Devenir › Fraternization › soursop › Coffee Break › Associative Property › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Devenir
  2. fraternization
  3. soursop
  4. Coffee Break
  5. Associative Property

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Devenir › Definition and Meaning

The concept of becoming has different meanings. First, it stands to become something or become and is used as a cultismo (for example, your greatest desire was to become NASA scientist). On the other hand, become tantamount to happen or happen and relates to the passage of time and its consequences (the course of events led him to resign his position as a politician). Finally, becoming is a concept of philosophy.

Becoming as a philosophical problem

The idea of evolution refers to the process by which something becomes something else. In this sense, metaphysics what does not change is known as being and, in contrast, there is the changing, that is, what becomes something else. This implies that the evolution as an idea expresses the different ways of becoming something.
In philosophy we talk about the problem of becoming, which is equivalent to the problem of change. In other words, from philosophy you have sought an explanation as to why things change, which sometimes has been called principle of change.
The Ionian philosophers believed that you had to understand what remains within what is changing, what becomes. The Pythagoreans understood that the changing and diverse of becoming is expressible through mathematics. Heraclitus identified with becoming reality, since everything changes and nothing remains.
Instead, Parmenides said that change is apparent, since the idea of being rationally implies no change (if something stops being logically is not and what is not meaningless). The problem of becoming as a philosophical question has come the history of thought from the Greeks to the present.
At present the problem of evolution continues to be debated. Some philosophers argue that understanding the future is to understand one 's life. In this sense, everything human is transformed and changes, which means that everything is subject to evolution: human existence, history, language, culture or ideas.
We could say that there are two dimensions of becoming a dimension materials (the physical changes that affect an individual) and a spiritual dimension (for example, internal changes in mental or intellectual nature). Somehow, humans can not ignore the problem of becoming, and that all reality is related to the notion of time.

And dialectic Devenir

The idea of evolution in philosophy has a direct relationship with the idea of dialectics, a key concept in the history of thought. Devenir and dialectic are ideas that allow us to understand the changes and transformations that affect humans (eg understanding dialectic of history).
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[ 2 ]

fraternization › Definition and Meaning

The word fraternity brotherhood equals, ie twinning between individuals within a group. Fraternity is an ideal that expresses the desire for coexistence between humans, good neighborliness, cooperation and respect each other.
The idea of fraternity is associated with altruism which, in turn, is opposed to selfishness. Moreover, this feeling has a close relationship with others: solidarity, charity or pity.
Most religions advocate fraternity among human beings. This aspiration is found among Catholics, Protestants, Hinduism or Islam. From the standpoint policy, some ideologies advocated brotherhood among members of society (eg socialism ). Moreover, we must remember that the motto of the French Republic is precisely "liberté, égalité, fraternité".
The idea of fraternity implies a message: that despite our personal, social, political or religious differences we may have a harmonious coexistence and conciliatory.

Empathy toward others

The suffix tion contributes to a word a meaning of movement and change. Thus, the verb becomes imitate imitation or organize organization. The same applies to fraternity and fraternization. Thus, fraternization would be the process by which we approach others with a sense of empathy and good will.

The other side of the fraternización

The concept of fraternization communicate positive ideas and, in principle, would not make sense for someone to say that opposes this ideal. However, in some circumstances fraternization can be problematic. Consider some cases:
1) a boss is a good friend of its employees and as a result has difficulty imposing certain standards or accountability, 2) a teacher has an excellent relationship with their students but they interpret the harmony should translate into better grades, as good friends do favors.
These two examples highlight the paradox of fraternization, because it is a noble idea but must be interpreted and contextualized properly.

The origin of the word

Fraternitas fraternity comes from Latin, it means own quality of brothers. However, this term has a very specific historical origin, phratries of ancient Greece. The fatrias were some forms of association of a people, something like a clan. Thus a set of sibships were known as gene (plural antigens), which may be translated as lineage or strain.
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[ 3 ]

soursop › Definition and Meaning

The soursop is a delicious fruit native to Peru, is the fruit of a tree of the family Annonaceae, genus Annona, and is known in some parts of South America as graviola.
This fruit is characterized by a rough green skin and a very soft thorny white pulp with large black seeds. The fruit reaches a length of 15 to 30 centimeters and can weigh about 3 to 4 kilos.
This fruit is important source of vitamins, especially vitamin C and B vitamins, potassium, calcium and magnesium. It is rich in fiber and fructose.

Main uses of soursop

This fruit can be eaten directly or used in various preparations such as juices, smoothies, ice creams, sorbets and jams or pastry as main ingredient prepared as mouse or cakes.
It is important to note that this fruit must be handled very carefully, since it is possible to break or be easily spoiled by a sudden or improper handling.

