Spy › Sign In › Fusion › Recent › Confinement › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. spy
  2. Sign In
  3. fusion
  4. recent
  5. confinement

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

spy › Definition and Meaning

A spy is the word which in our language is called a person who's mission is to learn, learn, and find detailed information about someone or a theme, then let them know another person or organization to which it belongs and that just sends it to develop this action.
To meet the above information is common that the spy must infiltrate the context in question, make friends, identify with the group and get your confidence so that she is the direct path to knowledge of the truths that are to bring to light.
It should be noted that the role of spy can be executed by a professional specially trained to develop such activity, ie belongs to an organization or force of security that trains him to perform as such, usually in military contexts, where more for information on the enemy in order to defeat him effectively.
Or the spy may be a common individual who exercises this role to discover a truth that for example affects your happiness or your environment. So a brother can become a spy group of friends of his older brother with a mission to discover who is betraying in some intimate aspects that are known and not known by whom.
It noted that around the individual performing this role exists an archetype among other conditions has the following: sagacity, observation, dissembling, among others.
Moreover, this archetype has awakened from its appearance a great interest from the worlds of entertainment and literary, as the spies have been and are protagonists of classic books, movies and programs TV stations around the world.
Among the varied universe of famous spies are: 007, who not only starred but written stories became one of the highest grossing spies in the history of cinema world.
And among those who awakened more interest lately, it stands without doubt Jason Bourne, star of the Bourne saga, played by actor Matt Damon.
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[ 2 ]

Sign In › Definition and Meaning

The concept of session is used extendedly in our language, within Parliament, in the context of business, in psychotherapy, medicine, among the most common, and basically we use all of them to refer to the meeting of an organization or the length of time in which an activity or event will happen.
In the legislative context, when one of the chambers that make up the Congress or Parliament will play together and discuss a project of law will be holding, holding a session.
In meetings all representatives of the people will have the time to pour your opinion and analysis on the topics covered, and once closed discussion the corresponding voting in which all also have the chance to submit their vote will occur.
The sessions are very important meetings because of them are the laws that govern the destiny of a country. Meanwhile, these sessions distinguished: ordinary, which are those that are stipulated in the law, or is expected to happen while the extraordinary are called when some important issues came not resolved in ordinary sessions and hallarles are essential to a resolution.
Moreover, at the request of a company, it is common that the members of the management or board of directors will meet in the framework of a meeting with the mission to discuss the issues that make their operation and after that the appropriate decisions are taken to improve those aspects that need it.
Those who have ever done psychotherapy surely be familiar with this concept because in this way is called the encounter that the patient has with his therapist. This meeting formally called as session has a time duration determined, usually forty minutes, and at intervals agreed between professional and patient, once a week, twice a week, every fortnight.
This depends on the case and the severity of symptoms.
And at the new context of the Internet, the term is used to designate session entry, logging, to a site, email. It appears named as logging and must complete the space in question with the name of user and password.
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[ 3 ]

fusion › Definition and Meaning

The concept of fusion is used in our language with several senses.
One of the most widespread is those references designates a process with which we usually come up frequently and consists of passing a certain solids to liquid.
Heat is the trigger for this action, that is, if we put on fire a solid or submit determined whether any element found in its solid stage to a heat shock, will become liquid.
If we put an ice (solid state) under a stream of water hot, we see that in a few minutes that liquid becomes ulna.
Basically the heat that impacts on the solid will melt away and become liquid.
But as we said, there are more uses of the word and one of the most used is one which designates the union of one or more other companies and that will lead to the emergence of a new company.
In the business world it is very common that companies decide to merge for a common goal that usually has to do with increasing their profits and the business decision to generate more investment.
However, this action is not only down to business is also possible that other merging organizations such is the case of political parties, which give way to the emergence of a new space, just promote proposals for those political ideologies that they have joined.
And this is happening in the business world also extends to music and gastronomy, because in both contexts is very common to use this term for that mix of musical styles and the mixture is made of different styles of cuisine from different cultures, respectively.
As we see, after the above, it is that the concept in question dominates the scene at the time of having to designate the union of different inclinations, things, ideas or interests.
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[ 4 ]

recent › Definition and Meaning

The concept of recent use it with recurrence in our language to account for that which is characterized by being made a moment ago short time ago, or is just produced, just passed. That is, if we take this time now, a situation that happens two minutes say that is recent. My sister called me recently and confirmed dinner tonight at home.
In the production art of an interpreter will tell you that the last album he released his most recent work.
For these reasons it is that this word is also used extendedly as synonymous again. What is new is that just appeared recently or done.
Undoubtedly, this is a term that we use in our language constantly and to refer the most diverse issues that happen, happen in the immediate present time.
Many times in our comments and discussions need to specify when it happened this or that and so in this sense is that the recent term finds a major use.
They are usually those issues or situations that happen just that we remember most and also those that most affect our mood state. When they are pleasant circumstances and that fill us with joy obviously positively influence our behavior, however, when what has happened recently is not cute or sweet, such as the loss of a loved one, no doubt, will affect us a very negative way on how to act and think.
Something similar happens with that which affects our physical or body, for example, if you have suffered from an accident in the arm we broke, and it does happen, will dominate us pain and discomfort, or if the fall was recent We feel discomfort but the more time passes the pain will disappear relaxing up.
It is a law naturally we remember or feel more than just what happens.
The term that is opposed is the old, because just refers to something that already holds a lot of time to his credit.
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[ 5 ]

confinement › Definition and Meaning

Confinement is an action involving imprisonment, confinement of someone, an individual or failing an animal in a confined space, such is the case of a cell or cage or on a site that normally found in a secluded area, guarded and not that easy access and egress, to have just the person contained and retained therein.
Then as a consequence of the above it is that usually the term is used synonymously with the word closure and instantly we refer to mention the condition of someone who must live enclosed by x circumstance.
Anyway and beyond this relationship is not common to use the word confinement to refer to the situation involving prisoners in these cases, it comes directly from detention or imprisonment.
Confinement knew to be a worth very common centuries ago, which particularly affected monarchs or political leaders, whom exactly they are condemned to remain in a remote location but under the supervision of the relevant authorities. The idea was to keep them in a freedom relative away from the political arena in which they worked.
Napoleón Bonaparte, one of the most important men in the history politics of France personally suffered confinement at the end of the peak of his government during the first decade of the nineteenth century. His enemies came together and were restricting their power until they finally ended up confined on the island of Elba situated in the Mediterranean.
Another confinement holds a special memory in history is that of Joanna I of Castile, daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella, but better known as Juan La Loca. As the story goes, Juana, was first in line to the throne of kingdoms who headed his parents, however, neither his father nor later his son, he was allowed to exercise effectively the government because they believed he was not mentally able to do so. Then, with the death of her husband Philip the Handsome and his condition would have worsened then was confined to the current municipality of Tordesillas.
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