Utensil › Children's Theater › Banner › Tenure › Greek Theater › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. utensil
  2. Children's Theater
  3. Banner
  4. tenure
  5. Greek Theater

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

utensil › Definition and Meaning

Instruments, tools, objects in the hand, we use in daily activities or conduct of any trade or occupation

The concept of utensil has a current use in our language precisely because designates instruments, tools, objects in the hand, and we used very recurrently in our daily activities or performing some art or craft.

prehistoric use and development in the manufacture of utensils

Since prehistoric times humans made use of utensils of any kind and type to assist them in carrying out various actions and tasks. Meanwhile, from these very remote times to today not only the range of proposals is certainly varied, but have also undergone a tremendous evolution that went hand in hand with that experienced by humans.
To prepare your food, prehistoric man used all his wits and took those elements that nature offered to realize this important action in their survival and their environment. Of course, the running time and progress, utensils, began to be made according to the needs of the tasks to be performed and also the materials were varied, clay, stone, wood, iron, glass, plastic, to name the most common.

The intervention of technology generated tools that solve tasks faster

But developments in this regard do not stop so much so that technology as developed today is also responsible for developing electronic tools that allow tasks and activities certainly fast times. That is, for example, before whipping cream, required a time and a higher concentration because the only way was done by hand with a whisk or hand element batiese, meanwhile, today, electric beaters in a few minutes allow us to achieve a smooth cream, smooth and most importantly, without fatigue in the arms and wrists.

A great assistant

The tools are very important and necessary in the kitchen as noted but so are making some arts and crafts. Somehow we could say that the tool is like having another hand for assistance and help given to us in certain activities.
The cookware industry
response to this situation has developed a fabulous commercial cookware industry for example, to allow both eat and to cook food. For instance, it is possible to meet countless alternatives that offer original and different designs.
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[ 2 ]

Children's Theater › Definition and Meaning

The most popular entertainment and shows

The theater is one of the most popular entertainment and shows on the planet since time immemorial. Dramas tell stories, adventures, customs and comical situations, and are represented on stage by professional actors, are the essence of theater. Through them, authors, actors and directors of scene seeking thrill and delight audiences.

Content geared to capture the attention of young audiences

Since its appearance far beyond in time to present theater he was professionalized and diversified fantastically. Meanwhile, within the vast range of proposals offered by the theater called children's theater it stands out, precisely because its contents are designed to capture the attention of the little ones.

attractive resources for the kids

Then the children 's theater is composed of all those theatrical works for the infant public. By case and as its main mission is that children choose these works to have fun and entertain it is that its contents are full of resources attractive for the kids. On this subject we will say that in this kind of theater the cartoony, fantastic characters predominate. Costumes of the characters and colorful, fun and playful scenery. Music, dance, choreography. In final accounts, lots of fun and visual charm that is what you like and more fun to children.

The moral is always present in the stories

Another uniqueness of children 's works is the use of the resource literature of the moral, that is, that history proposes and revalue certain moral values accepted as positive that in this way the children learn and internalize and teachings.
At this stage of life many teachings learned just this way playing and having fun.
However, the children 's theater industry consists of works written by an adult, ie, by a writer who pergeña stories with some of the characteristics and conditions referred to precisely draw the attention of young audiences.
On the other hand, we can find plays that although were not intended a priori for this audience, presenting the characteristics and what they have end up trapping the smallest audience.
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[ 3 ]

Banner › Definition and Meaning

A banner is an ad that is set to a segment of a web page and is characterized by showing some kind of graphic or animation. Thus, a banner is distinguished from the so - called advertising contextual advertising characterized by change depending on the content of the page and usually refers to a text message, devoid of major elements.
The banner can have a verbal message, but as we said may also involve drawings, animations or stylized letters; On the other hand, the banner remains fixed in his message regardless of contextual content, content that surrounds it.

The banner advertising as a way

Advertising on the internet has grown tremendously in the last decade, it is undoubtedly a business that moves millions of dollars and that enables many websites to generate economic resources. There are many ways to implement it, being the banner one of the oldest. Thus, a banner will display a message, a graphic or animation, which when accessed will lead to another website, usually the advertiser site. Thus, a banner allows to derive traffic and one site to another, so that a percentage of visitors to the page where you stay is channeled to another.

