Crossword Puzzle › Unstressed Syllable-Tonic › Apogee › Pejoratively › Relevance › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. crossword puzzle
  2. Unstressed syllable-tonic
  3. apogee
  4. pejoratively
  5. relevance

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

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crossword puzzle › Definition and Meaning

A crossword is a form of entertainment based on the words. This pastime can be found in newspapers or magazines, in some games computer or specialized publications in this game. The player who makes a successful crossword must have some patience, a wide vocabulary, some skill and some practice.

Game mechanics and some strategies to solve a crossword

A crossword puzzle consists of two sections. On the one hand, a series of definitions of words presented a vertically and horizontally other and, secondly, a cell structure in which numbers appear where the letters corresponding to the definitions are placed. Throughout the hobby player is filling the empty boxes, which intersect horizontally and vertically and hence the name crossword.
Each player has his own strategy and tricks to properly fill in a crossword puzzle. Usually it begins filling the boxes on which is uncertain definition. Other players follow a logical order (first horizontal and then vertical words) or decide to complete it on the fly and without a prior strategy. There are players who can not resist temptation and seek the solution to the puzzle in the publication itself. There are puzzles for all levels and in Spanish language is considered to be the puzzle called bloody damero is one of the most difficult to solve.

Possible targets Crosswords

The motivation principal of this pastime is to test the skill and ingenuity of the player, so it's a personal challenge. However, they are also useful for learning a foreign language, to improve vocabulary and general culture, to train the mind or as a form of evasion.

Other entertainment with words

The language not only serves to communicate but we can also play with it. One of the most unique ways is through an acrostic, a type of poem in which the first letters of each line form a word or message when read vertically. Board game scrabble has a strong resemblance to the crossword as it is based on the same idea and words are combined horizontally and vertically.
Other forms of entertainment with words must not forget, as palindromes (short phrases that can be read either from left to right or vice versa), the Sator square (five words which when combined form a palindrome) or the popular wordsearch (words hidden in a set of unordered letters).
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[ 2 ]

Unstressed syllable-tonic › Definition and Meaning

When we learn to read first need to become familiar with letters, then syllables and finally with the words. Like a prayer consists of a combination of words, a word consists of syllables. Each syllable is the stroke that forms voice to utter a word. For example, the word horse has three strokes voice (ca-ba-LLO) and the word two has a voice fell swoop. However, not all syllables are equal, because there is always a syllable sounds more intensely (which would be the stressed syllable) and other sounds with a lower intensity (the unstressed syllable).

Unstressed syllable

To recognize unstressed syllables of words have to look at the intensity in his voice when pronouncing. For example, the word window we can see that the unstressed syllables are seen and na, since both are pronounced with lower noise than the syllable ta. Sometimes words carry an accent or tittle, which indicates that it contains the syllable is the tone and, therefore, which do not carry the accent or tittle are unstressed syllables. In the word Cajon, CA is the unstressed syllable and Jon is the syllable.
Unstressed syllable provides useful information because it tells us how we pronounce it, in this case with less force than the syllable. For a person who speaks Spanish as their own mother tongue the distinction between unstressed syllable and tonic is not hard to learn, but not so with people learning Spanish as a language foreign, who often make mistakes confuse the two types of syllables.

The stressed syllable

Stressed syllable is the opposite of unstressed syllable. Consequently, we recognize a syllable as tonic when your pronunciation is stronger than the rest of syllables that form a word. If I say the word clock, we note that there are two syllables, watch, and one of them said with more intensity, in this case the syllable loj. The best way to distinguish one type of syllable of the other is using it, which tells us precisely when specifying what the stressed syllable and what is the unstressed syllable.

Learning syllables

Teachers and educators know that the best way to learn the syllables is playing with them in a spontaneous and participatory manner and avoiding theoretical explanations. It is very common familiar with the syllables with dashes separating them and indicating which of them is the tonic or unstressed. The children in their early school years studying syllables intuitively and from this basic knowledge and rules can address the stress of syllables, diphthongs and hiatuses.
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[ 3 ]

apogee › Definition and Meaning

The most common use of the word Apogee is made to refer to the moment of maximum splendor in the development of a process. Based on this definition, Apogee can be used in many situations.
One can speak of the apogee of an empire to designate that period of time when this empire had more power and extended his influence by a greater number of territories. The apogee of the race musical of an artist is that moment when their levels of popularity and sales reach a higher level, and can also be mentioned that a player is at its peak when it reaches its best records over time.
The margin of this wider use, it is also called apogee point of an elliptical orbit in which an object is farthest from the center of the Earth.

