Alert › Depilation › Accommodation › Scenography › Flight › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. alert
  2. depilation
  3. accommodation
  4. scenography
  5. flight

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

alert › Definition and Meaning

The concept of alert is used in our language with the mission of designating a state or alert status, which can affect a person or a city, respectively, among other cases.
When a person is alert, all your senses, but especially sight and hearing, will be engaged in the task of detecting any danger or threat is expected or believed to be happening. It also accompanies a state of tension, nervousness, because of course, that threat or danger arouses fear of not being able to protect or save, despite being alert.
People we usually put alerts when there are several elements or background to indicate that we may suffer a complication. So, if in the neighborhood in which we live were many violent assaults in recent weeks we will be very alert when entering and leaving the house.
Moreover, mass communication and meteorological services usually tend to issue communications alert when an event of significance is happening or no concrete information about a weather event of importance occurs, as in the case of an earthquake, tsunami, tornado, among others, which can lead to dire consequences to physical and material area.
Meteorological services before the imminence of a major storm, to cite one example, issued several alerts that are widely disseminated through the mass media and contain clear and concrete information on how to deal with it: stay indoors, not leave the house, they take the waste to prevent clogging of sewers, among others.
Likewise, a nation can determine an alert when a situation was expected control or when a natural disaster or social impact is high.
At the request of the protocols emergency alert status it is that before the succession of a disaster and declare mission is that everyone can take the necessary precautions for the succession of the moment. That is, they do not take them by surprise and to avoid as many losses in every way.
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[ 2 ]

depilation › Definition and Meaning

Hair removal is one of the most popular methods and spread throughout the world when it comes to removing hair from the skin and especially those areas in which aesthetically is considered unpleasant presence, as in the case of the armpits, area around the pubis, legs (for women), among others. There are also reasons health and hygiene to raze hair from an area of the body, for example after checking with surgery.
It noted that women are depilated more than men precisely because culturally hair is taken as a symbol of masculinity. But in some cultures it is not so common that women are depilated and others in which the hair is itself regarded as an unwelcome guest for women.
Meanwhile, there are several means by which this hair is not desired, including excised: wax, electric appliances for this purpose, laser, shavers machines.
All the above is the laser the methodology most effective and used in recent years as it eliminates forever hair growth, resulting in an excellent alternative for those who do not like or suffer from periodic waxing and as it grows hair.
Without doubt, the permanent hair removal, as it is called the procedure that uses laser is one of the aesthetic proposals has grown in demand in recent years precisely because it proposes to forget forever plucking.
After a series of laser sessions completely inhibits hair growth in the area in which it is practiced.
The method of depilation wax pathway has been one of the most traditional and used worldwide until moved such a long laser hair removal. Anyway still applies for those who do not dare laser either for personal reasons or economic cost involved.
Waxing involves melting the substance to fire then apply area to remove the hair. Once the boots are dry and it will be attached hair. The main disadvantage of the method is pain generated by the pulling on the hair on the skin.
Other depilatory techniques available consist of machines that have blades that tear the hair, special creams, among others.
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[ 3 ]

accommodation › Definition and Meaning

The word property has widespread use in our language and allows us to designate one physical location, installation, construction, either temporary or constant, in which someone lives, that is, uses it as housing for there to rest, eat, toileting, among other normal activities done.
Anyway, it should be noted that the concept we use mostly linked to those places where people who are traveling are housed, as in the case of hotels traditional, apart hotel, the inns, the hostel between other alternatives available today.
For those companies, places that just provide accommodation services to tourists or persons who have to travel for any reason beyond the joyride they are generally referred to as hospitality or hospitality, according to the place where you are.
However, within this broad sector we can find different categories with accommodations and meeting diverse needs. For example find five - star hotels, which are the most luxurious and providing premium services to its visitors (swimming pool, sauna, salon dance, recreation, beauty salon), or failing that with other less ostentatious, such is for two and a star, offering basic services such as a bathroom, a bed, a wardrobe and TV stations.
With less use we find the use of the word accommodation linked to the concept of housing, which is that building rent or buy people to live alone or with his family and which as mentioned lines above eat, groom themselves, rest, are visited, among others.
Moreover, in recent years the term accommodation gained significant presence in the field of computer science and new technologies because there are so used to designate the service a company offers users of internet to store information its website, for example, among other content, images, documents, videos, among others. The server has all this information and may access via the Internet.
It mentioned that this service is called also as hosting.
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[ 4 ]

scenography › Definition and Meaning

The concept of scenery is used in our language to designate the art is to design and assemble scenic decorations, ie those that correspond to artistic performances such is the case of a play, a movie, a program tevé a recital, among others.
It is also referred to as scenery to set decorations, consisting of furniture, curtains, lights, and various objects that have the function of representing the place in which pass the scenes of a movie, a program tevé, a play, between others, and precisely mounted on a television set, on stage or on a film set.
Plays, movies and all programs that are broadcast on television require the presence of a stage to give realism to the story or also also to place those involved in the air of programming. Because not only a TV series require a stage, also a newscast, a program of entertainment or talk show requires a stage. Typically those that correspond to the latter tevé shipments are rather abstract and have furniture or panels that allow drivers and participants sit or be located in certain places.
Set design is a very important element instances of any show because it not only helps to attribute greater realism to the story that is being told but also in some cases turns out to be a captivating element of the public; for example, those mega concerts featuring famous bands such as The Rolling Stones or U2, the scenographic set offers another sideshow which the public is also very steep. Memorable and impressive in this regard has been the scenery of the Stones during the tour of presentation of the album Bridges to Babylon that unfolded just a bridge on stage.
It noted that normally a play, a film or program tevé require more than a stage, while this situation is usually resolved from curtains, in the case of theater, which quickly allows attendees floor change, or panels and walls are also used.
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flight › Definition and Meaning

The word flight has a use extended in our language, meanwhile, it is used to refer various issues.
Although undoubtedly the most widely used reference is the one that says flight involves the action of flying and the consequence of that activity. Meanwhile, flying, for those who have the ability to do, it is to ascend to heaven by air, stay on it and move for some time.
However, it is important to mention that the flight may be materialized by a ship specially designed for this purpose, ie that has a number of technical conditions are those that will allow you to fly, as in the case of a plane, a ship space, to name a few of the most popular.
On the other hand, there are some living things, as in the case of birds, insects and mammals like bats in nature have the ability to fly through a pair of wings that make up your body. You are living beings that can move flying use this capability in addition to his transfer to feed themselves, run away from predators, among other actions.
It should be noted that the concept of flight is also used in the field of commercial aviation to designate one path that is traversed by an airliner, which may or may not include stopovers in some city before reaching their final destination, including the point of departure and destination. The Miami-Buenos Aires flight company American Airlines is great because it allows you to reach each of these cities and live without scales.
Normally the flights that do not have the aforementioned scales are usually more expensive than those who have it.
On the other hand, in the field of design clothing we find a reference to the word occupying given that there is termed as flight to the amplitude or extension that presents a garment, as in the case of a dress in that part not against the body. The flight that dress is undoubtedly his soul.
And in the architecture also it has a reference to indicate that part of a building that comes out of the wall that has the mission to support the structure.
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