Bisyllabic Words › Trisyllabic-Polysyllabic › Solid › Sensory Images › Hardware › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Bisyllabic words
  2. Trisyllabic-polysyllabic
  3. solid
  4. Sensory images
  5. hardware

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Bisyllabic words › Definition and Meaning

Words can be classified according to the number of syllables containing. Thus, there is monosyllabic, disyllabic, trisyllabic and polysyllabic. As its very name indicates, two - syllable words are those which are formed by two syllables, like hand, little, bad, tree, piece or marble. As you can see, in all there are two different strokes voice.

Accentuation of disyllabic words

Regarding the accentuation of words there are three possible cases: acute, flat and esdrújulas. In the case of bisyllabic, being formed by two syllables, they can not be esdrújulas because they are stressed on the penultimate syllable, which implies more than two syllables.
A two - syllable word can be, therefore, sharp or flat. Acute are accentuated when they finish in n, so vocal, and the blow pronounced voice on the last syllable. Examples of acute bisyllabic with accent would be: pan, ball, lotion or trunnion.
The bisyllabic who do not have this rule, of course not emphasized, like clockwork, normal, brush or thimble. The plain words are accentuated when no end or n, or s, or voice and greater strength voice falls on the penultimate syllable.
Thus, some examples of flat accented syllable would be: marble, pencil, fragile, consul or soccer.
Regardless of stress, there are two - syllable words of four letters (or hand) five letters (suit or islands), six (animal or plant) or seven (parks or hangers).

Other ways of classifying words

Besides the number of syllables, there are other criteria for classifying words. If we look at the role, the words are divided into articles, nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, and conjunctions determinants. If we look at their stress, they can be divided into watered - down, flat or esdrújulas.
According to their structure they can be classified into simple derivatives, variables, unchanged, composite or parasintéticas. They can also be sorted according to their meaning (lexical, grammatical, monosemic, polysemic, etc).
If we consider the different classifications, two - syllable word pen is a simple noun with diacritics or tittle.
The discipline that studies the structure of words is the grammar and within it there are different levels, phonetic, syntactic, lexical and semantic.
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[ 2 ]

Trisyllabic-polysyllabic › Definition and Meaning

One way to classify the words is from number of syllables containing. Those with a single syllable are monosyllabic, as most, three, with or cabbage. Those that have two syllables are bisyllabic as simple, pencil, according to or parrot. Those with three syllables are called trisyllabic, and future, even desk or resource. Finally, those with more than three syllables are logically polysyllabic ( butterfly, rotten, vehement, arteriography...).

Accentuation in trisyllabic words

According to the rules of accentuation, the three - syllable words can have three types of diacritics (with accent ). Thus, a sharp word could be pronounced trisyllabic and inclusion or champion. A plain word trisyllabic and accentuated would be difficult, market or laptop. Esdrújulas all three syllable words are emphasized, as a number, bird, music or doctor.


Strictly speaking, polysyllabic words can be tetrasílabas or four syllables (butter or pumpkin), pentasílabas or five (greenhouse or ophthalmologist), hexasílabas or six (heterogeneous or unrecognizable), heptasílabas or seven (Anglo - American or significantly), octosyllabic or eight (electrocardiography or pseudohermafroditismo).
Exceptionally, some words are eneasílabas or nine syllables (otolaryngologist or electroencephalogram) or even decasílabas or ten (deoxyribonucleotide or otorrrinolaringología). As shown, the multi - syllabic words are mostly composed (by the combination of various disciplines in a term or by the combination of prefixes and suffixes that complement a compound word).

The number of syllables of words is one of the criteria for classification

In all areas of knowledge there is a tendency to classify the content of knowledge itself. Words can be classified in several ways: by the number of syllables, for their role in language, its origin, its type (simple, compound or derivative), its content (lexical or grammatical), etc.
If we take the word trisyllabic " playful " we are facing an adjective in its masculine form that, in turn, is a lexical word that comes from Latin ludus meaning game or fun. This simple example reminds us that a word can be studied from various viewpoints.
The classification according to the number of syllables is useful for several reasons: for the poetic language in order to establish the right number of each verse or to know the internal structure of each word, as syllables are divided in turn into lexemes and morphemes.
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[ 3 ]

solid › Definition and Meaning

Like many other words in our language, massif has different meanings and meanings. It may refer to a mountainous structure, a kind of material or a feature of the human body.

