Simple-Compound Interest › Intercept › Notion › Home (Food, Remedy) › Cannibalism › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Simple-Compound Interest
  2. intercept
  3. notion
  4. Home (food, remedy)
  5. cannibalism

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Simple-Compound Interest › Definition and Meaning

The issue in question is related to the banking and mathematical financial and, more specifically, customers who put their money in a bank and want to know how much they will get for it. In other words, if someone deposits money in a bank needs to know what is going to get interest, that is, what will be the profitability economical. There are two ways to understand the interest, simple and compound.

An example of simple interest

A parent family has managed to save $ 80000 and your bank offers an annual interest rate of 4% if you deposit money for 3 years. To calculate interest from these data should apply the following formula : I = CxRxT, where I is the interest C capital ($ 80,000), R is the revenue (4%) and T is the time (3 years). Thus, the parent will get additional capital (the interest will give you) from the following formula: I = 80000x 4 / 100x3, the end result being 9600 dollars. Thus, with an initial capital of $ 80000 4% annually, after 3 years they will get 89600 dollars (80000 initial 9600 plus interest).

Compound interest

Compound interest is usually related to some investment capital. So if you have some initial capital after a certain time (eg one year) the final capital will be equal to the sum of capital plus interest on the initial capital. Now the capital obtained after the second year is equal to the sum of the capital raised during the previous period. In other words, capital that is gained over time includes interest earned in previous periods. Thus, in the compounding interest it will capitalize.

In short, in the compounding two circumstances exist

1) the interest earned during each reinvested and
2) will interest calculated on a basis after each period and thus the interest is growing.

Compound interest can be understood mathematically as a geometric progression

From a mathematical point of view, compound interest is based on geometric progressions. Thus, if a bank deposited $ 6,000 for 3 years and the company is committed to pay 10% annually in the first year they will get the $ 6000 plus 10%, ie 6600 dollars. At the end of the second year, there will be 6600 dollars plus 10%, 7260 dollars. And at the end of the third year, there will be 7260 dollars plus 10%, ie 7986 dollars.
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[ 2 ]

intercept › Definition and Meaning

Intercept verb, which means stopping or slowing anything in its way, the noun form interception. The verb intercept equal to others, as hinder, impede, obstruct, impede, interfere with or disrupt.
Generally speaking, an interception occurs when acting against something or someone so that normal development of an action is avoided.

Various uses of the term

In some sports players they have to intercept the attackers opponents game. This action usually performed defenders who have to block, sealing or somehow stop the opponent. It is in football where this concept is used more as the pass from quarterback (an offensive player) tries to trap by a defender. In any case, in certain sports team in which a ball or ball talk intercepted pass.

In the military field this concept is also used

As a general rule, military interception is any strategy aimed at curbing the ability of a potential enemy. So, we talk about air interception when a plane of an army serves to combat possible attacks from enemy aircraft.
Regarding the water cycle, there interception rain, which is all the water just in nature and after evaporation again becomes rain.
From a legal point of view there is the function of legal interception, consisting implement those mechanisms to combat crime (police action is intercepting the action of criminals).
In the area of telecommunications interception it exists when the transmission of information is captured illegally by someone in order to get some inside information. Naturally, the interception of communications is a crime, it violates privacy and, therefore, only be allowed if the action to intercept the information is authorized by a judge.

Interception or interception

While both terms are commonly used, the DRAE only recognizes interception. Actually the word interception is incorrect because it is a direct and unnecessary noun English translation interception. This anglicized has created some confusion, because the wrong word has become normal and proper in less current.
Photo: Fotolia - higyou
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[ 3 ]

notion › Definition and Meaning

We say someone has a notion about an issue when it has a vague and insufficient idea about it. In a second sense, have a notion of something implies that you have a general knowledge of a topic. In any case, in both senses it referred to a form of elemental knowledge and unsophisticated.

The process of knowledge in any activity

When we learn something new we become familiar with the essential aspects of an area or activity. If we think of learning in reading, the child begins studying the letters and their sounds and gradually is able to read; first single words and short texts later. At this early stage the child has a smattering, ie, knows some basic tools (such as the alphabet) but still is not able to perform an elaborate reading. So, when we started an activity only we handle the primary tools of it and say we have a smattering, which may be a foreign language, gardening, of drawing, guitar or any other activity in which there is a gradual process learning.
As you grow some dexterity and skill in one area, we stop being a beginner or a fan and become someone with you can become a highly qualified professional. In fact, when it indicates a person is professional you are asserting that individual knows a subject and, therefore, their knowledge beyond simple notions.

