Capuccino › Loft › Counternarcotics › Oficinista › Passive Worker › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. capuccino
  2. Loft
  3. Counternarcotics
  4. Oficinista
  5. Passive worker

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

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capuccino › Definition and Meaning

Known as one of the most consumed hot drinks no alcoholic world, the capuccino is a preparation based on coffee and milk can also have the added cinnamon and chocolate powder. The capuccino is an original drink from Italy but today, thanks especially international coffee chains can easily be enjoyed anywhere in the world. Furthermore, simple preparation whose ingredients are readily available everywhere unlike other beverages have specific ingredients of the origin.
According to the correct recipe and preparation of capuccino, it must have a third coffee, one third of milk hot and last third milk foam. In some cases, the capuccino is served in small cups transparent (glass) that allow you to easily see this division of its ingredients. To serve coffee, the three ingredients remain separated while being consumed the same are integrated with each other. Unlike a latte that can have a ratio greater than coffee or milk, capuccino also has special added cinnamon and chocolate, both powder to flavor and a touch of particular aroma.
While his story is not entirely clear (which often happens with drinks or consumed as internationally products), it ensures that the original recipe of capuccino born in Italy, more specifically in Venice and had its beginnings with cream and honey, which it was transformed to reach our current capuccino recipe. Some specialists argue that its name comes from the monks who drank cappuccinos that original recipe in the city said.
As happens today with drinks that leave coffee, capuccino should be prepared properly for the milk foam has been vaporized properly and will not melt on the layers of coffee and milk. The correct vaporization of the milk foam is what allows it to be maintained on the lower layers without mixing or sink.
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[ 2 ]

Loft › Definition and Meaning

The loft is one term used to designate a type of housing in which there are few divisions (walls, doors) and is therefore very spacious and comfortable. The loft is a very modern type of housing that can be easily found in big cities in the world but obviously to be comprehensive and modern is usually expensive, which is not common in small towns or villages nor in rural areas. The loft can be specially created for this purpose but can also be a space recovered and restored old buildings such as factories.
One of the characteristics that best define the concept of loft is the lack of divisions between spaces that can no longer call rooms. The loft could be described as a large room where the dining room or living room has direct access to the bedroom and kitchen, for example. In some cases, the loft can expect minimal divisions as columns, blocks of cement or material that serve as incomplete division, stairs, etc. It is also common for a loft has more than one floor, which further expands the space and connects dissimilar substrates. In addition, a loft tends to be completed with a stylish minimalist maintaining the simplicity and non - recharging items just as there is no recharge visual divisions.
The loft was born as dwelling in the 50s in the city of New York from the use of some sophisticated sectors of factories, businesses, and abandoned buildings. That is why is usually related to certain people (sophisticated, intellectual, modern, minimalist, etc.) and is usually expensive due to the amplitude of the space. By having this type of origin, the loft is usually a building with very high ceilings with lots of windows that let in light and generate more space to existing. In addition to its minimalist style, the origin of loft style usually also confer Industrial or slightly warm vast, cold, and stripped.
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Counternarcotics › Definition and Meaning

In our language it is referred to as drug trafficking to illegal trade in large quantities of toxic drugs. In the world there are many organizations illegals who just engaged in this trade, while, they tend to be specialized in the various parts that can be divided this business, as in the case of cultivation, the production, cutting, distribution and sale. It should be noted that these illegal organizations are called popularly as posters and in most of the cases have ties to political power and the forces of security that just allow them to exercise their action.
The power of some of cartels usually really important, even with international presence, and its members have arsenals of weapons normally used to defend the business that brings them millions of dollars. Because these illegal drugs market have high economic value in the market.
On the other hand, it is also important to note that the consumption of drugs produced in the addict a very strong dependence on vendors will assert and is that often use their own customers to extend drug trafficking in exchange for just more drugs. Also drug addicts often predispose to violence, then, it is at this point where trade and consumption can become really dangerous for anyone's life.
For these reasons it is that most of the laws of the planet prohibit the production, distribution and sale of drugs, in all cases where there is no therapeutic indication attesting to the consume.
In this sense it is that nations have among their public policies to combat drug trafficking. It is customary by - case basis in each country there are organizations whose mission is to fight against drugs at all levels of the problem, ie, the security forces will take care to find and arrest those who sell and distribute then justice He will be responsible for punishing drug traffickers and finally there is a body which normally depends on the ministries of health that focuses on the recovery of addicts and promotion campaigns prevention.
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Oficinista › Definition and Meaning

In English it is called popularly as clerk to that individual who works in an office occupationally.
An office is a place, lounge, designed exclusively to work, in which employees of a company or firm perform various activities and functions related to all functioning satisfactorily and maximizing profits of the enterprise in question.
Now, regarding the roles and actions that it 's up to carry out the clerk, mostly, they are associated with administrative tasks and largely involve cases having direct contact with customers of the company. And also this question is customary to call them office workers and administrative employees.
So it turns out that the work of the office will have to do with the reception and care of customers and then develop in commercial offices available to the company. Meanwhile, an office tasks to be performed can be as varied and clear, too much will depend on the market orientation holding the company where he works. Among other actions will take orders, requests, attend to customer complaints or potential consumers; will manage and control the file or stock of the company; will manage and administer the petty cash; performing general procedures on behalf of the company, among others.
This raconto rather widespread activities shows that the work of a clerk is really essential for any business and it can hardly achieve its proposed without proper action of office objectives.
Of course, in any company, from the president, through the manager, following the clerk and to get to the ceiling employee shall all be considered as employees of importance and relevance whose tasks will provide the company an action to perform satisfactorily the goals, however, we must make clear and away the belief that a president is more important than the office because it clearly is not, that is, you may have greater responsibilities for office but not able to replace the importance of an office in running a business.
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Passive worker › Definition and Meaning

There is at work a concept that is 'passive worker' and has its own characteristics. While in many ways it can be mistaken for a type of worker who does not have iniciativapropia, who is not committed to their work or carries out strategies for action, the reality is that the concept of passive worker is an administrative concept used to designate those who remain within the workplace but no longer play in determining tasks or actions.
Passive worker may have been designated as such for several reasons. One of the main reasons that transforms an active worker in a passive is one that has to do with conditions of health, mainly lack of ability to perform certain tasks as well as the increasingly common stress job that causes a person to suffer anguish, depression, alterations body and, on medical advice, can not continue to lead the task usual. In other cases, the passive worker may have become such a way of retaliation from superiors spaces or any wrongdoing that removes the option to continue working at his post but does not recognize it as a dismissed worker. The latter is without doubt negative because it is a way you can have a company to not take over the dismissal of a worker while locates in a space or in a demeaning condition.
It is important to note that in most cases the role of passive worker is certainly demeaning because it is a person who for some reason has been deemed unfit to carry out their work normally. On the other hand, a passive activities worker can carry out are minimal and therefore the working time becomes very tedious and lacking in creativity or challenges. At the same time, it is common for a passive worker does have its own permanent space or it should go free spaces being located in a chaotic or disorderly manner.
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