
It is totally different when the opposite happens, when members of a group come from one place, among other coincidences, agreements are reached quickly.
In this sense we can say that homogeneity in these cases as mentioned is much more positive than the substantial difference in parts.
Meanwhile, the concept which contrasts is the heterogeneous, which reference diametrically opposite involves: a group formed by parts that do not have a common point of origin or nature.
As noted above, in some cases homogeneity is a plus and others can be a problem, and therefore decide to favor heterogeneity, above all, because it proposes differences in positions, nature, among other alternatives.
On the other hand, the word homogeneous used much to account for the uniformity in composition and structure may have a substance or a mixture prepared.
For instance, it is a very common word checking the culinary field when certain mass or desserts requiring that the mixture produces this uniform or homogeneous characteristics are prepared. Even here many times success or failure in a recipe.
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