Simian › Confinement › Symphony › Radiofrequency › Reallocation › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. simian
  2. confinement
  3. symphony
  4. radiofrequency
  5. reallocation

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

simian › Definition and Meaning

Primate order popularly known as monkey

Within the realm animals, apes, are a type of mammal of the order primates, which belong humans and their closest relatives, and popularly called monkeys. That is, the concepts of ape and monkey are synonymous.

A fantastic evolution that humans emparenta

Apes make up the antropoideo suborder involving a great evolution in the primate order, proof of this is fairly developed brain they hold, are bipedal, ie have two feet, have little snout and eyes are in front position. Features quite close to those of humans by the way, and that the case is located in the primate order.
Humans from suffering a series of biological changes resulting from various issues we have differentiated these in several very specific and different aspects, but of course, there are many actions and physical characteristics as those indicated that make the apes our distant relatives. They know understand expressions and some signs of people and are also capable of handling utensils and tools.

Issues that mark the most substantial differences between apes and humans

Meanwhile, among the most substantial differences that separate us humans from apes we must mention the size of the brain, being three times larger in humans. This fact is attributed intellectual abilities. On the other hand, the willingness of people of oral cavity, vocal cords is what has allowed us to articulate sounds, talking, basically, and then develop languages to understand each other.

The preferred species of human primates

Undoubtedly, by this closeness in features, movements and actions to humans is that within the animal kingdom, monkeys or apes, are among the most popular animals and those of greatest interest. Not enough more to approach a zoo, where copies of this type generally shown, to realize that interest and admiration they arouse; their cages are surrounded by dozens of spectators who do not want to miss these behaviors "so human" available.
I remember with grace and wonder see in a zoo a monkey with a file, filing her nails it is clear !!
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[ 2 ]

confinement › Definition and Meaning

forced or voluntary confinement that affects people

The concept of confinement is used in our language with two senses. On the one hand to designate the same closure in which you choose to live a person voluntarily or otherwise in which is immersed in a forced way, such is the case of the prison, jail, which It is up after being convicted of a crime.
On the other hand, the concept is also used to designate the physical place where a person decides to seclude, enclosed, for example a room.
Both uses are certainly popular and is common to find them in the language everyday.

Court sentences involving imprisonment

When detention is required will be specifically tied to the punishment of imprisonment dictates that a person once found to have committed a plausible crime to be punished in this way. There misdemeanors that although crimes may be exempted from a penalty involving imprisonment, while the most serious crimes, such as murder, kidnapping, rape, among others, are often punishable by imprisonment and in cases of penalties more extreme up to life imprisonment which is that the person must spend the rest of what's left of life in prison.

Prison, the place where the detention of the person who committed the crime concrete

In the states of law, when a person incurs in a fault to a standard it is plausible to be punished. If the offense is serious and the justice that is issued in that case considered, the person may be sentenced to serve many years in prison, or as noted to life imprisonment.
Jail or prison is the physical place where the person is sent to fulfill the above sentence.
In this place there is no freedom, prisoners, have a permanent surveillance and must meet certain requirements of activities within the prison. Most of his time is spent in a cell, which is reduced in meters and has iron bars that prevent the escape of the prisoner instead. The guards are the ones who have the keys to open and close the same.
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[ 3 ]

symphony › Definition and Meaning

musical composition in which the instruments and voices sound chords

The concept of symphony has used an almost exclusive in the field of music where it is used in several senses.
The vocal ensemble or instruments or both sounding chords at the same time, it is called symphony, as in the case of vocal symphony.
Also, the musical composition especially composed for orchestras and is made up of more than one motion, is known as symphony.

Features symphonies

While it is usual that a symphony is divided into four movements there are also some who have other amount, while the can differentiate its structure and time.
We must also say that the symphony can be interpreted by different types of orchestras, from those composed of a few members, twelve case, or others that have a large number such as hundred musicians.
Another use of the word is to describe the instrumental musical composition, ie, it has no interpretation vowel, and generally in the shows of classical music or other precedes operas or any other production stage.

