Dress › Stage Fright › Pathetic › Crossdressing › Cannibalism › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. dress
  2. Stage Fright
  3. pathetic
  4. crossdressing
  5. cannibalism

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

dress › Definition and Meaning

Dress with the word generically designates garments used to cover the body. The term is also used to refer to a type of women's clothing. Regardless of sense, all dressed serves two functions: protect the body for better adaptation to climatic conditions and at the same time, add an ornament to highlight the beauty.

In a simple woman's dress is a complex story behind

If we take just any ordinary woman dress, behind him we can find much more than a piece of cloth. We could say that a dress becomes a huge chain with all kinds of links. The first link would be the raw material (cotton, silk, synthetic fiber, etc.). Then the thread is created as staple industry textile. At the next level, designers, dressmakers or tailors create a dress with certain characteristics.
The garment that is obtained is exposed in establishing commercial and consumer-to choose whether to buy it or not. In this brief tour there are very disparate elements: industry, fashion, trade, distribution... So, behind a dress are all kinds of participants: developers and designers, producers, publicists, image consultants, traders and consumers.

Dress and communication

We communicate with words, gestures and the way we dress. If you look at a naked person we can know some things about it, for example, approximate age and physical condition. However, if we see someone fully clothed, information reaching us it is very wide, because their dress tells us about his personality, their economy, their lifestyle or their work.
In the fashion world there is a professional who attempts the binomial dress- communication function properly. This professional is the personal shopper and its function is to guide customers to improve their image and personal style.
In any human society there is an unwritten rule: There is a clothing for every occasion. Thus, work clothing is inappropriate for a party and an evening dress for an event is incompatible full daylight. This rule generally has an exception, the carnival celebration. During this period the concept of dress has another meaning and other rules.
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[ 2 ]

Stage Fright › Definition and Meaning

There are different kinds of fear. Stage fright is the fear that a person feels when he feels exposed to the vertigo of what people will say. The actors and actresses live in first person this kind of fear when they perform a play and suffer for fear of being wrong.
This type of fear can also be suffered in an exhibition in public when a person prepares a lecture and feel the vertigo to go blank or receiving negative reviews from the public.

Social phobia

This is another reason for anxiety in a test of an oral examination. This same fear can be suffered in an interview work when the candidate is aware that at that meeting much of the success is played.
Under pressure producing stage fright, the person blocks their potential, that is, their communication skills are diminished. Symptoms produced by this type of stress is mental dullness, ie, difficulty thinking clearly and maintain a high level of concentration.
Generalized feeling of nervousness that can cause nausea and anxiety. Upset stomach often as a result of this distress and why it is likely that the person has the feeling of having a lump in the stomach that steals your appetite.
This makes testing stage fright public speaking in a challenge before it is very likely that the candidate be like running away. Sometimes this kind of panic is the result of a traumatic experience.

Measures to overcome stage fright

Some tools are very useful to overcome this fear, for example, a laughter therapy workshop because through humor the person relaxes, through a course of oratory, the person acquires a good command of language and trains in the habit of speaking in public, attend classes theater is also good practice to play a role.
This fear is closely linked with social phobia. The person may even stutter as a result of nervousness. Ideally encourage the practice of public speaking to normalize the situation and come to live more naturally. It is logical that most people speaking in public in a given test feel a level of nervousness, however, stage fright is a negative lock, a brake that controls the person reducing his talent.
The person who has this kind of fear gets such high expectations not be afraid to rise to the occasion.
Images: Fotolia - Photographee / auremar
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[ 3 ]

pathetic › Definition and Meaning

To understand the true meaning of a word is worth going back to its original meaning, that is, its etymology. The term comes from the Greek word pathetic pathetikos, which consists of the concept of pathos which equals emotion, feeling or illness and, moreover, by the suffix iko, which means related to something. Thus, how pathetic is that which provokes emotion that impresses intensely or moved. In other words, everything that arouses intense emotion is something pathetic.

Examples for daily use

Certain images convey pain and suffering and, in this sense, one can speak of a pathetic face. On the other hand, when something is grotesque for any reason (for example, an extravagant dress) is said to be pathetic. It can also be used as a synonym for ridiculous (if someone makes a fool is said that it is pathetic). Sometimes it used as a form of insult or contempt ( "You're not pathetic!").

the patetismo

Some artistic manifestations try to provoke feelings deep and intense and, ultimately, move the viewer or reader. It is what happens with traditional romantic in painting or literature or some artistic approaches in which emphasizes the sadness, the sadness or pain torn. When this happens we talk about pathos. The technique of chiaroscuro in painting would be a clear example of pathos, because through it an atmosphere that gives rise to a deep feeling (pain, ecstasy or fear) is created.

The trochlear nerve

Also called trochlear nerve, this nerve is located in the skull and functions to activate a oculi. If this nerve can cause paralyzes hypertropia, commonly known as strabismus or lazy eye.