The trend towards specialization

Following the learning process of any area or activity, there is a scheme generally:
1) initial phase which have a smattering, 2) consolidation of knowledge and
3) final specialization.
Let us illustrate this scheme with the example of the medical profession:
1) the college student has a smattering of medicine, 2) the knowledge acquired are consolidated and
3) a doctor can not know all the medicine as a whole and needs to specialize in any particular branch.

Have some knowledge of something is an important step but not enough

The most complex imaginable activity starts in a very basic way. In most cases in a short time it is possible to have some notions about any subject. However, a smattering serve little.
Consider an English student who knows some grammar, has a limited vocabulary (eg 500 words) and understand a simple conversation only if you speak slowly. In this case it could be argued that the student has a smattering of English, so it is possible to handle the language in a very limited and insufficient.
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[ 4 ]

Home (food, remedy) › Definition and Meaning

Most products we consume come from any manufacturing process. However, in some cases still products made outside the industry and are known as home are made. Thus, in language colloquial talking about food, medicine, inventions and, ultimately, all kinds of activities that can be performed with simple techniques that in most cases are being completed in the home.

Advantages and disadvantages

If we take homemade food, this way of cooking has a number of advantages. First, the cooked dishes are usually higher quality than cooked food. On the other hand, it is a way to know what you eat. Usually it is an economical option that allows some savings. Despite the obvious advantages, there are also a number of drawbacks: time required for cooking and this circumstance is not always compatible with a work activity.
The pros and cons of home cooking can be extrapolated to other activities. In this sense, there are people who prefer to make a tea to relieve a sore stomach instead of taking a pill and some people choose to fix the damage from home instead of hiring a specialized service. Decided by homemade solutions depends, ultimately, the time factor, money and personal skills of each.

The home brewed in the traditional trade

Some trade - oriented products are made with procedures home and can be found in local markets or specialized in traditional style. These products are intended for a customer demanding that values quality and is willing to pay a higher price because they usually homemade or artisan has a higher price in comparison with the large stores.

Looks are deceiving

In many advertisements with home label products are presented. With this strategy of marketing it indicates to the consumer that a product is authentic and handmade and is made with love and care. To reinforce the message displayed images with homey connotations and scenarios that have nothing to do with industrial processes.
Assumptions homemade products are, in most cases, an advertising claim with which he tries to seduce buyers playing a chord sensitive (recipe Grandma, flavors of childhood, the home environment and other ideas that communicate feelings pleasant).
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cannibalism › Definition and Meaning

The origin of the word cannibal must be understood in the context of the Discovery of America. Spaniards who reached American shores were surprised to find that some indigenous peoples had the habit of eating human flesh obtained after some sacred rituals in which victims were offered to the gods. The Spaniards heard that this practice was called by the natives with the word cannibal and already in the first chronicles of his travels reviewed the strange and shocking habit of eating human flesh.
Cannibalism is, therefore, the act by which a living being eats meat from another individual of the same species. This practice applies to both animals and humans.

In the animal world

In the animal kingdom cannibalism it occurs in all species. The female praying mantis eats the male after mating. The Komodo dragon eats members of their species who are ill. Sometimes hamsters eat their own offspring and so do spiders, seals, crocodiles or scorpions. In all cases it is a strategy of survival. Some species practice cannibalism due to lack of food, as happens lately with polar bears as a result of climate change.

Among humans

Cannibalism is linked to the murder and therefore is a custom contrary to the legal, moral and religious codes of all civilizations. Exceptionally, it has occurred in some American cultures during the pre - Columbian period in West Africa and Papua New Guinea. As a general guideline, cannibalism is with the incest one of the már rooted among human taboos.
There is no single pattern to explain this behavior. It can manifest itself in relation to funeral rituals, as is the case with the Yanomami of the Amazon. In most cases, it occurs in connection with offerings in which human sacrifices were offered accompanied by eating human flesh, as is evident in the chronicles of the Spanish colonizers in relation to the Mayan or Aztec culture.
Also, there have been cases of cannibalism in situations where there has been a dire need (one of the most famous episodes is known as the "Miracle of the Andes" in 1972, when a plane crashed in the Andes and the survivors had to eat human flesh of the victims to survive).
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