Shadow Theater › Size › Tarantula › Uranium › Thunder › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Shadow Theater
  2. size
  3. tarantula
  4. uranium
  5. thunder

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Shadow Theater › Definition and Meaning

The theater, one of the main entertainment of the people

The theater is undoubtedly one of the most important art shows and art history. From the earliest times it takes to entertain and bring culture to the various communities.
Meanwhile, in the vast universe that implies we can find different genres and also with certainly original and unique proposals, such is the case that concerns us in this review, the shadow theater...

Generating visual effects through the use of a powerful light source to be projected on a smooth surface and white

The distinguishing feature of this type of proposal is the generation theatrical visual effects through the use of a powerful light source to be projected on a smooth white surface, as usual can be a screen and a wall. From these conditions the artists involved in the show will take care of representing the story in question on that screen and using their hands, bodies, among others.

Hands, interpreters par excellence

Anyway we must say are the hands, the interpreters for excellence in this theater since through them and said visual setting is possible to create figures of all kinds that are the characters of the story.

Creation of prehistoric man in the cave and from fire

But this theater proposal is not something contemporary, modern, much less, because in reality this proposal has a long history and have been the prehistoric man who discovered by chance in his stay in the caves. There, when he lit the fire he discovered he could make shadows with the very fire, which would be used not only for entertainment but are also attributed a magical mark and ritual, among others.

Shadow puppetry, history

This practice resulted in the shadow puppetry calls that are the background of this kind of theater.

Evolution but keeping the essence

Of course with running time this proposal evolve, ie, new elements are incorporated to practice and an artistic intention, eg fire is replaced by the light and the wall of the cavern by a smooth white wall, although, we note that the original idea remained, the essence imposed by the prehistoric men who created them.

black theater in Prague

A variant that is associated with this type of theater is called black theater in Prague, precisely because it takes place in this city of the Republic Czech and characterized to represent history in a dark scenario that has only lighting that will which plays the leading role of performing his signature play of light and shadows.
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[ 2 ]

size › Definition and Meaning

Physical dimensions of a thing or object

The concept of size is widely used in our language to refer to measures, physical dimensions of a thing or object, as in the case of a cabinet of a garment, among others. These measures height, length, width, count its volume and surface.
People have a general idea of the dimensions that this or that thing holds an element, an object, however, sometimes need to precisions and sometimes need to take accurate measurements of something.
Think we have to buy a dining table for our kitchen when we get out exactly in that pursuit must do in terms of the measures we have taken the place and we know are the ones that will make the table between comfortable in the place in question reserved for she.
When mobilize, move things, furniture, for example, around the house or certain places, it is also necessary to know the steps to see if we can mobilize as effectively.
As we see, the size of things around us is important because it also depends on our comfort.

Height of a person

But not only things and objects we can apply this term but we can also extend to people more precisely when referring to the stature presenting someone.
A person may, however, present a more or less significant size, that is, we can meet higher or lower people and it will strictly related to their genetic and feeding.
It is also a fact that the average height will be influenced by gender and population to which the person belongs.

Limitations and freedoms provided by the size

We should also mention at this point that the size of someone can be responsible for that person can not access or the completion of certain actions or activities, for example, if someone has a significant size can make smooth sports like basketball, issue it will not be possible for someone of a size below normal.

Synonymous with the same or similar

On the other hand, and to a lesser extent with respect to the reference just mentioned, the word is used synonymously with the same or similar, but basically to enhance the status of simile. "I do not know how you could believe him so great humbug told you, that's not true."
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[ 3 ]

tarantula › Definition and Meaning

poisonous arachnid large size

A tarántula is a kind of arachnid, poisonous, of a much larger size than typical spiders, some reaching 30 cm long. Its main physical signs, to those already mentioned, a thorax with very distinctive hair, add belly colorful rounded, the back is black while the belly is red coloration, meanwhile, legs also highlight so strong and important they are.

Originally from the Italian town of Taranto

The name given to this large arachnid is not capricious or casual but responds to its origin. The word comes from the Latin language and simultaneously derived from another: Tarentum Tarentum or, as you call a town Italian, just this geographical location are native tarantulas and that is why it was decided to call them that. The climate prevailing in this area creates a habitat perfect for these spiders.