In literary creation they are called literary figures, ie language unconventional resources that create ideas or suggestive images

One of the figures most original is called pathetic fallacy, also known as antropomórica fallacy. It is to describe objects as people, that is, with feelings and uniquely human characteristics. In this sense, the term is used because the pathetic inanimate object described awakens a particular emotion.
If I say "the desperate cry of the coffee reminded her that breakfast was ready" or "lonely and sad shoes told him clearly that he was alone in life" pathetic fallacy am using. While it is a rare literary figure, in some genres is widely used, as happens with greguería a genre literature in which all that counts is outside of common sense and conventional.
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[ 4 ]

crossdressing › Definition and Meaning

There are multiple ways of living sexuality and their own sexual identity. People who do not assume their identity sexual (male or female) and feel the opposite sex have the option to live according to schemes sex who would be. One of the ways of understanding sexual identity is transvestism. Transvestism, sometimes called transformismo, is the inclination to become a woman or man wearing dress, makeup and other accessories to be successful physical transformation.
The word comes from the Italian transvestite and originally referred to the person who dressed in clothes of the opposite sex. However, transvestism goes beyond a simple makeover.

Difference between transvestism and transformismo

While both terms have been used interchangeably, they are actually different approaches. Transformism has a theatrical component, since it is normally creating a character (usually women but sometimes men) in order to show the public a radical change in conventional sex roles. The transformista masquerades what is not and thus presents a show based on your makeover. Instead, the transvestite is not intended to play a role but actually wants to feel differently about their image or their sexual identity.

Different ways of understanding transvestism

Transvestism can not be explained with a simple definition. In fact, there are several ways to understand it. There transvestite men who live as women but not renounce their masculinity. Another variant is transsexualism, which is that a man or a woman changes her sex through medical treatment. On the other hand, there are homosexual, heterosexual or bisexual transvestite. There are also the Drag Queen. As you can see, the issue of transvestism depends on the individual and how he feels his experience as a transvestite.
Some studies suggest that fetishistic transvestism has an ingredient and, therefore, is not a matter of sexual identity but is a paraphilia.
Whatever the approach of transvestism, this manifestation of sexuality is a way to express the personality of the individual.

One of the first historical references found in the Greek myth of Ifis

A marriage humble formed by Ligdo and Teletusa were expecting the birth of their child. The husband told the woman that if a girl was born they had to get rid of it because they could not keep. Hearing the proposal Teletusa was saddened but did not dare to oppose her husband because somehow he understood as only a man would be profitable.
Before the arrival of the son, Teletusa had a dream in which he appeared the goddess Io, who told him not to worry about the child she carried inside, as the goddess would watch over him. Finally she gave birth to a beautiful girl but told everyone it was a boy and they named Ifis, a name that was used for both genders.
Ifis grew as a man and when he reached adulthood his father decided he had to marry a beautiful girl, Jante. Both Ifis as Jante were attracted to each other. However, when the day of the wedding Ifis wept bitterly because it could never possess his wife. His desperation led her to the temple of the goddess Ío to ask for his help. The goddess granted his request and made Jante become an attractive man and it was possible that Ifis could possess his beloved Jante, just as man.
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cannibalism › Definition and Meaning

If we consider the meaning of the word, antropofagia means eating human flesh, as this term is formed from the Greek word anthropos (man) and fagia (eating).

An initial clarification of the antropofagia

Cannibalism occurs when an animal eats a person. Humans are not part of the food chain of any animal and, therefore, bones and tissues of the human body are not included in any diet of the animal kingdom. However, some wild animals are predators and if they can not get their natural food for reasons of scarcity, human flesh becomes a food alternative.
Another circumstance in Cannibalism occurs, when the body of one serves to feed a scavenger. Consequently, Cannibalism is an exceptional phenomenon in nature and has no relation to the conduct instinctive animals.

Anthropophagy and cannibalism, two terms that usually are confused

As standard general practice cannibalism is only applicable to the animal kingdom, for when a man like human flesh the phenomenon of cannibalism occurs.
Cannibalism is the act of eating with members of the species itself and, therefore, occurs in the animal world and exceptionally among humans. An animal practice cannibalism when their hatchlings, a phenomenon that is quite common in the animal kingdom and their explanation is because you eat the instinct for survival takes precedence over the maternal instinct.

Cannibalism from the point of view cultural and anthropological

Antropofagia concept can also be used in a cultural sense and symbolic. Thus the human tendency to self - destruction (what Freud called Thanatos or death instinct) is comparable to cannibalism in the animal kingdom. The idea that man destroys others or self - destructs is evident in all kinds of cultural events. In this sense we can recall the work of Goya "Saturn Devouring His Son, " the story of the titan Cronos or the idea of the philosopher Hobbes that man is a wolf to man.
From the point of view of anthropology, those civilizations who have practiced cannibalism and cannibalism did so because they understood that by eating another human being acquired extraordinary powers well or because they believed that in this way satisfy the gods.
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