Craving › Culture General › Cosmetic › Cacophony › Adult › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. craving
  2. Culture General
  3. cosmetic
  4. cacophony
  5. adult

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

craving › Definition and Meaning

When someone can not help but feel the need for something and has to satisfy this desire it is that you have a craving. Usually you have a craving in connection with food, but also with regard to anything else. In any case, this kind of impulses are not intended to meet a real need, but is normally a whim.

Cravings in pregnant women

It is quite common that pregnant women have cravings. Unexpectedly you fancy a sweet, a meal or a drink. It is very likely that these reactions are related to hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy. Also they are interpreted as a way to draw the attention of the couple, because pregnant are in a situation of great emotion and sensitivity.
According to popular wisdom, when a pregnant woman can not satisfy the desire for a craving, your body reacts with some sort of signal or related spot with the object of desire and this phenomenon is also known as a craving. This belief has no scientific basis, but nevertheless is deeply rooted in the tradition popular. In fact, there are people who believe that cravings have a supposedly scientific meaning (if the craving is chocolate is because the body needs magnesium and if the desire is cookie this is due to a lack of calcium).

The capricious people and locutions "seems to me" and "do something craving"

People who regularly have cravings are described as capricious. With this adjective implies that someone is capricious and even somewhat fanciful and voluble.
There is also an expression very common with this term, namely the phrase "strikes me as" equivalent to "I think." Thus, we can say that a person "seems to me complicated" or a matter "strikes me as quite difficult."
Another commonly used phrase is "do something craving" and is used to indicate that someone does something for their own interest and in a selfish way. So, if we say that a friend does things at will, we are saying that acts so interested and ungenerous.

The verb antojarse

The verb antojarse generally used in the third person, then do not say I fancy me or you antojas you. Moreover, the verb antojarse can also express that something has a certain degree of probability (eg "seems unlikely that Madrid win the league this season").
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[ 2 ]

Culture General › Definition and Meaning

General culture is understood as the body of knowledge that a person has on a variety of topics, whether these acquired by studying regulated, the investigaciónautodidacta, or the experience of the events throughout his life facts.
From a practical standpoint, rather than the application of such knowledge in a particular area, the general culture used to have a better judgment and greater breadth of vision.
That is, have a broad general education provides a broader perspective of the world, because it allows us to understand not only from the parameters of our own culture, but also understanding the motivations and reasons that lead others to behave differently.

Bases of general culture

While general knowledge is cumulative and never fails to be built, the foundations of this often provided in school through a series of materials that are considered essential for the individual to cope subsequently normally in any field.
Thus, Mathematics are an important part as they are present in actions of everyday life as the exchange of goods and money. Add, subtract, multiply and divide can be considered basic actions of general culture without which endless activities would be problematic.
History and Geography also considered as pillars of the general culture, since on the one hand put us in a history of the events prior to our presence in the world, and secondly, give us an orientation of where they are located different peoples, countries and cultures that inhabit the Earth.
Language, meanwhile, teaches us to express ourselves accurately and thus provide us with the ability to communicate and convey ideas.
From here, the field of materials that can encompass the general culture is infinite, and that knowledge knows no bounds. However, it is important to note that the objective of having a broad general culture is not master these subjects but have the greatest possible number of references that allow us to structure our own ideas consistently and supported by arguments.
The development of a broad general education allows us to better understand our environment and events that happen in it, because we have to assess each fact a range of explanations and causes that can contrast and allow us to reach our own conclusions.
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[ 3 ]

cosmetic › Definition and Meaning

Cosmetic is any product or substance applied superficially over a body part to improve its general aspect, appearance, color or odor.
Differentiation between a cosmetic and a product that is not well defined; both its purpose and its form of application. Cosmetics only serve an aesthetic, never healing function, and its use is always external, which means that no product is introduced into the body by any route may be considered as such.
In cosmetics may include products such as shampoos, all kinds of makeup, teeth whitening, nail polish, gels or deodorants.

