Conditioning › Wrap › Accreditation › Mobbing › Firefighter › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. conditioning
  2. wrap
  3. accreditation
  4. mobbing
  5. firefighter

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

conditioning › Definition and Meaning

The word conditioning is used in our language to express the willingness of a thing in the most correct conditions with the mission that doing so may thereby meet the target or the target set. Then, it is feasible that fittings on elements, objects and spaces to be carried on to achieve certain states and conditions suitable therein.
For example, relatives of a person who has just left leg surgery especially conditioned your room so that it can cope in the best way.
On the other hand, the air conditioning means the process from which one is achieved ambienteagradable and comfortable temperature in a room. At present, such a situation is possible by the installation of an apparatus known as air conditioning that allows from its normal functions temperature environment in which it is installed. Summer when the idea is to cool and remove humidity at which it ignited at a low temperature, while during the winter will be positioned on the corresponding heat to provide the space in question function.
It should be noted that there are other devices that allow air condition a room like the fan and stoves.
Furthermore, the acoustic conditioning of a place, either closed or open, is to get the sound emitted by a source or more is irradiated to them identically and in all directions thus achieving diffuse and ideal sound field. Since not all places are able to spread the sound satisfactory to all nooks mode, it will be necessary to practice in that space certain actions to help improve the diffusion of sound. For instance, the use of materials characterized by its recommended absorption, diffusion and reflective capacity.
Sometimes removing a carpet or placing a can achieve significant changes on faithful sound panel.
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[ 2 ]

wrap › Definition and Meaning

The coat is a type of garment that humans use to protect us from cold weather. For this mission is that it is placed above the rest of the clothes used, it is usually a thick fabric or wool and has sleeves. It should be noted that the shelter also often called the specific name warmer clothes question: covered, jacket, above all, among the most popular.
There is an impressive array of designs coats for men and women, although there are some basic features that almost every respect when it comes to the coat: Long, often exceed the waist, it turns on the front with buttons or a zipper, you can have pockets interior and exterior and even a hood in addition to the cold if necessary protected from rain. The differences between men and women coats are given by color, women often have played classic and colors, while the men tend to be rather neutral colors like black, gray and blue. In the case of shelters for women it is common in the design some type of skin is applied.
The coat is a garment that has a lot of history... While its main function has been to protect people from the cold also it has known how to be faithful expression of social status that somebody had in a given society. For example, in Roman times, men who were free and harbored dressed in a toga unlike the slaves who did not have this possibility. Later, in the nineteenth century, the coat par excellence of the gentry was the Levite.
Moreover, the word wrap also is used to refer to that, an element, an object that is used to defend or temper cold treatment.
Also, the shelter that aims to isolate someone from the cold it is called shelter.
And from the symbolic concept of shelter is used in language colloquial to refer the assistance, protection and the protection anyone has of someone or a group.
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[ 3 ]

accreditation › Definition and Meaning

The word accreditation designates that certification through a document, which states that an individual has the skills and abilities needed to perform a task that has been entrusted or given in a particular place mission.
For example, when there is a social, political, musical or any other event which is of great importance and call it is usual that the mass media mass, such as radio and television worry about cover it in all its aspects, while normally the organizers of such events require journalists who send tevé chains or radio stations that are accredited in accordance to cover it. Accreditation will enable them to participate and cover each of the instances. Normally, they are given press credentials that journalists must wear their clothes hung on for identifying the brand as security of the event.
Moreover, the word accreditation referred to this voluntary process from which an organization measures the quality of its services or products that performs as well as performance presenting them. It should be noted that this analysis is usually carried out by bodies outside experts and the organization in question. Areas such as health, education and laboratories are often relieved to see if they meet the expected standards.
The sine quanom to follow the accreditation of an organization such as those mentioned lines above are: complete (the accreditation must pass through each of the levels and areas of the organization because of anything better to do it by one and obviates some other because there is always interrelationship between the areas of an organization), voluntary (in no way should be imposed but is the organization's interested in that accreditation is carried out in order to work as holding the most important standards), leave learning (each organization must go through an accreditation draw on the conclusions to which it arrives after completion thereof to improve).
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[ 4 ]

mobbing › Definition and Meaning

The concept of mobbing refers to those acts of harassment, usually deployed by an authority, as in the case of a boss, a supervisor, an employee, and who have the mission to scare him to better submission to his plans or that the beleaguered renounce work.
In cases where bullying comes from a boss or superior usually manifests as follows: it requires the employee meet impossible goals specific, they are applied constant obstacles so you can not develop their full capacity. Meanwhile, it is mentioned that it is acceptable and normal for a boss require your employee or rebuke him if it does not fulfill its obligations, however, when the demands or treatment become violent, far from reality we face a scenario workplace harassment.
It should be noted that also harassment can come from a pair, especially in jobs where there is ruthless competition capacity and then the one who emerges as a particular threat to growth professional another within the company it begins to bother with comments and actions to decide to withdraw from the race.
Meanwhile, harassment, may consist of recurring misconduct comments may be accompanied by performing some mischief, or alternatively may involve constant and exaggerated criticism about the performance of work.
Workplace bullying is one of the most common complications which employees are today and it is also one of the most difficult to solve because generally raw feeling of fear of losing their jobs if mistreatment or harassment complaint.
On the other hand, be subject to harassment trigger the person who suffers an enormous amount of psychological and nervous disorders such as depression, stress and the onset of many other diseases of psychosomatic nature.
Specialists in this type of situation recommend to those who are harassed at work not adopt a behavior of aggressive confrontation and instead showing a resolute and response to injury behavior but never to touch the violence.
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[ 5 ]

firefighter › Definition and Meaning

A fireman is a person who is qualified according to firefighting and to assist victims in any other disaster such as earthquakes, floods, among others.
The existence of firefighters is really important in all communities around the world since it is very common question accidents or negligence human fires occur. For instance, states should promote this activity and also provide the most suitable conditions possible so that they can deploy this important and heroic work satisfactorily.
Currently, firefighters are mobilized in specially equipped trucks to carry out their work and move in them from the firehouse to the crash site. In addition, these trucks have and carry tools such as hoses used by fire fighters to extinguish the fire and other elements that serve to solve problems. The characteristics that distinguish these vehicles are its vibrant red color and layout of a siren sounds at times constantly being directed to address a emergency.
They also make use of the hydraulic pumps to control and eradicate the fire, since they are connected to wells, rivers, or other tank water to be provided in large quantities thereof.
It should be noted that firefighters are organized into bodies belonging to the public administration and can be voluntary, ie not charge a penny for their work and do only a motivation to serve the community in which they reside, or failing they may receive a salary for their work.
Moreover, there are also private firefighters who display their work in a company or private factory.
Worldwide, the public has a single telephone number, a few numbers to contact the fire department so we can give them notice a fire that needs your help.
The first Roman emperor, Augustus, who organized the first fire department in history.
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