Sites with similar themes

It is important to note that the theme of the two sites involved is usually similar. Indeed, of little use traffic that is little interested in the website to which it is derived, is unlikely to have any significant business activity itself, the idea that lurks behind this situation is to try to attract qualified traffic, is I mean, interested in a particular topic.
Banners are ways to attract the attention of a public that already has some degree of interest in the content to be displayed.

Recurring payment

Finally, it should be noted that the sponsor usually pays a periodic fee display banner, fee depends on several factors such as the degree of traffic that has the website in question, the theme of the site where they put the banner and size that it holds.
There must be a clear benefit for the advertiser to be willing to have an outlay of money, outlay that often can become significant. This type of situation has a direct relationship with the rise of the web for business in recent years, boom undoubtedly continue in the future.
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[ 4 ]

tenure › Definition and Meaning

The concept of ownership has widespread use in our language and is used in various contexts to refer possession of something.

Property held about something

Then its more general and widespread use can account for the property that is about something, that is, possession of an object or a well x allowing its manipulation is Piacere and of course his control.

Family Law: Legal custody is given to the parents or one of them

On the other hand, in the field of law, more precisely in the family concept it used with recurrence. When a marriage with children divorces or failing when a child is orphaned, the justice of this area must grant through a court ruling legal tenure to either parent, or both, as in the case of shared ownership; and in the case of orphans, the court shall grant the tenure of orphan direct relative or institution who takes over until the child reaches the age of majority.
This legal tenure imply that the adult who assumes observe a number of duties and responsibilities towards the child, that is, he is responsible for it in every way and if something happens to that child will be justly responsible.
After the divorce, the judge hearing the case, decided according to a series of assessments tenure parents if the child will be shared or deliver it to a parent.
In the case that is shared, both parents have the same rights and obligations over the child.

Possession of weapons and drugs

Moreover, we must say that the concept of tenure is applied recurrently in relation to possession someone has weapons and also drug.
Gun ownership implies the possession of a weapon or specific weapons. The legislation provides that certain persons who meet certain requirements possess weapons and for it then extended a certification that guarantees that tenure. Now there are many people who have guns in effect and do not have that authorization. In such cases, they may be arrested and attributed a penalty for that transgression of the law.
Meanwhile, drug possession is possession of any prohibited substance, as in the case of marijuana, cocaine, LSD, heroin, among others. The tenure of this type is usually punishable by law in most of the laws in the world, and when a certain degree of ownership is passed can be considered that tenure is not for personal use but for marketing, which the punishment of the law it will be more serious.
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[ 5 ]

Greek Theater › Definition and Meaning

The concept of theater Greek can be used in our language with two senses.

plays represented in Ancient Greece

On the one hand, it is referred to generally as Greek theater to all those that were written and performed during the period we know as Ancient Greece (between V and III centuries BC) and in which the theater was able to hold tremendous relevance plays.
For these times the theater was closely associated with the celebration of festivals and religious rituals. For example, the celebration was made to worship the god of wine Dionysus, used to be a history and kick the development of theater in these parts. Even the Theater of Dionysus, located on the Acropolis of Athens used to be the most important theater of this time.

How the characters represent?

Regarding the actors must say that was characteristic of this theater that the actor does not show his face but appeared with masks preserving their identity. They dressed in colored robes and just be through the colors that the characters showed their relevance to the story being recounted. Wore shoes, wood, also contributed uniqueness to the scene.

The choir, places summarizes the context and history

A fundamental role unfurled called chorus, which had the mission to present the context and summarize the situations that were represented to the public could follow the adventures. They used to intervene singing or talking. Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides and Aristophanes, are the másximos exponents of this theater.

Precinct built to represent the plays Greek

On the other hand Greek theater called the construction building industry, the enclosure built, also during these times in Greece, to represent the Greek plays, one certainly prolific period in this regard.

A circular open sky

The peculiarity of the Greek theater is that it was open, ie the precincts consisted of circular air free. The action took place in the center of the place while the audience stood around the center.
This is why most theaters were erected on the side of a mountain in this way to take advantage of a visual lift.
None of this was accidental because with these physical characteristics achieved a good acoustics and also that viewers could appreciate as representation from anywhere.
The choir was located in the orchesta, on the elevated platform called skené the scene unfolded, and the public was located in the koilon, in what is now popularly called as stands.
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