Chain › Presence › Pilot › Itinerary › Abstraction › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. chain
  2. presence
  3. pilot
  4. itinerary
  5. abstraction

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

chain › Definition and Meaning

The string is an element widely used by humans for different issues, while, among the most common must note: as a fashion accessory used by both men and women, to hold something, to close a door, a gate or limit the mobility of a person.
Consists of a series of links that have been joined together, which can be iron, gold, silver, among the most widely used materials for making them.
Women love to use chains around their necks as a complement to your wardrobe. For instance, there are countless models often to combine with rings or earrings. Such chains usually gold or silver and are highly prized because they are often given as gifts by the succession of special events such as: birthdays, wedding anniversaries, among others.
But it is not a fashion item that only women choose and use in recent years, men have also been massively dump using them to supplement their looks.
Moreover, we can find the chains formed by very thick, strong and solid metal ring, which are used to fasten certain things that require it. Being so strong, chains provide a security in the place where they are used either to support or to prevent entry.
We should mention that the chain is certainly an ancient element which has been in use for a long time. One of its first uses in the past, today has been rather outdated, was to hold prisoners in cells. Chains were placed in the hands or feet to limit their movements directly or to immobilize them.
Also slaves were subjected to the use of the chain on his feet as a symbol of slavery.
That is why the chains are certainly elements that are associated with prison or lack of freedom.
In the field of media the term chain is used to designate that transmission of an event or event is transmitted in unison by several channels tevé. Typically messages are transmitted leaders under this format.
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[ 2 ]

presence › Definition and Meaning

The concept of presence is used in our language to express that a person is in a particular place and also to indicate that something exists in one place and at any given time.
The presence of the president at the tribute was a gesture that the family thanked. There is a greater presence of Argentines Swiss in Brazil.
And there is another use of the term is also widely used to refer to the physical aspect available to an individual.
When that aspect is characterized by being careful, ie, has the basic conditions and expected toilet, a clean and proper clothing, the main issues, we say that person has good presence. Meanwhile, when the box situation is the opposite, that is, the person is dirty, smells bad and clothes you saw is broken and dirt, say that individual has a bad presence.
The presence someone has is something that our society is seen and valued, especially when it is positive.
Even in many situations and contexts that someone has presence as a parameter to define the capabilities or not used, expectations about it, as a benchmark for hire for a job or not, among others.
In the field work it will usually give much appreciation to the issue of presence. Case is important when applying for a job that concurs with a good presence in order to make a good impression on employers or failing in those who have the power of decision. It may happen that someone is qualified for a position híper but their presence does not like can lose the ability to keep the job against another individual who does.
Moreover, it is important that we take care presence when certain places and events that require certain you attend observing dress codes, especially to blend or discrimination.
The discrimination is something that happens frequently with those who do not have a good presence. It looks bad, they are distrustful, among other things.
Of course this is not right, but what happens in this society.
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[ 3 ]

pilot › Definition and Meaning

Testing is a tool used in various fields and activities to know evil or good performance that has something or even to know the degree of knowledge a person has about a subject.
So every time you need to check the operation of something or adaptation to a particular purpose or objective test hand cast.
Meanwhile, a pilot is the name by which he is called to that initiatory test, ie, carried out for the first time and develops an experimental order to verify certain situations, if they are viable or not, for example.
But being a test that is performed for the first time can fail, ie, you can not go well and help advance a matter under investigation, but on the other hand, it can be extremely beneficial and help solve a problem, so turn out to be a good alternative to implement in some cases.
Just this last point is that we usually find the pilot, when there is a contentious issue that requires solution and then decided to develop a pilot as a first approach to a resolution of the issue.
As noted above, pilot tests can be applied in any area and scope and can help solve different problems.
For example, a given locality this lays at the crime, then the authorities of government and the forces of security decide to implement a measure of prevention for the community to use when you feel exposed to danger or witness a criminal act. Such a measure is the installation of an anti panic that the neighbor can operate from home before a possible case of button insecurity.
Obviously since this is a new measure that has some complexity, the authorities decide to install these buttons in selected as a pilot homes so they can assess whether the measure is effective or not, ie, if it helps fight crime.
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[ 4 ]

itinerary › Definition and Meaning

The itinerary is a tool that we use all when we undertake a journey to a destination either for business reasons or simply tourism. The widespread use of the itinerary is basically due to the tremendous support that is able to provide us when our bearings on any route or also to remind us that this day we have to be in this or that town or holding a meeting elsewhere, or visiting this museum.
Then, when we know that we travel, before leaving, we will outline our itinerary to organize ourselves in every way, with roads, paths must go, for example to know where you can stop to rest, to recognize those routes more engaged in transit and dangerousness, the places we visit and the days we travel from one city to another within the chosen destination, this is common in those trips that include visiting different cities with few days apart.
Undoubtedly, go on vacation or travel of any kind with an itinerary under the arm will make the trip in question is the most effective, especially with time involves, as we 'll save lost times or stops in places that are inconvenient or profitable.
Now it is necessary that we devote considerable time to time planning the itinerary, because of course, is not something that is done easily and quickly, that is, it is not difficult but it does require attention and some painstaking study of the fate to visit.
Because, for example, probably our itinerary includes a city that has many more attractions to see another, and then we will take it into account in order to remain there more days, which will involve in turn, delay and shorten the arrival the next town, or visit another.
If for example it is not designed following the above considerations it may happen that we lose ourselves to meet very interesting places in some cities.
If someone does not want to lose time with this diagram itinerary you can ask the travel agency that hires realize that addresses following some of its recommendations.
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[ 5 ]

abstraction › Definition and Meaning

The abstraction is one of the most common mental processes that we hold people when we consider separately so basic qualities or characteristics of an object, or failing that the object per se.
That is, in either situation, mind, will focus on the one hand warn the basic qualities of something, and in the other case, will be the object in its purest essence what will capture the attention of our mind.
Almost all mental actions that our minds do every day: conceptualization, understanding, explanation, among others, make use of abstraction.
Often even we use abstraction without realizing it, but clear and beyond not consciously appreciate it if we get the benefits that it reports in knowledge.
The research scientific meanwhile is one of the most important activities that make use of this mental operation to pour into reports or conclusions findings to those who arrive after work.
Basically, the mind - mentioned procedure is carried out by the philosophy to reflect on things, the world, man. So, depending on where your focus on the object, or its qualities will touch down, he dispensed mentally what does not apply in order to get an idea of what corresponds finished.
The Greek philosopher Aristotle was hundreds of years ago, the precursor of abstraction as a way to get him ideas and concepts about things around us for example.
But abstraction is not just limited to the field of thought but has also transcended this aspect to be installed for example in the artistic field where he has been able to be the starting point of one of the trends most important painting of the last century. Until now the painting mostly tended to represent the reality of things, whereas, with the emergence of abstract art remains that alternative but will materialize in the most diverse ways, playing with color, geometric shapes, especially. Subjectivity objectivity cap that dominated the scene in this area.
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