Artwork › Official › Attempt › Impenetrability › Reason › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Artwork
  2. official
  3. Attempt
  4. impenetrability
  5. reason

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Artwork › Definition and Meaning

In the field of art, it is called work of art to this production that makes an artist, which is the result of their creativity and imagination and expressing either a concept or a sentimental or emotional manifestation. That is, the work of art is a creation in which the intent of the artist is totally reflected and evidence.
Art, meanwhile, is any activity carried out by someone or the result of work done by a human being and has a strictly aesthetic mission which may convey ideas, feelings, the look on a subject, among other. Meanwhile, it is in art where best you can appreciate the sensible view of an individual on the world around him, that visible, and also your imagination.
As a result, art is a fundamental element of culture that lets us know through it the ideas and states that predominated in a given time and place.
Since the concept of art is closely associated with the fine arts is called as a work of art, almost exclusively the products of the visual arts, which is also called high art, with the painting, photography, drawing, sculpture, illustration, printmaking, some of the highlights. But neither do we forget the literary works, musical compositions and films, which also are considered today as works of art like paintings and sculptures.
Undoubtedly it has been the cultural movement known as the Renaissance, which emerged in Western Europe in the fifteenth century and lasted until the seventeenth, which contributed and revolutionized the field of art. Leonardo Da Vinci, painter of Italian origin and faithful exponent of this moment in history, has been one of the greatest geniuses and creators of works of art. His works, always ahead of their time, are considered unique and have enjoyed through the centuries of the unanimous admiration of the people.
It should be noted that this concept is also often referred to as the showpiece, artistic work or masterpiece.
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[ 2 ]

official › Definition and Meaning

The word official has widespread use in our language and as such we use to account for various issues.
In all that comes from the state or a public body, for example, a document, a title, an act, among others, is designated as an officer. By fact it is that this term is in close relationship with the public and regularly so that the concepts of public and official are used as synonyms.
The official word is also used to refer to that which has the endorsement and recognition of the state or any agency or organization has the power to authorize.
Moreover, once at the request of the medieval guilds in those trades which were characterized by manual operation, used to be called as an official person who already completed the stage of learning, although it is not yet master. Officer bakery.
Also in canon law we find a reference to this word, being the officer a judge who will charge situations and canonical issues.
And in the military sphere it is where we also find a hyper use spread word in question, as well is designated the military who has a degree ranging from second lieutenant or second lieutenant to any other who is ahead, even the captain, either in the armed forces of a nation or security forces.
Meanwhile, an officer is obtained after successfully meet learning in a School Military. At the officers may differentiate both the degree and by their position in the hierarchy military.
Its main functions are to make guide staff in a lower range and also to impart counted orders and instruction to them.
Although normally the often they confused with the quartermaster, worth mentioning that the latter is hierarchically in an intermediate position between officers and men.
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[ 3 ]

Attempt › Definition and Meaning

The word occasion we use frequently in our language and to refer various questions.
The timing or circumstance in which an event, an event is placed is designated by the word occasion. This time not have the presence of my mother unfortunately.
On the other hand, the ideal time or considered very apt to carry out some action or accomplish something that was waiting, also call it as an opportunity. That is, the opportunity presented to do or get something. Generally we speak of opportunity when this is happening, though, is correct to use the word to refer occasion too. For instance, timing is synonymous with this sense of the term. It is an excellent opportunity for former classmates get together primary since all are in town.
It should be noted that it is also common within the meaning of the term mentioned in the paragraph above is talk of chance, which is precisely conducive something to happen normally something that looked forward.
Also, why do something that moves or makes something happen we call time. On the occasion of the anniversary of his death, his family organized a Mass in his memory.
Meanwhile, in sport, more precisely in football, it is recurring commenters and rapporteurs football talk in terms of scoring chance when the team or a player generates a certain chance to score a goal in the arch adversary.
And at the request of the Greek and Roman mythology, time is the name attributed to a popular goddess of these cultures that referred back to the excellent opportunities that were lost. He is represented with a woman very long hair which covers her face, though, if viewed from behind appears as bald. In his right hand holding a knife and sometimes appears with wings on his back and others will appreciate heels.
For its part, the term used the language we use extendedly colloquial to refer to that which has a really cheap value or has been purchased and used, that is, what is popularly called second - hand.
Synonyms most commonly used when replacing this word are: opportunity, circumstance and time.
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[ 4 ]