The cosmetics industry and animal testing

Cosmetic industry moves large amounts of money. Being a type of highly demanded product, laboratories are constantly bringing to market new products and brands, which previously had to pass strict controls.
To investigate these products, cosmetic industry conducts tests with substances that need to be tested at the level of toxicity.
As a result, each year thousands of animals are used in these tests, suffering significant damage that produce them eye and skin lesions and even death in many cases.
This has caused protests from organizations for the protection of animals who refuse to be employed for this purpose, especially when there are alternatives that could replace this practice.
From 2013 came into force legislation European preventing the sale of cosmetics tested on animals, although this has not ended the problem, since many of the components used in the preparation of such cosmetics if they continue to be tested in them.
Hence it has emerged movement called "Cruelty free" whose seal is the only guarantee that cosmetic products have not been tested on animals, nor any of the components that have been developed.
This movement invited to take consumers aware of the problem and only buy cosmetic products under this label, however, most major brands of the cosmetics industry have not received it. While these brands have ceased their direct experimentation on animals, continue to use components that have actually followed this process.
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[ 4 ]

cacophony › Definition and Meaning

The cacophony is a phenomenon characterized by the perception unpleasant sounds, resulting in using similar syllables followed or repeated in the same sentence.
Usually the cacophony is the result of bad or careless wording, although sometimes is considered a literary device.

Common forms of cacophony

While writing may prove inharmonious words from the acoustic point of view are used, which reflects a number of common mistakes.
The most common form of cacophony occurs when using words with similar terminations as in the case of some adverbs or nicknames. It is also common to narrate made using verbs in the same temporary form of continuously or when words are used with similar prefixes.
Another fact which leads to cacophony occurs is the repetition of the same vowel when this is the end of a word and the beginning of the next, as for example in the following cases: "a failure", "warning", "much water".

The cacophony as a literary device

The cacophony can be used to express ignorance or lack of reference to another, or a derogatory language. Great writers like Miguel de Cervantes have used this resource in their works.
Another use of the cacophony is given in writing ludic texts like tongue twisters, where the pronunciation aloud difficult being common mistakes or change the words, such as the famous tale of the three sad tigers eating wheat in a wheatfield.

Correcting the presence of cacophony in texts

The best way to demonstrate the presence of cacophony is to carry out the reading of the text to analyze aloud, looking for disharmonic sounds, repetitions or groups of words difficult to pronounce his likeness.
Having identified the words that come into conflict must be replaced some of them with a synonym, change their order in the sentence, passed singular or plural, change the verb tense or even drafting new idea.
The Castilian language has a number of grammatical rules that seek to give solution to the problem of cacophony. Such is the case of using an article male indeterminate before a word beginning with the letter A, although this is feminine, examples of this are: "water, rather than water", "the handle instead of the handle. "
For adverbs ending in mind the grammar rule states that only the latter should take this termination, while the above should be replaced by feminine or masculine adjective. An example of this would be "clear and simple" should be changed to "clear and llamamente".
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[ 5 ]

adult › Definition and Meaning

The term adult refers to the age of a person or animal. In the case of humans, adults are those who have overcome youth but are not yet elderly.

The difficulty of realizing the idea of adult

Adult idea has evolved throughout history. A hundred years ago it was considered adult for a person with 18 years, since he could join a job and assume a number of responsibilities. However, today an individual of 18 years is not seen as an adult but as a young man. This change in valuation due to several factors social and cultural (eg time ago it was common for women to marry very young and this does not currently happen to the same extent).
Adult consideration has a biological component, since it is considered that a man or woman reaches adulthood when your body has developed with fullness. Regarding women are biologically and adults when they can procreate, but this assessment does not fit the social vision of what a grown woman.
Adult idea is associated with the vital and intellectual maturity of a person. However, anyone can be an adult chronologically but being an immature individual.
From a practical standpoint, adulthood generally begins at age 18, the age at which you can work legally in most countries and the age at which people leave their status as legally youth.

The ritual to become an adult

Today we talk about the legal concept of adult, but in some isolated places no such legal considerations. When this happens, adult status through some initiation ritual is acquired.
From a historical point of view and culture are very different rituals to leave behind youth: hunt an animal. go to war, consume a substance of initiatory type, sharpened teeth, temporarily leave the home relative or overcome some painful or very difficult test. All these rituals had or still have a component symbolic, they represent enter a new stage of life, adulthood.
Currently rituals to enter adulthood have lost their original meaning. Despite this, we have created another "ritual" adapted to today 's culture, as the first drunk, removed the driver's license or the first trip with friends and without parents.
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