Dreams › Common Sense › Resentment › Initiative › Color Palette › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. dreams
  2. Common Sense
  3. resentment
  4. initiative
  5. Color Palette

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

dreams › Definition and Meaning

It is understood by dreams to the phenomenon that occurs when the person is in a state of unconsciousness, sleep. Dreams are a very complex element of the psyche of every human being and it is not possible to know for sure what they mean because the meaning or symbolism they have is very deep and depends not only on the individual but also the context in which he dreamed he dreamed, family, employment, marital status, etc.Dreams are, according to experts, a clear reflection of tensions and fears, joys and other feelings that the person does not always consciously made, so their analysis in therapy can always be a good help.
To understand what dreams are, it must start from the fact that they are unique and that no one can dream exactly the same as someone else. This is because dreams are generated with the information that lies in the unconscious of each individual and are formed from the moment when the person sleeps, that is, the time in which the unconscious wins place to be aware that it is present in the waking state. Dreams are fantasies, represent more or less real fantasies that have to do with fears, traumas, stresses, joys and happiness that a person accumulates throughout his life. In some cases, dreams can be related directly and easily with recent events, for example in cases of very violent traumas. In these cases, nightmares are present immediately and can be directly linked with the tragedy suffered. However, in other cases, dreams may show no apparent relation to the momentary reality of the individual if we do not take issues and elements of your emotional history.
Experts say it is important to analyze dreams to try to understand the meaning and the reason for them. However, this is a difficult task since there a scientific explanation for why he dreams of traveling, flying, with love or crying. Each case must be analyzed according to the person and their context, trying to intuit through the details of what ails a person and makes him dream of that.
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[ 2 ]

Common Sense › Definition and Meaning

The concept of common sense is one that is used to designate that intelligence which developed the human being and allowing you handled wisely in different life situations. Common sense is usually understood as what is appropriate to do, think or say at certain times, although this does not necessarily imply that such action, thought or that phrase are correct. For example, it is to use common sense when you tell someone who is suffering that the situation will improve although not really know what might happen in the future. Common sense in this case acts as a sound and adequately react to a tragedy or pain.
The common sense notion of the idea that is shared by everyone in a society or community, hence is considered "common". This means that does not depend on the subjectivity of a person or individual, but it is based on traditions, accepted behaviors and ways of acting in that society are considered appropriate for each situation. In many cases, common sense is equal to some issues in different parts of the world, for example when it is understood that it is common sense lead without being under the influence of alcohol. This is true anywhere in the world although there are individuals who do not respect this rule.
Common sense could be described as a form rational and sensible course of action. This is because common sense does not always mean doing the right thing, so can not directly relate to a matter of morals or ethics but what is best for each particular situation. It is assumed that common sense is one that makes us behave every situation trying to do best for us and for others. It is common to hear talk of common sense on the street, in private conversations, etc. when given situation and the way in which a person acted or responded before her, if you used common sense or did not do something right according to your circumstances is judged.
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[ 3 ]

resentment › Definition and Meaning

It is understood that negative feeling resentment that causes a person to have anger, pain or anger against another for something previously happened. Resentment is one of the sentimientosque more can stay in a person, in fact it is based on the idea that an individual remains offended, hurt or upset about something that happened or was said in the past, despite the passage of weather.
As with other feelings, resentment is one of the most difficult to control or measure because it comes from deep emotional and not rational issues. A person suffering from resentment of a particular situation can easily understand the level sound is not good for your health to stay in that state, but much more difficult it is to control that feeling does not appear or leave. Is due from the fact that resentment arises when a person is offended, hurt, upset, angry about a particular situation and keep that resentment or anger even though over time, for example when a couple ends and the two sides maintains a feeling of resentment toward the other for finishing or ruined the relationship.
According to experts, resentment often associated with other feelings such as frustration, shame, humiliation, envy, etc. This means that resentment is one of the most complex feelings and, because it is not, what else can a person sick. It is clear that, as in other cases, resentment may appear to a particular situation but not all aspects of a person 's life. Another case is that of a person who is described as resentful that demonstrates this feeling with all aspects of your life: family, love, work, friendships, etc. In the latter case it is clear that the person suffers from widespread resentment mode as a way to express or show their frustration because things do not go as you want or envy others to achieve the expected results.
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[ 4 ]

initiative › Definition and Meaning

The word initiative refers to the attitude by which a person decides to do something hoping to get a specific result from it. The initiative can be understood as an element (for example, the popular initiative) as well as can be understood as an attitude or way of acting in life.
When we talk about initiative as an attitude or way of acting, we can say that it can be permanent or characteristic of a personality as an action or decision of the moment. When we say that a person has initiative means that person acts daily seeking to resolve the various issues that you may encounter, without expecting others to meet or without expecting things to remain unresolved. A person with initiative is that shown active against situations and looking for a specific result from its action. This kind of attitude is now highly sought after labor day in certain fields in which it is considered important that employees seek to resolve problems or conflicts that may arise. In others, for example, a person with a lot of initiative can be seen as something negative because it is seen as an independent, restless, etc.
On the other hand, one can speak of the concept of popular initiative, political and social complex concept that refers to the act by which a society or people acting in their reality seeks to change or improve something you do not feel satisfied. The popular initiative is one of the possibilities of the democracy to allow the participation of the people. It consists of a proposal or project of law that arises from the people (not from the institutions of power as is traditional) and seeks to eventually become a law or decree formally fulfilled and throughout society. Depending on the country or region, the popular initiative may have different requirements, one of them is always a high number of signatories or people who support the project, which demonstrates that a significant portion of society is interested in achieving that result.
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[ 5 ]

Color Palette › Definition and Meaning

The concept of color palette is one that is used to designate the existing set of colors and shades or chosen to decorate, paint, coloring an object or surface. The color palette can be complete, ie with all known colors, but may also be the selection of colors based on the similarity of tones, etc.
In the world of visual arts, art, decoration, design, concept color palette is used consistently to refer to colors. In this sense, the color palette starts with three colors considered basic or elementary: red, yellow and blue. From mixing these colors together can be obtained all other colors that are part of a palette: mixing red and yellow, orange is formed; by mixing blue and yellow is formed by mixing green and red and blue violet forms. These new colors formed are known as secondary colors. In addition, when the blade becomes more complex, there are many shades between each color, for example between orange and red hues there are several that may be closer to the red or orange depending on the intensity of color they have. This formation of the color palette is traditionally diagrammed as a circle in which are the three primary or basic and secondary colors interspersed with various intermediate shades.
The color palette is very important not only in art but also in the decoration item, and so when measured which color combination is best to create certain type of environment or product. It is believed that the warm colors tend to create spaces or more cheerful, friendly while cool colors are more relaxed and refreshing products, which we recommend in the world of interior decoration using warm colors like orange or red for environments more assets and the cold, blue, blue, green spaces for relaxing colors. The same is reproduced in the use made of colors for products, for example, the dress, the shoes, etc.
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