impenetrability › Definition and Meaning

The word impenetrability is used in our language when we say that something is difficult to penetrate, or failing that, if applied to someone, when it is difficult to be understood.
For example, a surface we want boring and resists it by its terms, we say that is characterized by its impenetrability.
Another case example, we get a room left for a period in total darkness, or that no income, light penetration, then that impenetrability the get from the arrangement of a curtain covering the entire surface of which light enters the room.
On the other hand, when a person turns out to be very tight in his behavior and then does not allow people to approach him, ie not interact or open to communication with others it will be directly associated with the impenetrability.
And instances of physics, the impenetrability designates the resistance exhibiting a given body when one wants to take his place at the same time, because basically no body can simultaneously occupy the same space as another. I mean, I as an individual occupied a place in the universe, then, that same space may not be occupied by any other person at a time, but only for me.
As ordinary matter is composed of atoms that are bonded to each other from electronic links, in that character electron by nature it is that they can not occupy the same space as other simultaneously, as indicated.
The concept that opposes is the pervasiveness, instead involves penetration something simple.
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[ 5 ]

reason › Definition and Meaning

The word reason calls that faculty that humans have and why we think and reflect on things. That is, is because of the reason that individuals elaborate and identify the concepts and purpose of it, certain actions such as questioning unfold, contradiction or finding consistencies and inconsistencies therein, or the deduction of other concepts.
Human beings have a faculty that distinguishes it from any other living being, reason. It is a faculty that allows us to understand reality. However, no single mode reason.

Distinguishing forms of analysis that lead to reflection

But in order to carry out its function the reason is based and driven by logical principles that are conceived some, such as: principle of identity (which makes clear that such a concept is that concept and no other), principle of contradiction (implies a concept that can not and will be simultaneously) and principle of the excluded middle (this assumes that between "being" and "not" an idea can be no possibility of intermediate situation).
Meanwhile, when we reason we can find us with two types of reasoning, inductive, which is one that achieves a conclusion generally particular issues and deductive, holding that the conclusion of something is immersed in its premises.

Our reason is able to construct abstract ideas

By observing behaviors kind we created the idea of goodness and realize that there are ways to look triangular form the notion of triangle. This kind of reason is abstract.
Mentally conducted a series of intellectual operations. Thus, we classify things into groups, we distinguish realities or make deductions from understanding. This kind of reason is analytical.
The intellect perceives that certain phenomena are in a process of constant change (eg, historical events). Moreover, circumstances in which ideas flow as if they were in a process of transformation (eg, I defend the thesis, my friend defends the thesis B and both came to a third conclusion or thesis C) are given. This kind of reason is dialectical.
Some philosophers have arisen about the limits of human reason are. In this sense, Immanuel Kant asked a question about human knowledge: What can I know? Your answer to this question is based on an analysis of reason and its limits. This kind of reason is known as critical reason.

The idea of reason has been analyzed from all sorts of philosophical approaches

For Wittgenstein's idea of reason be understood in relation to two different realities, language and the world.
For Freud, under the rational mind there is an unconscious mind with its own dynamics.
For Leibniz all that is due to one reason or sufficient reason. In other words, things around us do not just happen.
According to the rationalist philosophers, human reason has its own fundamentals regardless of experience. Instead, empiricist philosophers argue that rationality is based on what we see (for example, Hume says that our reasoning can only be based on analogies we observe in real events).

Expanding the horizons about the application of the term in specific fields and contexts

Apart from philosophical debate, we speak of reason in many ways. So, we want to know the motives or reasons that drive us to act, we say that someone is in full use of reason or a person does not listen to reason.
The argument is given in favor of a topic (he gave us a very poor before our inquiry why his resignation reason); the reason for something (the distance from home led to his decision not to attend the course more) success in the action and thought of another (Mario is right to be angry with you).
On the other hand, in the field of mathematics, it is called because the ratio of two numerical quantities or amounts are two plausible to be compared with each other. For example the ratio of 9/3 is 3.
Now we also can find the word in some concepts and popular expressions such as: reason of state (is that rule of action in certain circumstance policy and is motivated by interest common of the nation ), company name (the name of a commercial company and that is that is known in commercial terms, it may not be the brand name), address reasons (when someone convinces another with their arguments) give the reason (recognition the other is saying or doing the right thing), enter reason (reasonably accept something) and lose my mind (when it goes crazy).
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