A mountain range

The mountain as a landform has many denominations. Besides mountain, there is mountain, hill, mountain, hill, peak, mountains, mountain range or massif, among others. Each of them expresses a particular quirk. In the case of the mountain range, it is usually a set of high mountains, uniforms, steep slopes and at the base faults or cracks are ground. This whole structure forms a compact mountainous geological set. Sometimes this term is used for a particular mountain, as the bulk of Anapurna.
In the terminology of the mountaineers, the word solid refers to the main structure of a mountain.
There are solid on five continents. If we focus on the continent American, we can highlight the following: the guayánico, Brazil, the Patagonian or Canadian.
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When a material is compact and tough receive this qualification. Thus, a timber is solid when no hollow inside. In this regard, some stones as gold, granite, marble or slate also have a hardness singular and therefore are considered massive stones.

In relation to the human body

Physical strength, appearance athletic and compact muscles are especially valued qualities. In this regard, strong - looking men are called massifs. The same happens with females and it is said that a woman is "solid" when striking for its appearance.
Regarding the use of this word it is commonly used to compliment the human body in a nice way. The solid-a is, ultimately, someone strong, strong, strong and healthy.

Other less frequent uses

When a set of plants exhibit a uniform appearance and thick this term is also used. In architecture it is used to refer to the part of a wall that lies between two hollow structures or openings. Among fishermen is a solid bait poor quality.
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[ 4 ]

Sensory images › Definition and Meaning

The label "sensory images" is used to mention the wide range of representations or ideas that have a relationship with the senses. Thus a text literary presents a series of words that allow the reader to develop a mental picture of some kind. These images can be visual, auditory, tactile, taste or smell.
All of them are used as a literary device to provide beauty and expressiveness to a text. The advertisements also use sensory images to arouse the interest of consumers.

visual, auditory, tactile and olfactory images

Certain words allow the reader to draw a picture of reality. In this sense, we speak of "visual poets" of the relationship between writing and visual image or speech.
Poets resort to combinations of words with auditory dimension to suggest a sound. Thus, if a poet speaks of " melody of the nightingale" or "autumn wind whistle" the reader will create in your mind an image with a certain sound.
Through the words may suggest all kinds of textures. Also, the texture of a material can recreate a sense concrete touch. Thus, if I say "smooth coat" or "cold metal" I am mentioning the ability of each type of texture to suggest sensations.
The sense of smell can also be stimulated through the words. In fact, many words allude to smell like rotten, smelly, aromatic or fragrance. The novel by Patrick Süskind, "Perfume: The story of a murderer" is a clear example of the close relationship between smell and speech.

In the novel "Like Water for Chocolate" by Laura Esquivel taste acquires a unique prominence

Mexican novelist refers to flavors and odors so that the reader perceives them as if they were real. In fact, the description of the food becomes a literary resource of great sensuality and beauty.

Synesthesia literature consists of mixing different sensory images

The different sensations transmitted through words, can also be combined. When this happens a synaesthetic metaphor, as "green sweet", "Pink caress", "red hot" or "soft white silence" occurs.
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[ 5 ]

hardware › Definition and Meaning

There are different types of business ideas and certainly few ideas have potential for success both now both in towns and cities as the hardware store. This type of business is very important because it provides an essential service to meet the need of products for the bricolage, reform and construction at home.
For example, it is very possible that if you have a breakdown at home, need to buy at the hardware store the material to fix the problem. A very common purchase is to go to the point of sale to choose a light bulb when the lamp has blown. In that case, the hardware will advise you personally in choosing the product catalog that suits you.

Hardware store products

Similarly, if you want to make another copy of the keys to your house, then go to the hardware store offering this important service for housing. A hardware store you will find solutions to most problems you can experience at home. Obviously, there are hardware stores of varying size, however, all play a very important service not only for individuals, but also for professionals working in the construction sector, for example, carpenters.
In hardware stores you can find power tools, hand - operated devices, selling different fastening systems, for example, screws. Gardening products. Fixing adhesives. Catalog Door locks and door handle. Sales of clothing and footwear safety for work. Some hardware stores are expanding their services so that even sold stoves. Products of household items and decor.

Marketing hardware stores

Most hardware stores have a website through which improve their online positioning in order to publicize the product catalog not only on paper but also online. Through the website, you can also check the physical store location and opening hours of the store. Customers can also be informed of developments Store through social networks.
The hardware is the best professional to advise you personally in resolving any doubts about DIY home thanks to their knowledge and experience.
Photo: Fotolia - luciamlozoya
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