Sosiego › Petulance › Cultural Center › Benevolent › Unequivocal › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Sosiego
  2. petulance
  3. Cultural Center
  4. benevolent
  5. unequivocal

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Sosiego › Definition and Meaning

Although it is not a word in our language we use very recurrence, the term in question, tranquility, can be used when you want to refer tranquility, calm and serenity that characterizes something, an event, a place, or a person, among other alternatives.
For the fact it is that the word is often used synonymously with the above - mentioned concepts, which are usually used to refer such conditions. The concept also is linked to issues such as peace, moderation and relaxation.
As a result of these partnerships with these concepts, the word peace, it shall be considered as positive, ie conveys an idea, a nice reference.
Above we indicated that the word peace in the language colloquial and everyday does not present a hyper use extended, while where it is more common to find it is in those writings or texts poetic court, where the authors often use to refer the calm that dominates a geographical location. Sparsely populated places in the countryside near the sea, which are reported and described in some literary works are described as calm owners.
As a result, chaos, unrest, alarm, excitement and anxiety are opposed to the peace and allowing us face to identify and assess the peace, because final accounts who likes through times of chaos or unrest... indeed anyone and then it emerges his great appreciation.
While there are people who like city noise or constantly active, displaying tasks, going from one place to another, which popularly is said not stop a minute or do not have time for anything, a bit of peace always It recommended as an ideal place to relax obligations and the daily grind and of course to reflect on those important issues, that if one is stuck in the maelstrom it can hardly do.
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[ 2 ]

petulance › Definition and Meaning

The strengths and weaknesses of humans exist in proportion. And each virtue belongs otherwise. One of the negative attitudes is the petulance. For it means the arrogant and conceited behavior. The practicing petulant is a petulant, and the adjective used as a derogatory term.
Petulance is a behavior exaggerated, because who performs shown to others with an image of superiority. The petulant is an individual who does not generate sympathy, since its way to cope is proud and little nearby.
Petulance expresses a disproportionate behavior because an excess of self - esteem and vanity causes rejection in others.
Petulant behavior indicates that self esteem is too high, as if to reassert themselves to others with an apparent security in their own abilities. The message the petulant transmits the caller is contrary to empathy and causes discomfort.
In the petulance there is a mechanism decontrol of individual worth. It is desirable to love ourselves and value, but if this feeling is not adequately controlled, the petulance appears.
When we imagine a person with this peculiarity think of someone very refined, that uses language pedantically, which has haughty gestures and attempts to maintain a situation of dominance and power over others. Petulant likes to demonstrate his erudition and customs foodies. It is an elitist who despises the alleged vulgarity of others. Is someone who seeks applause and recognition of others. This image appears in the film and literature in unsympathetic characters, usually a social class higher, with some kind of privileges that make you think that your attitude is justified.
Psychologists and petulant behavior attributed to low self - esteem, because they need to compensate for their low esteem for themselves through gestures and words of a remarkable self - recognition.
Personal fulfillment is studied in the framework of motivation. There is a theory (called the pyramid of Maslow) which states that individuals meet their needs in pyramid fashion. Initially we tend to meet basic needs and we will gradually managing to satisfy secondary needs to reach the top: self - realization. It is a mechanism applicable to any human being. If the ultimate goal is the inner well because there is a reasonable level of physical and material needs, in the case of petulance an incorrect assessment of self - esteem it is evident.
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[ 3 ]

Cultural Center › Definition and Meaning

The idea of cultural center applies to those precincts where cultural activities are organized: conferences, exhibitions, gatherings, etc. There is no specific model of cultural center, since each has a specific focus and specializes in one type of activities.
Even in ancient times there were places for the dissemination of culture. The most famous is the library of Alexandria, where in addition to books and documents tasks were carried out research in different areas of knowledge. The library of Alexandria was a multidisciplinary spirit and approach of the ancient world that has survived to this day, applying what is now called as a cultural center.
Large cities have been and are places of traditional culture. In them there are organizations and institutions that drive the knowledge (museums, cultural associations, artistic groups, etc). And culture is spreading because human beings believe in the benefits obtained from it. Culture is a useful tool to promote tolerance, the idea of beauty or civic values. Promoting culture among citizens is one way that they have a full and satisfying life.
Cultural centers are meeting places. In these, participants share their concerns and exchange information. The communication generated in these centers allows socialization of its members. Knowledge could be acquired alone and for that internet is a powerful source of reference. However, culture reaches a higher level if it manifests itself in the company of others, if there is a center where the skill and individual concern may communicate with others.
Currently there are new models of cultural centers. The traditional character still exist, but gradually appear
innovative proposals. An example is the neighborhood movements, which are organized outside public institutions and put into operation more open, participatory and creative cultural centers. This means that culture is dynamic and is subject to evolution, as happens in cultural centers.
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[ 4 ]

benevolent › Definition and Meaning

That of benevolent is a type qualifier term, used to just to qualify that person in their actions, act, shows benevolence.
Benevolence is a lean, quality, presenting some people and that leads them to appear before an event or person, among other alternatives, comprehensively and tolerance.
Is considered a quality precisely why the understanding and tolerance involved. No doubt because understanding is a positive capacity by which the possessor is able to understand things or acts of people that happen around even often even the most incomprehensible.
And obviously it makes it much simpler and more naturally than others who do not have this inclination in his favor.
When any fact or is happening event conflict, which demand from a person a refund or response, it may be aggressive, or being on the opposite sidewalk, and just be the latter that will or will the benevolent, who characterized for tolerance and understanding, even as we said in the most awkward or extreme circumstances.
Since most popular and simple terms, is that the benevolent easily recognizable because it shows goodwill toward their peers, the neighbor around him. And thus it is that the concept of benevolent people associate with much normality to concepts such as kindness and do good without looking at who.
Philanthropy and solidarity actions of any kind are always promoted and directed by benevolent individuals. And this is precisely what we set out lines up, because they have a special and spontaneous predisposition that guides actions that always take into account the happiness of the other, provide it for example in some sense or make as much action as possible to help who else is needed.
In the benevolent does not exist in any way an option for doing something that does not have the good as its ultimate end, always doing good the primary objective and of course stay totally away from evil or deployment of behaviors or behaviors that stand by its violence and lack of tolerance.
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unequivocal › Definition and Meaning

When something, an event, a situation or an expression that manifests itself, is said to be unequivocal about it it is because there is no doubt or mistake, error, or does not have or give rise to various interpretations or meanings; ie where it consideration or see no objection will be on your right or the possibility of a double interpretation.
By case Importantly incurring equivocation, that would be the opposite case, when space for doubt, equivocation or double interpretation is left can be really serious if it is a context or situation indeed serious.
If you are conducting the investigation of a murder it will be required and necessary that those who carry out the same achieve evidence, data, information that is absolutely unequivocal and that does not doubt, because of course, is playing just the innocence or guilt of someone and also resolution of a case of violent death.
Unequivocal in this case can be achieved by checking and re checking one hundred percent those achieved tests. So when there 's no question there whether they should submit them to the competent body that will handle judge the case accordingly.
Namely, for instance, the best way not to fall into a mistake and be as safe as possible about the truth of a saying or a question is to get over it an undeniable confirmation through a scientific method or factual that banishes in any sense of doubt.
Moreover and in another order of activities in which it is important not to fall into mistakes we find the classificationrequiring some food products consumption mass before being marketed because they contain certain components that can cause health problems to a population affected by a special condition.
For celiac disease, to name one of the most common examples, it is important that in the containers or packaging of some products unequivocally indicate that can be eaten or not by them.
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