Civil Engineering › Delineation › Abduction › Acervo › Graphic Arts › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Civil engineering
  2. delineation
  3. abduction
  4. Acervo
  5. Graphic Arts

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Civil engineering › Definition and Meaning

The civil engineering is the branch of engineering that is dedicated exclusively to design, build and also to maintain infrastructure such as highways, bridges, canals, dams, roads, railways, airports, dams, among others, ie primarily addresses shippingof develop hydraulic and important projects that normally correspond to public order.
It should also be noted that civil engineering will address exercise control and preserve the constructed works. In this way it contributes directly to prevent possible accidents in works that present deficiencies in construction.
Along with military engineering, civil is the oldest and most traditional branches of engineering, meanwhile, it is divided into various disciplines such as: geophysical, environmental engineering, transportation engineering, engineering planning, hydraulic engineering, surveying, among the most prominent.
Really ancient records of the practice of this activity have. In Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt he began empleársela following the human need to build a house for shelter when he decides to leave the itinerant life. Also the need to move more easily and conveniently triggered man worry about generating projects to advance in this direction. And no doubt if we have to mention an example of major buildings at that time highlights the Pyramids of Egypt.
Between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries come improvements and advancements in measuring instruments and mathematical calculations that would eventually delineate modern civil engineering.
The individual who works in this branch of engineering is denominated as a civil engineer and may exercise as such once it has completed satisfactorily complied with the race of engineering in college. It should be noted that depending on the area of interest in the subject may specialize in a specific field.
Regarding the job prospects civil engineer is really varied because they can engage in the public administration or in the private sector, whether working in offices of government municipal or national, or consulting and large companies in the industry, respectively.
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[ 2 ]

delineation › Definition and Meaning

The word delineation of designating the action of drawing lines with a figure, on a support such as paper. By case, it is that the term is widely used to instances of activities such as drawing, design, among others.
While it is correct to use the word when you want to express the action of drawing lines a figure worth mentioning that it is more common to use the word in our language design, one of his most popular way synonymous.
Because design is just that, the outline, outline or sketch that takes place in an idea or figure someone, an artist, a designer, cartoonist, among others, performed in a particular medium.
The design and delineating something starts with a representation mind and then it comes translating them into a support such as paper, to mention one of the most common ways of moving the idea.
It should be noted that when someone delineates or design will take into account the inherent task aesthetic issues but also must observe technical conditions that will make your work is developed in the best way and you can successfully convey the appropriate message.
The professional who is dedicated to the design and delineating what is popularly known as designer. To serve as such must take the career design. It is important to note in this regard that the design is a very broad category that typically is sectioned into different areas such as: fashion design, interior design, industrial design, among others.
Moreover, the word Delineation also often used in the field of cosmetics to designate the action take shape with eyes with a specific cosmetic product intended for that purpose, the eyeliner.
Eyeliner pencil consists of a timber, similar to that used for writing, and allows to define the eye area, apply precisely around these. Usually dark and contrasting colors like black, brown and blue. This cosmetic is really old because it was used in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia.
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[ 3 ]

abduction › Definition and Meaning

The word abduction is used in our language with various meanings that go over below.
On the one hand, abduction is a typical movement of a part of the body in relation to the other and having a transverse direction. It is also called separation.
With an example we will understand better: in position fallen to the sides of the body and along arms, when the lateral arm lift occurs, as a result of the action of the deltoid muscle, abduction occur, ie the engorgement a body part with respect to the plane of symmetry, by which the arm or other member separate from the midplane which is imaginarily divided body into two symmetrical parts.
The of adduction movement is opposed to and is indicated the approach of a body part to the symmetry plane.
In another vein, the term abduction is used to designate the alleged kidnapping, cooptation human beings, made by aliens, with the mission to bring to your space or spacecraft. Both ufology, the discipline that studies the extraterrestrial phenomenon and in science fiction, it is common to talk about abduction to designate the act through which I UNPO or more ETs are carried against his will to a human being, in most of the time your spaceship and where they undergo an analysis of its nature and also to an alleged conversion.
It should be noted that those individuals who perjure themselves have been subjected to abduction agree that relate remember nothing of the experience lived, probably because they were subjected to a special process that erased them from memory that fact. And in science fiction stories also the story of the event is simile.
And in the time of the Roman Empire, the word abduction available a special use in the military field and he had the task of appointing the action fractionation of a force and the formation of rows of soldiers.
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[ 4 ]

Acervo › Definition and Meaning

The word acquis is not a term used to recurrence in our language, however, it is indicated when trying to refer to the set of material, cultural and moral assets for a community. Meanwhile, it is more common word instead of some of its synonyms such as is used: collection, heritage and property.
Going back to what is strictly referential term, that set of goods mentioned is characterized by common ownership of several individuals, meanwhile, may be accumulated, stored, either by tradition, heritage, or for any other reasons that have those who will safeguard.
When speaking of the cultural heritage of a society or community it will be referring to the set of artistic and cultural events, customs and traditions inherent in such a community. It should be noted that all this conglomerate, is what marks the identity of a given community and also will be built thanks to all generations, past, present and even future.
Moreover, the scientific heritage consists of the body of knowledge that a scientific community has gathered about a subject after conducting painstaking research on it.
In the field of genetics we are also using this concept, because the gene pool, which also appears referred to as genetic heritage, involves a set of unique alleles that can be appreciated when studied the genetic material of individuals of a species given. It noted that when the gene pool is important to be more likely to survive.
And meanwhile, at the request of the European Union (EU) concept of the acquis communautaire has a special use in this context because it designates the set of rules governing EU - wide, ie, is the legal soul of it and it includes both rules that originated in the treated product foundation as those modifications or additions. The purpose of this collection is to ensure the harmonious coexistence among citizens living in the European community.
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Graphic Arts › Definition and Meaning

The concept of Graphic Arts appoints a set of trades, technical, jobs and professions involved in graphics or publishing, for instance, the aforementioned graphic arts include areas such as graphic design, media, different systems printing, binding and finishing.
The Graphic Arts is a concept and importance entity charged after an event hyper crucial in this area as was the invention of movable type printing by German - born goldsmith Johannes Gutenberg, in 1450. The best job Gutenberg obtained with his new creation was an impression of the Bible.
Meanwhile, from this time began to be considered as a whole to all trades and jobs associated with printing and art graphic as being the accommodation of movable type, binding, printing, finishing and any other process that is applied to the material that has been printed.
By the late eighteenth century, in the year 1796 more precisely, a new procedure that will revolutionize back to the graphic arts appears: lithography, a novel technique of printing developed by German inventor Aloys Senefelder and based on the natural repulsion between water oil and used a limestone and a bar of wax to carry impressions. Later the stone will be replaced with an aluminum foil.
Then comes the photomechanical, the technique that gets negative transparencies, or in default positive, images, drawings, documents, etc., and they can be used to make faithful copies on a griddle when in contact with it.
In the late nineteenth century it produced a substantial improvement in printing by creating the offset system employing three cylinders.
Today, new technologies and the fantastic technological development have placed in the front to digital printing. Mostly, graphic art is used when the promotional advertising products and services, with elements such as labels, bottles, posters, boxes, containers, labels, among others, the most frequent ways in which graphic arts are reflected.
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