Soursop benefits for health

This fruit has a lot of beneficial properties. The fruit is used to help fight conditions like constipation due to its high fiber content.
Also has an antimicrobial effect, which helps to combat disorders gastrointestinal infectious and an antiparasitic effect which helps fight various intestinal parasites; however, if consumed in large amounts can affect plant bacterial and favor the onset of diarrhea.
Soursop leaves are used to combat insomnia disorders such as stress and anxiety because it has a soothing and relaxing effect on the nerves.

Soursop has anti-cancer effects

One of the main benefits of this fruit is its known anti - cancer effect, which is mainly achieved by consuming tree leaves guanábana prepared in the form of an infusion, although at present the components of this fruit are available in capsule form or supplements.
This property derives from its content cytotoxic acetogenins, substances capable of killing cancer cells similar to several drugs used in chemotherapy, allowing the immune system to fight the tumor. This effect is achieved by affecting the production of energy in the mitochondria of malignant cells, which interferes with the metabolism of these cells thus causing his death.
This anticancer effect has been investigated mainly in lung, pancreas cancer stomach, breast and colon.
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Coffee Break › Definition and Meaning

The English term coffee break is used to mention the rest time in some social activities (conferences, meetings or other events). The idea of a coffee break is a brief pause during which attendees can have a snack. With respect to the most common snack is a coffee with pastries, but may also include beverages like tea and juices as well as other foods light. This is a break in the activity in order to extend it later. A coffee break serves as snack and rest time and, simultaneously, as a time when participants can chat in a relaxed and relaxed, thereby disconnecting the activity performed.
If coffee break can be translated as a snack, rest or coffee break, we can ask why this term is used when speaking in Spanish. We understand that there are two possible answers. On the one hand, justified and reasonable use of the term and, secondly, undue and inappropriate use.

When it makes sense to use the term coffee break

In some contexts the use of this concept makes sense. For example, at an international meeting in an informative panel of a hotel or planning a program of activities. Also, in some hotels meeting rooms are rented and prices can go with or without coffee break depending on the needs of the customer. In such situations it makes sense to use the term coffee break, because it is an international name which is understood by all. Something similar happens in the terminology of the airports where words such as check in, check out, arrivals, departures and others are used.

When it is inappropriate to use the term coffee break

It is undeniable that the use of English terms is a growing phenomenon. However, in some contexts it is inappropriate to use them, since it involves a degeneration of our language and the gradual creation of a nonexistent language, Spanglish. Thus, if two co-workers are going to have coffee would be inappropriate to say they will do a coffee break.

The invasion of English in our language

The invasion of English in daily life involves some risk, because we are slowly speaking English without realizing it and create a very peculiar way of speaking. It makes no sense to say "I'll do a business" or use instead workshop workshop. And we use a mixture of Spanish and English quite frequently (high quality, have a feeling, take some panties or talk about a style fashion), so it is convenient to have a judgment about when it is appropriate to speak English and when not.
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Associative Property › Definition and Meaning

The numbers we handle have a number of properties math, which are discussed in the section on the theory of numbers, popularly known as arithmetic. The first to use the numbers were the Babylonians and Sumerians and later the Egyptians and Greeks.
The numbers used are known as real numbers, which are understood in the decimal system. If we graph it could draw a straight, which would be 0 in an intermediate position and left real number -1, -2, -3... and right of 0 1, 2, 3... the set of real numbers have a number of properties: the lock, the commutative, associative and distributive, which are met in some mathematical operations and not others.
In the process of learning mathematics, school should become familiar with a series of arithmetic operations. So that the operations are correct it is necessary to know which properties have the numbers, ie, what can be done with them. For a child to properly understand the idea of the associative property of real numbers is necessary to previously familiar with the numbers through simple games, as the understanding of numbers and their rules only reaches the stage of thinking logical.

Brief explanation of the associative

The associative property can refer to two operations, addition and multiplication. In the first case, if we have three real numbers, they can be combined or associated in different ways. Thus, (10 + 5) = 10 +15 + (5 + 15), so that two different forms of association of the same numbers identical result. The associative property is equally applicable to multiplication, so (50x10) x 30 = 50 x (10x30). In short, the associative property tells us that the result of an operation with three or more numbers is independent of the way the numbers are grouped.

What operations the associative property is not met

We have seen that the associative property holds the sum and multiplication. However, does not apply to other operations. Thus, subtraction is breached, since 2- (4-5) is not equal to (4/2) -5. Exactly the same happens with the division.

A practical example of the associative property

Understanding this property we can help resolve daily operations. Think of a garden in which a gardener has planted 3 and 4 orange and lemon trees then plant another 2 different trees. We can see that if we add (3 + 4) + 2 = 3 + (4 + 2). In conclusion, when we have to add or multiply, we must remember that it is possible to group the numbers in the way that suits us.
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