Sensuality › Superlative › Ignore › Rewinding › Road Safety › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. sensuality
  2. superlative
  3. ignore
  4. rewinding
  5. Road Safety

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

sensuality › Definition and Meaning

Sensuality is a human quality related to the senses. Through sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste perceive reality around us and in this process activates our perception sensory to certain phenomena. However, only sensuality wakes up on some experiences.

The important role of the senses

While the sense of sight plays a fundamental role, the other senses are also activated with intensity. It is considered that something is sensual when awakened our interest in a special and intense. Very often it associated sensual eroticism and sexuality, as certain stimuli cause a desire or attraction pleasant.
Sensual opposes the ordinary and vulgar and has a mysterious ingredient. While eroticism has openly sensual components, not the case with pornography, where sexuality is explicit and without any magic. From a cultural standpoint, eroticism is valued in its aesthetic dimension and pornography does not have the same consideration.

Extension and presence in the arts and culture

Sexuality is not the only area of sensuality. In fact, in the literature, the painting, the cuisine and there is also sensual dance elements. The pleasure felt is subtle, difficult to describe and very subjective. Sensuality has a cultural ingredient and is not a matter of instinctive character.
The elements that make something in sensual are very diverse: some movements, certain forms, an enveloping atmosphere, music background, a perfume, etc. In any case, fashion plays an important role when assessing look like sensual.

Sensuality woman

The male has sensual ingredients but the female world which has traditionally been linked to this quality.
The beauty of women has been described by poets who have tried to express all the nuances of sensuality.
When it is said that a woman is very sensual is not necessarily speaking of her beauty but a whole series of little touches that make it seductive. A drop of tabs, a suggestive voice, a way of walking or mane movement are classic examples of feminine sensuality. The prettier or sexier is not always the most sensual. This condition is more about style and elegance.
The list of historical figures with a sensual charge is very broad: Cleopatra, Mata Hari, the character played by Rita Hayworth Gilda, the Bella Otero, Eva Perón or Lady Godiva.
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[ 2 ]

superlative › Definition and Meaning

Superlative is a term that expresses the excellence of something, ie its maximum extent ( it was a person effective superlatively, would be an example of prayer in this regard). Sometimes it is used synonymously with exaggerated or excessive and is not necessarily a good thing but has some unusual features or disproportionate. Thus it is said that a fashion accessory could be superlative.

In grammar

From a grammatical superlative view is a type of adjective, with which indicated that the intensity of a quality is at its highest level. Consider a current, wrong adjective. Superlatively it becomes very bad and very slow very slow way facile or easy.
Using the super prefix also transform adjectives superlatives ( extremely nice to, super comfy...). In any case, these adjectives convey a high degree above normal. Thus, speaking is achieved emphasize a adjective.
Some adverbs also serve to underscore the superlative condition of an adjective (very nice) or you can also convert an adjective into a adverb with the suffix mind (rapidísamamente).

One way of comparison pautar

The superlative is used for comparison. So, if someone says "this watch is expensive but that is expensive" is expressing compared with the price.
The effect of the superlative adjective in the communication is to raise the quality of a noun. However, though the adverb very ísimo suffix and are very similar, they are not exactly the same. Not the same say very good, or very skinny terrific very skinny. The suffix ísimo communicates with a degree higher intensity.

Termination érrimo-a

Some superlatives are formed with the suffix érrimo-a, a Latin termination while it is entirely correct is disused. Here are some examples: poor-very poor, famous-celebérrimo or free-libérrimo. These superlatives are rare in the language everyday and can be considered as a cultism. Its use is part of language literary cult and very sophisticated (for example, appears in some speeches where you want to commend a person).
Érrimo-termination is only applicable to certain adjectives, ending in "re" and "ro", so apply to other adjectives would be an anomaly grammatical (can not say guapérrimo or facilérrimo).
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[ 3 ]

ignore › Definition and Meaning

The action of ignoring shows the ignorance towards a certain reality, the lack of information about an event that is unknown to the subject. Ignore implies not being aware of what has happened or how things are in relation to a matter.
The person who ignores a certain point has not reached the truth regarding this matter: the truth can only be acquired through truthful information. It should be pointed out that a person can ignore a matter of a completely unintended or even way, you can ignore a reality in a conscious way. For example, there are people who use the technique of indifference (ignoring the other person) as seduction technique.
In addition, today is not only possible to ignore a person albeit in an apparent way in the real world but also in the virtual universe that sets new forms of communication.

