Abide › Approach › Aciago › Accommodation › Onslaught › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. abide
  2. approach
  3. aciago
  4. accommodation
  5. onslaught

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

abide › Definition and Meaning

The word abide is used in our language to refer that voluntary acceptance manifest or show someone in relation to compliance with an existing standard or an authority, ie, the individual recognizes and respects the authority that emanates from the person who invited him or intima to fulfill an obligation or action, and that case is carried out successfully fulfilling the indication that sends.
Generally, individuals abide by those directives, orders, which come from people who recognize as superior in relation to the role they play or the position they hold, for example, in our workplace. Then, such a situation is that when a boss comes some order will be obeyed without any resistance. Because, of course, by that authority we recognize to these people is that we fear that if not correspond to that directive can receive sanction or punishment. Something that is common when it happens.
In the personal, intimate level, people usually follow orders that teach our parents, our grandparents, that is, those who have been in charge of our education and training and the role per se occupying that already it is socially agreed to be respected. If a mother tells her minor child who can not leave on Monday night because he has not fulfilled as it should with homework he must obey that order because it assumes authority in the home until the age of majority.
Moreover, at work, employees must comply or yes those orders that come from their immediate superiors, even despite being against them. If an employee fails to comply with the directives or activities that your boss entrusted normally befall a corrective and those extreme cases the employee by this attitude may lose their jobs directly.
The other use is attributed to this word it refers to that ability that someone has to notice or realize any issue that happens around them.
Among the most used synonyms for this word stand obey, accept and respect.
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[ 2 ]

approach › Definition and Meaning

The word approach designates that action is addressing a ship to another with the clear and direct ramming mission to combat it. This situation occurs frequently instances of a dispute military attack and case imply that those who approach the ship from taking control of it once managed to neutralize its occupants.
On the other hand, the same concept is also used to describe the shock, touch or to another vessel arrival, though not a target of attack or decimate but I just approach it.
It should be noted that the approach of a vessel to another can occur as mentioned lines up in a context of war, and then, Marine Forces plan to boarding a ship to capture her, to get her out of action or directly to remove it as part of process.
Or failing that, the approach may have nothing to do with a warlike dispute and be the consequence of the intention of a pirate or any other criminals to gain some booty has been inside the boat in question. And the approach may have a preventive and control mission to precisely prevent smuggling in the waters.
Meanwhile, the approach may be performed in various ways or through different techniques such as: the anchor (when very element anchor is used to address the vessel), to the long (the approach is specific side to side), by forward (the approach is by bow or stern), in good (when the ship rammed the side) leeward (the goal is to gain ground along the ship opposite until you can get the stick side in direction to the outside of the other ship) and roa to roa (the approach is made from the bow of a ship to the bow of another, so keels both ships will be arranged so straight ).
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[ 3 ]

aciago › Definition and Meaning

The word aciago in our language allows us to express unhappiness, sadness you feel for something, and also what is presumed or considered not bode well, that is, when something is considered bad luck is because it involves any untoward incident or portends that something will be dominated by bad luck.
One of the uses that are more given to this word in our daily lives is to indicate that day was characterized by constant annoyance, ie was dominated by different facts they agreed to make it a forgettable day and not at all satisfactory. For example, we arrived late for work and presenteeism lost, we fight with a co-worker, we do not get the ingredients needed to prepare dinner, among others.
Now the word aciago does not have widespread use in the language stream, while we often use the term much more sad, one of its synonyms, which expresses the same.
Someone who is sad feel embarrassed and distressed by the succession of a fact that generates a lot of grief and sorrow, precisely because it directly affects the feelings. For example, the death of a loved one is a fact that will cause a lot of sadness. Also when you do what is missed or so painstakingly planned sadness or appears ominous is achieved.
It should be noted that sadness is one of the most common emotions that humans experience throughout our lives. During Sadness occurs accentuated decay of morality and joy that usually triggers the sufferer desire to mourn, not perform any activity, to remain calm and solitude and in extreme cases may even demonstrate some physical issues such as lack the desire to eat.
Conversely state to sadness and ominous is the joy, which in return is characterized by a welfare state and a high degree of energy that will make the person feel strong and powerful to carry out any action or simply to enjoy everything that happens in life.
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[ 4 ]

accommodation › Definition and Meaning

In its most general use the word accommodation refers to the action and the effect of accommodating accommodate something or one in a certain place, whether it corresponds to be there or because it turns out to be the most comfortable.
Meanwhile, the word accommodation also has other references in specific contexts such as psychology and physiology.
The Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget, famous for his studies and conclusions on childhood, the intelligence and development cognitive called with the word accommodation to one of the basic processes are two involved in the cognitive development of children. It is also termed as may appear fit.
Piaget explained, by accommodating the individual to modify its existing so as to include new concepts cognitive structure mindsets. This situation may create a new scheme or modifying an existing scheme to give way to the new element. By - case basis is considered a qualitative schema modification.
The other process is called assimilation and involves the manner in which individuals add new elements to their mindsets. The main difference with this is that there will be no accommodation of other elements in the scheme but the entry of new.
Furthermore, in physiology it is called accommodation to the adaptation suffering the eye relative to various distances, thanks to the refractive power of the lens, thereby forming a clear image on the retina of those nearby objects. It be mentioned that the phenomenon of accommodation occurs because state relaxing the eye can focus on distant objects
Increased power refractive lens, which is just what it possible to focus on nearby objects can be achieved by muscle contraction causing ciliary increasing the thickness and curvature of the lens surface.
The employee at the behest of this concept is synonymous adjustment.
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[ 5 ]

onslaught › Definition and Meaning

In our language the word rush can refer to that attack characterized by its violence. For instance, this sense of the word has a recurring use in the military, for example when it is necessary to indicate the onset of a troop or a battalion against an enemy target, and also in those crime scenes where prevailed violence the execution thereof.
It should be noted that although the word rush is properly used when wanting to express the situations listed above, there has a current and commonly used in our lenguajecoloquial, being used the word assault, even one of its synonyms.
The assault is one of the most common crimes perpetrated in society and is characterized by the offender shall have power over another 's property, wallet, purse, cell phone, car or any other good material, which corresponds to another individual, using physical violence. You can neutralize his victim through a coup somewhere in your body and thus decimates so you can not answer and so do the booty, or alternatively you can use a gun or a knife and with it threaten its goal to deliver her most valuable possessions those that have: money, jewelry, watches, among others.
Usually the assault is a crime that threatens the heritage of people and their main goal is to profit from the goods obtained. For example, it is customary for the offender who assaults a person steals your phone and then sell it on the black market for money.
Meanwhile, the assault is one of the most dangerous crimes that someone can suffer as a result of the use of weapons and violence by the offender who can seriously harm his victim.
The word that contrasts is the defense, referring to action to defend and that is the protection that he utters something or someone at the possibility or imminence of an attack, injury.
The other use of the word rush can indicate to that place which the conductive fluid line joins the main.
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