Symphony, a classical composition of the most popular classical authors

Undoubtedly, the concept of symphony is especially associated with the work of such prominent classical musicians such as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig Van Beethoven, to name a few of the most notable. Even this composition has become so popular thanks to them, let alone takeoff that they got into the careers of these musical artists. For example, Beethoven's Ninth Symphony is one of the most valued of history.
Of course this composition eventually grew in importance and diffusion and then is that other generations of musicians continued composing and even catered to interpret the great symphonies that musical history was leaving.

As a synonym for harmony in colloquial usage

And use colloquial we find a reference to the word, being used to designate that harmonious combination of several elements or components. That is, as synonymous with harmony used the word in everyday language. When there is harmony of colors or any other question you can talk in terms of symphony.
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[ 4 ]

radiofrequency › Definition and Meaning

It is understood the set of radio frequency electromagnetic waves through which sound propagates through space. In other words, the energy of the sound expands in a given radius and with a particular frequency and hence the term radio frequency.
The frequency of a sound is the number of vibrations per second and is measured in hertz (Hz) and the faster vibrate more intense sound object will produce. So, when something is vibrating moves the air around it and they create layers with different pressure, the familiar sound waves. The intensity of sound is measured in units called decibels (named in honor of A. G Bell, the inventor of the telephone).

Fóromula based electricity and magnetism

Radiofrequency emerged in the late nineteenth century and to concretize in inventions that it was necessary to join two scientific fields: electricity and magnetism. The fusion of the principles of the two areas set electromagnetism, which was conceived by Maxwell, who proposed the following formula dividing the constant power by the magnetic constant is equal to the speed of light. From the understanding of this phenomenon of nature it existed the necessary theoretical basis (known as Maxwell's theory) to develop the great practical potential of radio frequency. Keep in mind that the speed of light is closely related to the propagation of electromagnetic waves.

RF applications

RF is present in many different areas: in communication, health, traffic systems or in everyday life. Let 's see some concrete examples:

Whenever we activate the microwave

- When you get up in the morning it is likely to calentemos milk in the microwave. This appliance operates from a very high radio frequency bands that allow heating in seconds.

When used in an MRI hospital

- To make some accurate medical examinations, X - rays may be insufficient and needs an MRI. This technology incorporates a radio frequency system quite similar to that used in a radio station.
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- Communication between a satellite located in space and our planet occurs via radio frequency waves.

In managing the tánsito

- control systems more advanced traffic are based upon theoretical principles of electromagnetism that led to the measurement of radio frequency.
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[ 5 ]

reallocation › Definition and Meaning

The word reallocation is formed by re prefix (in this case indicating repetition) and the substantive allocation, which expresses the relationship that is one thing to another, its correspondence. Thus, reassignment is a connection between two points again. Consider a simple example. A broker takes part in a competition and get a number with a certain number. If the number received is wrong you will have to apply for another and, in this case, there will be a reallocation.

As a correction method

Analyzing this concept shows that any reallocation process there is a change, a change. Typically, this type of change is due to a technical error and remedied normally. The allocation and reallocation mechanism is framed in a need to sort and classify some realm of reality. Again the example may be helpful. In a team football each player wears a shirt number. Imagine a team record a big star, who calls out the No9, which will cause the player who originally wore that number on his jersey should receive another.
To sort everyday life is essential to use numbers. We use them for everything (phone, social security or passwords). Some numbers are permanent (for example, the document of identity ) but others may be changed for some reason and in these cases there is a reassignment.

Curiosities and circumstances

Each person carries a sex. However, in some cases individuals being a sex consider their very nature should be of the opposite sex, making a reallocation, ie, an operation that allows to stop being man and become a woman or need the reverse (are talking about the sex reassignment surgery).
The world of business is subject to permanent changes. In a standard situation, each worker is assigned specific functions, but quite often it is desirable to make any changes and reassignment of the organizational structure of a company occurs.

From a social point of view, the term is confused with redistribution

Despite the clarifications and examples mentioned, the concept of reallocation relatively frequently confused with others who have a similarity : redistribution and reordering. Redistribution states that there is a change in the distribution and reordemaniento indicates that the change occurs in relation to a particular order.
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