Apogee and decline of civilizations

Throughout history, there have been many civilizations that have spread their culture and influence beyond its territory. In this process we have followed a common set of guidelines that begin with a desire to expand, conquer new territories, imposing their culture, and later, inexorably, his fall.
Arabs, Romans, or the Spanish have been people who, at a given moment have followed this process, peaking after winning a large number of territories and implement them their customs.
But, as history shows, periods of peak of civilization are not too long. Usually, it is the very greatness of his achievements which ends up causing his fall. And the climax concept leads implied a point where a top- down process, a process that usually, once initiated no turning back starts.
This is a constant that occurs in all cases of dominant throughout the history of civilizations, and has the peculiarity that, those who live, have no awareness of it. The apogee carries a decline that usually is imperceptible to those who star in, and only become aware when this civilization is overcome by another which follows exactly the same process.
It is especially curious that the height of contemporary civilization not only become aware of their decline, but often think that the current status quo will be maintained indefinitely.
Photo: iStock - BornaMir
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[ 4 ]

pejoratively › Definition and Meaning

A word or expression have a pejorative meaning when used to criticize, scorn or ridicule another person, or a collective ideas. The pejorative word comes from the Latin peiorare, which means worse.

The intention in communication

When we communicate we are quite common to express our preferences, likes and dislikes. What we find unpleasant we express it with a derogatory term, ie, pejoratively. A word or expression takes on a pejorative meaning when used so insulting or slanderous. Thus, the Jewish word indicates in principle that someone professes a religion, but the Jewish term has historically been used as an insult.
Consideration of a word as pejorative depends on the intention of the speaker, the cultural context and tone that is used in communication. In some cases, a term can be said insulting friendly way, as happens with some Andalusian expressions.

Examples of pejorative concepts in Spanish culture

A word or expression is pejorative or not depends on the traditional culture of each country or community. If two black friends greet each other and one says to the other "black" no insult, but you can have if it 's a white person who goes to a black. There are many terms with a connotation pejorative. Thus, in the Basque Country maketo word for those who are not Basques and the same happens in Catalonia with the word charnego or in the Canary Islands with the term Gothic is used. In the nineteenth century in Spain supporters of tradition political French they were called Francophiles, a name clearly pejorative.
A gypsy is someone who belongs to the Roma, but in practice this term is used as an insult, implying that it is someone who is engaged in any criminal or suspicious activity.
A curious case is the case with the official term, which in principle is someone who works for the public administration but in the Spanish culture is often used disparagingly to this collective way. Spain is a country visited by tourists, which in popular parlance are known as "touristy", an equally contemptuous denomination.

Of praise to insult

The pejorative connotation of a word can evolve and in this sense we must remember that the word " fascist " or "Spanish" had a laudatory connotation decades and now can be used as an insult. Something very similar happens with the cry "Long live Spain!" Which for many years showed an expression of national pride and patriotism and today is interpreted very negatively by large segments of the population.
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relevance › Definition and Meaning

It is said that an event has relevance when considered important for some reason. The concept of relevance is equally applicable to persons who are recognized by any merit or prestige. Also, it is a term that has a subjective and objective dimension other.

The significance from a personal point

Each individual has their personal priorities and its own scale of values. This implies that what is relevant for one may be irrelevant to another. To say that something seems relevant is a way to indicate that it has a peculiar range for us. However, most people agree the idea of valuing as important a number of aspects in life: health, economic stability and affectivity (the classic formula of health, money and love).

relevant historical events

Certain historical facts are valued as relevant from an objective point of view. Thus, there are facts that have an unquestionable influence on the course of events. No one doubts that in the recent history of mankind some episodes have this feature: the Cold War, the first man on the moon, the fall of the Berlin Wall or 11-S in New York in 2001. No need to prove their relevance, it is evident that it is episodes that have marked an era and have become historical facts are studied in history books.

Reflections on the idea of relevance

Each tradition culture has its own definition of what is relevant or not. For an Amazonian tribe that lives isolated from the world it is irrelevant 11-S or the first man on the moon. This reminds us of the importance of events has a relative character.
It is not always clear that something is relevant or not. In this sense, a research scientific desaperciba can happen for the vast majority of individuals but end up being a matter of vital importance.
Somehow the figure historian who determines the relevance of facts. Thus, in the process of investigating a fact that is initially irrelevant can acquire great importance.
What matters quite often remains hidden and more attention is paid to what becomes fashionable at any given time.To label something as important need within a certain period of time. What is temporary, ephemeral trend or simply forget with relative ease, but not so with what is really important.
Photo: iStock - BakiBG
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