Ignorance is a stimulus for knowledge

From the standpoint of the study, it should be pointed out that as well as knowledge is inherent to the human being, so is ignorance. Simply because a matter of time and too much information, it is impossible for a person assimilates all subjects to the point of becoming a specialist in various fields.
A common way people are knowledgeable in depth a particular area and have a surface other areas of knowledge of reality, completely ignoring other areas.
When a person takes awareness of what he knows and what he ignores can also bet on overcoming staff go beyond their own limits for Segur learning through training, through reading and through the observation of reality.

Become aware of the limits

Ignore is an issue of deep philosophical reflection as shown in the Socratic message: "I know that I know nothing". This phrase expresses precisely that beyond all acquired knowledge, there are still many doors to explore.
This ignorance is a stimulus to reinforce knowledge, knowledge that brings self - esteem, it helps keep the mind active and supreme wisdom. Ignorance is only through constructive awareness, that is, when the person realizes what their own limits.
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[ 4 ]

rewinding › Definition and Meaning

Rewinding the word is used in our language to designate the action consisting in unwinding a magnetic tape or a film reel and wrap it in another or also designates the action of winding the wire coil.

A concept associated with the cassettes and videocassettes

Now, we should note that the concept is largely linked to the action of returning back a cassette tape or a cassette. Today both have become obsolete because they were destroyed by the new proposals brought new technologies, however, a few years ago, in the eighties and nineties it was a super popular concept given the presence of these elements in our daily lives.

Go back

teams play audio and videocassettes were available just a command that allowed choose to rewind, or rewind in English, so just go back on the tape you were listening or watching. If he was listening to a cassette and wanted to hear the first issue of it, you had to press the button rewind the apparatus of music until the tape is rewound completely, while some devices allow the option of rewinding by subject and then the jump button when it reached the beginning of a song.
And with VCRs happened more or less the same, they should play the key rewind to the beginning to delay or even some stretch the tape was seeing.
As mentioned lines above, this concept fell into some disuse following the advance of other technologies such as DVD and CD, however, its use has penetrated so deeply into the popular group that even today many people who just lived the time cassettes and video cassettes and the famous rewinding or rewind the still employ when they want to indicate that the CD is listening or watching DVD being delayed.
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[ 5 ]

Road Safety › Definition and Meaning

Prevention of traffic accidents

The concept of security vial is used to refer to the whole set of measures, regulations, standards, among others, that exist around the movement of people and cars on the streets and highways, and has a clear mission to prevent accidents from transit involving the aforementioned subjects.
All people, especially those who live in big cities, we live with the traffic in times called peak, the massive movement of people and cars moving from home to work, to school, between elsewhere, it is certainly intense and also dangerous, because everyone wants to move, get there fast and this desire often tremendous road accidents that cost the life to pedestrians and motorists to generate.

Policies to prevent, punish standards

Then, road safety, implemented and regulated course from the same state, intends to fight this problem through the implementation of rules aimed at organizing the traffic and circulation and of course promoting the punishment against those who contravene any of these measures.

The commitment of pedestrians and motorists

But beyond the responsibility of the state in promoting policies in this regard and to exercise the role of comptroller of them, there must be a commitment to pedestrians, cyclists and motorists, regular subject of traffic routes, with regard to the respect of standards and their absolute commitment to create a safer traffic.
Part of that commitment we mentioned have to do with such motorists respect the exclusive areas of crosswalks, and cycle routes, which pass cyclists, with respect to the maximum and minimum flow rates for routes, streets, among others.
Meanwhile, pedestrians also have to meet standards when circulating on the streets, especially crossing where appropriate and respecting their turn to cross. Many traffic accidents are linked to this, pedestrians should not cross where motorists off guard and then the run over.

Elements that add security

Also within road safety we must include all the elements influencing the increase thereof, such as posters indicators that anticipate junctions or dangerous bends and components available in this area automobiles such as: brakes, lights, airbag, seat belt, among the most important.

No cell phone use because they distract

And we must not overlook the importance of attention by both pedestrians and motorists. The absence of this, especially taking messages and answering telephone calls, has been the cause of many road accidents.
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