Vago › Recapitulation › Physical Dependence › Diploma › Social Security › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Vago
  2. recapitulation
  3. Physical dependence
  4. Diploma
  5. Social Security

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Vago › Definition and Meaning

No effort, yes leisure
The word lazy is used in our language to refer to the person who stands out for his laziness and laziness when acting or performing any activity, especially those related to formal work, even many times, this type of characters who often do not have specific occupation because they lost because of that laziness and apathy towards work that is the generically called vague.
So clearly, the vagus does not like to work, work hard and do not like anything that involves effort will dodge. Clear evidence when establishing the degree of vagrancy someone is precisely measure in the sense of demonstrating bias in the performance of work and specific tasks for which it is intended to hire him. If the answer is obviously better deficit avoid hiring.
An existence without obligations or commitments
Meanwhile, we must also say that this attitude apathetic and disinterested the vagus demonstrated to work, usually accompanied by other tendencies such as being lying and resting as long as possible and always giving priority to the work the activities related to leisure and recreation. The vagus will like so much more staying up late and sleep all day instead of getting up early to go to work and meet many other obligations that life demands.
Obviously at certain times of life vagrancy is a very serious problem because the person does not seek to develop as they will be satisfied with what you have, which can be anything, and then will fail to meet their basic needs nor develop growth expectations life.
In the lives of people, especially adults, there must be a balance healthy between the responsibility of work and leisure, because being at one end or another will not be up to no good, because he or will end in utter vagrancy and lack of production, or the stress of not stopping a second to enjoy.
In this sense, the concept is clearly opposes the worker.
Something that confuses
But there is another sense that is attributed to this word in our language and c is the onfuso, inaccurate or unknown to refer to any question or situation. For example, "the suspect gave a vague explanation about what he was doing at the time the crime was committed."
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[ 2 ]

recapitulation › Definition and Meaning

Recapitulation action of synthesizing an explanation has been previously described. In other words, it is to summarize what has been said.
Both communication oral and written, it is sometimes desirable to summarize with the intention to recall briefly one exposure comprehensive and detailed.
Imagine a teacher for several classes explains a topic. To provide condensed information, it is very possible that at any given time do a recap of all his explanations. In this way, students will have a summary of the subject.
In the recapitulation there is no turning back, in the sense that what has been exposed is repeated but in a smaller and synthetically. It's a way to remember the starting point and the fundamental elements of a narrative, or narrative information.
There is a literary genre that basically consists of recapitulate: the autobiography. The writer recalls his experiences, so that a part of your life is organized and summarized.
An effective technique for communication
When we communicate is very convenient the information we provide but at the same time it is essential to be effective, ie, the speech can convince the interlocutor.
Who uses the word and pretend that your message is valued, you have to recapitulate frequently for ideas that are transmitted are not dispersed in the speech or presentation. As standard general summary or recapitulation of intervention is performed at the end thereof and in a very condensed manner. With this explanatory resource achieved greater strength in argumentation and avoids danger that the listener loses the plot. This technique is used in various circumstances: a conference, a plea in court, at a political rally or in a written report.
In television as a resource recapitulation also appears. It occurs when a new episode of a series is announced and the viewer has some information on the latest developments they appear in summary.
To recapitulate, we could say that this concept is a way to summarize a message, it is a strategy useful in various discursive forms and their correct use enables more effective communication.
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[ 3 ]