Habitat and lifetime

The caves and rocks are the places that these bugs when choosing shelter and develop. His life is not too long, usually live about four years, in the case of females, while the male lives much less time, about two years alone.

Their sting is not fatal for people

While not fatal, the bite of a tarantula complicates the health of the person attacked because it usually triggers a swelling in the affected area, however, it is impossible for someone to die of this sting. While in ancient times there were many fears and beliefs that the tarantula could kill with its poison, we now know for sure that is not so.
He had even come to believe that if a person suffering from the bite of this spider could suffer a picture of shaking with convulsions, but again none of this is correct or true. It is only popular myths without handle.

Poison, main weapon against their prey

But to whom it is fatal if the poison of the tarantula is for these dams, more precisely for insects and rodents that become their main food. S this poison which allows them to hunt and feed.
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[ 4 ]

uranium › Definition and Meaning

A chemical element present in nature and living beings

Uranium is one of the most popular metal chemical elements of nature as it is present in the very natural environment, such as water and rocks, and also in living beings.

Metal, malleable, docile and radioactive

As noted recently there is a chemical element that is characterized as metal, being easy to work and shape and possessing radioactivity. Just radioactivity and arrangement of a trained to generate a division into two parts or more and with great atom release energy (fission) are its most unique among the vast universe of chemical elements signals.

Component of atomic bombs

Nor can we overlook the fact that it has been used in the manufacture of the atomic bomb.
Atomic bombs are instruments, military weapons, used precisely instances of a conflict military between two or more nations and capable of releasing a tremendous amount of energy in a very violent manner as a result of the fission of components such as uranium.
For this question it is that uranium has a connotation negative in the collective popular because it is known for its great involvement and prominence when war generation weapons as destructive as in the case of the atomic bomb.
Another uniqueness that stands out is its uranium, the most important of all the elements that exist in nature atomic weight.
It distinguishes with the letter U and atomic number 92.

Discovered in the eighteenth century by a German chemist who called it in honor of the planet Uranus

Identification as such we owe the German chemist Martin Heinrich Klaproth, who in the late eighteenth century discovered as oxide. He decided to give it that name so particular tribute to the planet Uranus was discovered that only a few years earlier. However, uranium was on planet earth at low concentrations from thousands of years ago and according to data provided to his students was the result of the explosion of stars.
There is currently an industry around the uranium extract deals with nature through various techniques and then concentrate.

Other uses of uranium

To remove some of that stigma with which we must say that charge is also used in the context of photography, glassmaking, such as fuel, among other uses.
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[ 5 ]

thunder › Definition and Meaning

Estruendo very strong characteristic of thunderstorms

Thunder is one of the most common phenomena of bad weather, ie it is a very loud sound, a sound of wide characteristic sound of thunderstorms. So, when we hear the sound of thunder it is a clear advance that what will follow is an intense rain.

Result of the shock wave generated when a beam heats the air between the clouds which mobilizes

That characteristic sound we speak of is the result of the shock wave is generated spontaneously when a beam heats the air present between the clouds which is mobilized. It is estimated that the heat would be about thirty thousand degrees Celsius.
That tremendously hot air grows in volume and extends at a speed very quickly and end up mixing with the cold air, when air meeting as opposed occurs is that the fearful noise of thunder sound.

Often causes fear, especially in children

And we say fearful because it is certainly very strong and to be associated with heavy rain, accompanied by lightning is that people often cause you fear or at least some concern at that.
In smaller eg thunder usually produces a huge fear of hearing that can shoot from screams, cries and calls for help to parents. The children would have normally afraid of strong storms and all that they bring as unique features: thunder, lightning, lightning. A common reaction to the aforementioned of the cries and screams is to run and hide somewhere that is considered safe, as is the case closet or room mom and dad.
Another issue that accompanies thunder, lightning and rain is a very large dark sky, which of course also adds to generate a climate that gives some fear in who appreciates it.
Boom produced by the shot of a firearm or firework
By extension the term of thunder lot is also used in the language colloquially to refer to noise or roar produced by the shot of a firearm or failing that simile noise resulting in a firework after ignition.
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