Strengthen › Edilicia › Domar › Require › Duplication › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. strengthen
  2. edilicia
  3. Domar
  4. require
  5. duplication

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

strengthen › Definition and Meaning

The term strengthening allows referring to action to enforce something or someone.
The force designates the force and energy that someone has when moving something or someone in your place, especially when that something has a really important weight makes it necessary to have strength to move it or move it. Or failing when it comes to someone because that someone exerts a remarkable resilience that makes it not easy to remove from a particular place or perform any action you want to do.
On the other hand, the word force is also used to describe the state of force of something or someone.
Always, strength, cause on the body in which it operates an effect, highlighting the change in the movement in the speed and the shape thereof.
Individuals who practice a sport determined, depending on the requirements that it involves normally have to undergo training specific body part that is precisely what is required in most sports. It is essential that it is in optimal conditions to meet the requirements. For example, the athlete who specializes in running will be required to strengthen, give strength to his legs through various practices in training with the mission to get an adequate response in racing.
Also, this sense of the term is often referred to in the aforementioned context tone.
On the other hand, if we go to a completely opposite the sport like spirituality, so that it grows, have strength, you must also strengthen it through special practices such as meditation.
Meanwhile, opposing the concept is to weaken, which refers decreasing the strength of something or someone.
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[ 2 ]

edilicia › Definition and Meaning

The term edilicia and her male edilicio are employed in our language when having to refer to anything that own or linked to buildings and the construction thereof.
Meanwhile, by building it refers to that fixed construction, made from materials resistant hyper and is intended to shelter people, animals, things or practice work activities. That is, the building can be used as housing or failing as a space work. It should be noted that there are also buildings which combine both ends and then have apartments for residing one family and also to use it as a business office.

The architecture is the discipline that is dedicated exclusively to the construction of buildings for the indicated purposes, both with respect to the materials and techniques used when building, worth mentioning, that have changed, rather evolved from the beginning of the world until today.
Obviously, the introduction of technology in this field has generated progress and simplified stages of work.
From almost the beginning of humanity, man sought construction to protect themselves from inclement weather, then to pray, to live with his family and to spread among so many purposes. So it is that these activities the following building constructions have resulted in : churches, temples, houses, theater, shops, among others.
It should be noted that in our language the word used building extended to refer to those building constructions that have several floors or so plants, meanwhile, those floors or plants often contain several departments. By case several families living in a building.
And according to usage attributed to it, the building can be classified as military, residential, governmental, commercial, sporting, industrial and educational.

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[ 3 ]

Domar › Definition and Meaning

The word taming we use it in our language to refer to the action that displays an individual and that is to get through various techniques and strategies that a wild animal is less fierce and more predictable and controllable in their ways.
Moreover, the word is used to denote that action by which it is achieved that an animal of features and wild behavior a pet becomes, ie, that it is so quiet and gentle in unwrap home and thus interact with all the people and also with those who enter the same harmoniously. Among the most commonly used for this sense we find the synonyms of taming.
Another use that we often attribute to him this word is to refer the repression of any passion or desire for any circumstance demands it. You got to tame the urge to kill your ex when you see it because it is not good to your children.
Also, through the word taming can indicate the action to an object bring you greater flexibility than holds. To tame the shoes you'll wear on your wedding you must use at least once a day, a week earlier.
It should be noted that the above references have also been transferred to the language colloquial and then it is usual that when someone makes a very difficult behavior to bring relate say that who should or should face him before taming to develop normal communication.
Putting it in simpler terms when talking about taming a person what you mean is that they want to make it more tractable, more sociable, because in reality it is not for nothing.
Generally in society, such individuals no tractable people flee their treatment because they are fairly hostile, in his procedures as to relate to the other.
The word that is opposed to this concept is to enrage because it refers just infuriate someone.
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[ 4 ]

require › Definition and Meaning

The word demand is a term we use in our language extendedly when the mission is to ask another what is rightfully yours. I had to demand my boss to pay me last vacation because you have not done having spent six months of the term.
In those extreme cases where despite the requests and demands were not finally agrees to that right won, there will be another resource to establish a lawsuit in the judiciary against that or those that hinder this right, to precisely retrieve it.
Moreover, it is also common in the language colloquial, when someone asks someone else to do or say something using an energy beyond usual because it is extremely necessary to do so or tell brevity, the term is used to we are concerned. We had to require Mary to confess that what happened that night to understand why he separated from Juan.
Another common use is also attached to this word is as synonymous with the term need. That is, when something needs something else to work or happen, among other alternatives, we can be expressed in terms of demand. If you want to meet you before the end of the year you will have to push yourself more to the study.
And also when someone stands out for its demand in actividadque done, for example, a professor of a university matter that has this feature will tend to demand their students commitment and studies constantly and so that overflows with practical exercises and readings about the subject they teach.
Among the most used synonyms for this word they are counted mentioned need, ask and demand. Meanwhile, opposing the word is to give, referring, giving to another, cease or also lessen the resistance that is about something.
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[ 5 ]

duplication › Definition and Meaning

The word duplication refers to the multiplication is performed by two of something.
Meanwhile, by multiplication refers, on the one hand, the considerable increase in number of something, and at the request of the mathematics, the multiplication is one of the most common and basic operations involves finding a certain result after repeating a number as many times as we asked or indicated another.
A numbers involved in the multiplication operation is formally termed as factors, the number to add the multiplying while the figure indicating the number of times that you should add to multiplying called multiplier. The result that comes out of them is designated as product. With an example we will see better: 6 x 3 = 18, if we add three times the number 6 we find that this amount precisely it we also results 18.
It should be noted that this mathematical operation consumes the propiedadconmutativa so regardless of the order which are placed factors not be altered product or final result, if we take the previous example 6 x 3 or 3 x 6, the result will not change, that is, it continues to be 18.
the aforementioned operation of multiplication is taught people during school primary, more precisely in the field of mathematics and at first, that is, in the first grade. In the first instance they will be taught the other two most basic operations, addition and subtraction multiplication and then, through calls multiplication tables.
On the other hand, the word duplication is also used to account for the reproduction of something, an image, a document, letter, etc., in a copy. Doubling the image is to be expected in using this system.
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