Physical dependence › Definition and Meaning

Any kind of dependence is negative because when man puts his well - being in an outside himself no longer master of his actions. There are different types of dependence.
One of them is the emotional. This applies, for example, when two people are engaged in a relationship toxic and are victims of unhealthy attachment that produces a relationship under the scheme "neither you, nor without you".
Body dependence
However, dependence can also be physically as shown in the case of an addiction. For example, a smoker finds it difficult to leave the snuff since having this habit unhealthy for a while has developed a physical dependence on snuff.
This does not mean you can not break this dependence it is important to be psyched the effort involved resist temptation when it comes to overcoming an addiction like snuff.
When a person suffers a problem of alcoholism may develop a withdrawal during the first days without alcohol. This is a natural reaction of the organism. Should point out that there are times when physical dependence and psychological dependence may be very close. This is, for example, in the case of drug addiction.
Symptoms of physical dependence
Dependence is that barrier that the person must break. Sometimes psychological dependence can be stronger than physical. For example, a smoker who has successfully quit smoking for five days has taken an important step to break that physical dependence. However, from that moment, the person has to struggle to overcome emotional dependence.
During the first days without smoking, the smoker experiences different symptoms that result from physical dependence: the uncomfortable feeling of anxiety, irritability and mood swings, difficulty sleeping, increased appetite, especially for sweets desire.
Other possible consequences are: the difficulties in maintaining concentration at work, the sense of malaise at certain times and excessive nervousness.
All dependence can be overcome so it is very important to be aware of the effort needed for this purpose. In most cases, it is appropriate to ask for help.
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[ 4 ]

Diploma › Definition and Meaning

The certificate is a document that certifies that a person has reached a certain degree academic course of pursuing their studies or which may extend to demonstrate a prize. Typically, in the first case, it is issued by the institutions educational, schools, corresponding universities, among others, or by any entity or association in which the activity is the culmination receiving a diploma develops.
It should also be noted that this document is known popularly as the title. For instance it is common to say: "John and earned his bachelor's degree Maria was delivered yesterday at a ceremony diploma lawyer.".
Honor Diploma
In our culture obtaining a diploma, especially when it is the result of studying a career or making a complementary study a profession, enjoys enormous recognition and will bring prestige to the holder. Not to mention if above that diploma is issued by an institution or organization considered skilled in the art and has enormous authority and reputation.
It is common to see doctors or lawyers proudly displayed on the walls of their offices or studies diplomas of the educational institutions where they graduated
Now, in order to receive a diploma is vital that the person successfully culminate the study in question or the course. Thus, after completion of school primary, secondary and college career ended, the student will receive a diploma from the institution in which he attended. The name of the person who receives it, the letterhead of the institution, the date of extension, the title won and the signing of the authorities to give validity to it: in it the following data are achieved.
As prize contests
Corriéndonos a bit the academic and as well pointed out at the beginning of this review, it is also a custom delivery of diplomas to those who have won a contest, especially those having to do with the letters, journalism, or art usually do. The winner will be awarded a diploma and often accompanies it with a sum of money. This will deliver a sum of money intended to attract people to come forward to the contest.
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[ 5 ]

Social Security › Definition and Meaning

Social Security is a system of protection of citizens. Its purpose is to protect individuals so that there is no social imbalances.
The concept of Social Security is widespread in most countries, especially among those who advocate a welfare state (also known as social status). However, each nation has its own structure, legislation and funding mechanism under this protection system.
Benefits or aid offered Social Security can be very diverse: caring for people with disability, retirement, widowhood or invalidity, payment of unemployment coverage against an accident and, ultimately, measures to prevent homelessness of the citizen. There is general agreement on the need to maintain such benefits as a right because it is a way to avoid the social exclusion of broad sectors of the population.
The state has a number of services, grants and benefits are achieved through tax collection. In other words, the labor force and who works has the obligation to keep the sectors of the population who can not (elderly, sick, disabled...). It must take into account an important fact: that the active worker pays social insurance is in turn a potential beneficiary (you can get sick when you retire and will also have a pension). In this sense, social security has a redistributive character (which is provided is for the benefit of all).
Social Security risks
The main problem affecting most countries this protection system is its long - term financial sustainability. To be able to continue to provide a range of services (especially pensions), there must be an appropriate ratio between the number of beneficiaries and the number of people contributing to system maintenance.
There is another aspect which is also presented as problematic: the aging population and low birth rates in many countries. These two factors demographics affect the viability of social insurance. For a society to remain in equilibrium requires that its demographic structure allows the generational change (in Spain, the fertility rate is 1, 3 children per woman according to data from 2012 and in the same year in Mexico amounted to 2, 2 children per woman).
Given the different risks affecting the maintenance of Social Security, several solutions are proposed: reducing benefits (for example, that health care is not universal) or incentivize private pension plans for public spending on pensions is reduced.
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