Spirits › Opencast Mining › Hunch › Recycling › Docile › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  2. Opencast mining
  3. hunch
  4. Recycling
  5. docile

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

SPIRITS › Definition and Meaning

Certain alcoholic drinks are known as spirits. They get this name because they come from the word spiritus in Latin, meaning courage or breath and, therefore, amounts to the idea of spirit. Keep in mind that alcohol is obtained from the distillation process generates a vapor. The idea of vaporization has historically been associated with the notion of spirit.
The principles of distillation are known more than two thousand years ago. During the Middle Ages the distilleries began to produce spirits from wine and over time began to use grain to produce spirits. Among the best known we can highlight whiskey, vodka, rum, different spirits, anisette, gin, pisco or tequila. Each has its own cultural tradition.

How spirits are made?

The basic recipe of most spirits is based on a suitable mixture of two ingredients: water and some cereals combined. Once all ingredients combined, it proceeds to its fermentation and finally to a distillation process.
Distillation is the separation of components of a liquid mixture from the heat. This operation allows to produce gasoline from petroleum or for perfumes aromatic plants. However, the known distillation is carried out in alcoholic beverages. Thus, by fire aromas and flavors of the wine fermented and extracted from here it is possible to obtain different types of spirits.

Vodka is one of the most storied spirits

The homeland of this drink is Russian and Russian vodka means agüita. This spirit has no color or odor due to its purity. As for his ideal composition you must have 40 degrees of alcohol. Your use excessive generates a serious problem in Russia and, indeed, the Russians have a life expectancy less than other European citizens.
He began to be made five hundred years ago in Moscow and since its inception political leaders exercised tight control over manufacturing and distribution.
In Soviet times the vodka was considered a proletarian liquor and this belief led to high rates of alcoholism in the population. In this sense, the history of the city of Moscow have been numerous fires caused by people alcoholic by drinking vodka. This phenomenon began to be fought by the tsarist and then by communism and measures limiting consumption were imposed. However, these measures did not have much success, as the population began producing vodka in a home.
Some historians who have researched the Revolution Russian 1917 have stated that the assault on the Winter Palace occurred because large sections of the population believed in their holds large quantities of liquor were stored.
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Opencast mining › Definition and Meaning

In countries like Mexico, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile or Australia mining is practiced in the open, so called because the deposits are found on the surface of the earth and not inside. Therefore, the concept of open pit mining should be understood as opposed to underground mining.
The open - pit mining involves removing minerals that are useful for all kinds of, especially gold, silver, rhodium and platinum raw materials. These minerals are used in the manufacture of electronic devices or gold reserves of institutions banking.

How minerals obtained?

To extract the minerals the first step is the fragmentation of rocks by blasting system. To perform the process of blasting an explosive is used with an oxidizing agent (usually ammonium nitrate) and then performs the detonation terrain. This initial phase is done with all measures of security to minimize the impact on the environment and reduce the risks to workers. For blasting system does not adversely affect the stability of the land near the mine are often used seismographs.
In the next phase, the rocks are transported to a plant where the process of grinding or milling takes place. The grinding is performed in several phases:
1) in primary crushing large rocks are used
2) then rocks pass circuit secondary and tertiary crushing and
3) the resulting final product is less than one inch in size.
When rocks are crushed and there are two possible options: If the fragmented rock is an oxide is transported by specialized trucks and if the rock is a sulfide is sent to a mill where the mineral becomes sand.

The environmental impact of opencast mining

While companies in this sector have to meet strict standards that are environmentally friendly, this mining method generates an obvious negative impact. On the one hand, products such as cyanide, lead or sulfuric acid are used and this affects the quality of the soil and groundwater. In parallel, near the mines ecosystems are altered and the flora and fauna stops according regenerate natural cycles.
The margin of the polluting effects, this activity has a negative impact on tourism or in connection with these deposits close to indigenous peoples.
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[ 3 ]

hunch › Definition and Meaning

It is said that when someone has a hunch senses that something will happen. In principle, Hunch has no relation to any supernatural ability but it is an inexplicable intuition from a strictly rational view. In this sense, the action of presentiment has some strange characteristics, since her future action that can not be known is projected. This does not mean that the fact of having a hunch is something irrational, it can have a logical component and based on experience.
If one knows very well to someone else, it is reasonable to have a premonition about his behavior in the future (what it has done in the past, can imagine or foresee what they will do in the future).

In popular parlance the word heart used to express ideas and emotions

While our brain is the organ that regulates thoughts and emotions, in everyday life we speak of the heart as if this body had a unique role in all matters relating to emotions. In fact, we say that someone has a broken heart or your heart is sad. We can say that the heart muscle is more than just pumping mechanism, as is popularly regarded as the symbol of the most intense emotions. If the heart has this symbolic, it is logical that there is the concept of Hunch.

A warning signal

Usually, all Hunch is a warning signal that tells us about a problem, a threat or risk. We do not know what their true origin nor have a rational explanation for this phenomenon. However, it is very likely to be information coming from our unconscious or is a singular capacity, also known as sixth sense.
Hunch, sixth sense or intuition are concepts that refer to the same idea: our ability to project possible future. The only way to check whether a hunch makes sense, is to check afterwards if the feeling coincides with the reality of the facts.
The scope of the discussion on the role and meaning of hunches, it should be noted that sometimes we refer to it as a game. So, we say that "we have the feeling that our team will win the game." Such statements are equally ambiguous, because with them a type of prediction based on intuition is made and, at the same time, combined with the expression of a desire.
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[ 4 ]

Recycling › Definition and Meaning

The prefix indicates the repetition or re resuming something. Therefore, Recycling means re-employ or use something. In this regard, if an object is reused, it means that after having been employed there is the possibility to use it again.

Reuse or refuse

These two words can become confused, since both are pronounced the same way. However, it is completely different terms. When used without h it indicates that something is used again, while interleaved with h expressed that something is rejected, dismissed or avoided. In everyday language we say "the manager refused the proposal of his superiors because he felt inadequate."

The new use of things and planned obsolescence

In our society the objects are designed to produce throwaway. This phenomenon reflects an idea: planned obsolescence. Somehow, everything we use (especially technological gadgets) have been designed to have a limited use in time and therefore are obsolescent. However, the negative effects of "throwaway" and obsolescence are evident:
1) an excessive consumerism that affects the economy of individuals, 2) an increase of disposable materials with a potential contaminant and
3) a false sense that the raw materials are unlimited.
For these reasons in recent years some people try to give new uses for discarded objects or manufacture new things made from recycled material.
Most things that we throw away can again be used for another purpose. This requires two conditions:
1) take awareness of the usefulness of recycling and
2) be creative reuse seemingly useless objects.

The importance of recycling

Recycling is a solution easy to reuse materials created industrially. Thus, paper, cardboard, plastic or glass that usually ends up in the dustbin can have a new use if properly transformed into a recycling plant.

Recycling has two main purposes:

1) reducing the consumption of raw materials and energy and
2) the decrease in pollution of water and air.
Remember, moreover, that in speaking of reusing materials reference to three ideas, known as the three Rs is: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
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docile › Definition and Meaning

Some people have a friendly, they are obedient to their superiors and usually adopt submissive behaviors. Of them can say that they are docile.
The same goes for some animals, usually companion pets like dogs and cats, but also those which by their nature are not aggressive.

The two faces of docility in humans

Like many human behaviors are not good or bad in itself, but it all depends on the context in which they are analyzed. Thus, it is desirable that a student is docile, as this facilitates the process of learning. However, a point of default may be desirable in any pupil.
In the workplace, something similar happens. The docile worker adapts well to all conditions and in principle, this character trait can be very positive. However, if your docility implies submission, this attitude makes the worker a victim of a despotic superior.
From the perspective of a dominator docility it is positive, but from the perspective of a person with dignity is an undesirable attitude. Imagine a situation of slavery in which there is one master and a number of slaves. For the master, the good slave has to be as docile as possible and for the slave who does not accept their situation rebellion is the only way to fight their exploitative situation.
In short, the workability can be understood as a virtue or a defect. The assessment made will depend on the social context and the position of analyzing the behavior docile.

Docility in women

For centuries there has been a major feminine archetype. The ideal woman had to be submissive and obedient and, therefore, docile. This attitude was considered the paradigm of the good wife. When the woman showed a certain rebellion and rejected the rightful role, it was common to his attitude was labeled as rebellious and unbecoming of a decent woman. This feminine prototype has been disappearing and today docility in women is valued negatively, except that it is a male who judge

The golden retriever is an especially docile dog

As a rule generally people acquire a pet to have a nice company. If we take the dogs, some breeds are especially suitable for family life precisely because of its docile and affectionate character. Among them we can mention the golden retriever, a breed that is ideal for living with children to relate to people or to guide a blind person.
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