Underestimation › Delimitation › Academic Training › Intrinsic Motivation › Literary Resources › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. underestimation
  2. delimitation
  3. Academic training
  4. Intrinsic motivation

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

underestimation › Definition and Meaning

Underestimating the opinion or appraisal of someone or something, which is considered less worth than it has in reality.
Underestimating a person indicates that, for some reason, is considered below their possibilities. It is an attitude very common, because often the human being with regard to others is wrong. Usual give someone less capacity than it has, but it 's definitely a mistake, because it can indicate several things: an excess of confidence, contempt or prejudice.
Context situations
In some contexts this concept appears regularly, for example in sports when an athlete or team treat the adversary from the belief that it is inferior. Those who act is expressing his arrogance, which is clearly an unsportsmanlike attitude, as any rival is worthy of respect but a priori it may seem of little level.
The mechanism acting in this pattern applies to problematic circumstances. Take, for example, certain infectious diseases. Consider them as a single isolated outbreak would underestimate their malignant potential and for this reason it is right to adopt a cautious and cautious stance.
The opposite of underestimation would overestimation, ie, valuing someone above their real possibilities. Both findings are wrong and a sign that the opinion you have is not adequate for some reason.
Underestimation in the history
consider others below its capacity is a phenomenon that has been repeated throughout history.
The slavery is clearly one of its most common because it is based on the idea that an individual or a group is inferior in some way.
Women have traditionally been underestimated. Even today there are people or cultures understand that there is at the same level as men.
In colonialism it has also been a contempt for other races. Some forms of government have been based on the belief that an individual or a group is at a level superior to others (this is what has happened with absolutism or with feudalism ).
The idea of racial superiority and xenophobia are other ways that have been expressed understatement.
To combat the different forms or expressions of understatement, it has been consolidating a democratic system based on one principle: that all men are equal and therefore there is no reason to be underestimated.
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[ 2 ]

delimitation › Definition and Meaning

The term indicates the exact delineation depiction of limits in relation to a location. Thus, it is possible to identify land demarcation establishing some intended to clarify to whom it belongs.
When a surface is delimited is intended to provide useful information (on the square footage, the title or the shoulder of a place). Something similar happens with the maritime delimitation, a concept that has important implications regarding the demarcation of the waters of each country. Maritime delimitation is a matter of quite common border controversy between nations that share access to the sea and fishing generated controversy, military or strategic issues.
in practice, this term is used in very diverse activities in the preparation of a plan of a house in the urban plans in an atlas and, ultimately, in any document where the boundaries prices be required a given space.
Delimiting the concept is equally applicable to the distribution of tasks and responsibilities in a group or entity. Thus, in a family it is possible to establish a division of household chores so that there is a certain balance.
From a chronological point of view, it also makes sense to speak of temporary demarcation, because the concept of time also has limits and is absolutely necessary to set them (for example, in the case of an accident in a secured right the first measure to value it is whether the events are within the temporal boundedness of the contract).
The origins of the concept
The ancient Egyptians were a daily reality problematic: the Nile River regularly flooded fertile land. In these circumstances, it was necessary to establish a system to accurately measure the ground. This need drove them to create a measurement technique, surveying. With it resolved the delimitation of the surface and, simultaneously, they could apply to urban planning, to mapping, the construction of the pyramids, etc.
Surveying as delimitation is the basis of the geometry. This knowledge had practical and theoretical dimension and were built by the Romans to establish control over the conquered lands and to plan their public projects (eg the construction of the network of roads throughout the empire).
Throughout history the procedures for measuring land or sea have not stopped evolving. We currently have GPS as an instrument of great precision, but it has come to this breakthrough because before there were others: the compass, altimeter, tape measure or sextant.
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[ 3 ]

Academic training › Definition and Meaning

Academic training refers to that section of the curriculum professional describing the candidate 's training. It reflects a temporary over which the person has been able to pursue a certain line studies.
In this regard, there are students attending college. Some they choose a career in science while others pursuing a career in letters. Similarly, there are also students who complete their training with the study of a vocational training module.
The decision to evaluate which path to take is very important and has long - term consequences. For example, a person who has done studies that do not connect with their professional vocation, then, may experience a high degree of frustration. Contrary to the illusion experienced professionals who are vocational hundred percent.
A section of the curriculum
When specifying academic training in the curriculum is important to avoid mentioning the name of the school where cursaste your studies primary and it follows that if a student has studied in college is because it finalicó successful previous cycles. Instead, it can be positive indicate the name of the school or school if having completed a stay abroad through a system of exchange.
In detailing the data on training, many people who use the formula for the reverse chronological resume, beginning with providing the latest information to be more current, and from there, also provide other relevant data but there are older.
Increase the degree of specialization
From the professional point of view, in a competitive society level work, should point out that the higher the level of education, there are more chances of professional success. That is, they grow the chances of finding a job according to the profile staff.
One of the main goals of academic training is to train professionals XXI century for performing effective in some particular function. In this regard, there are candidates who choose specialization to be a benchmark in its sector.
In the current context, any professional must constantly recycled through conducting courses, conference attendance and participation in professional events.
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[ 4 ]

Intrinsic motivation › Definition and Meaning

The motivation is the internal motor that moves the heart of people when the force of an illusion spurting on the horizon. At that time, the person feels capable and prepared to fight for the goal beyond the obstacles.
Intrinsic motivation of self, that is, born from the depths of the heart and mind of a person who is one hundred percent committed to their happiness (when a person fighting for a goal is because that goal makes you happy).

An internal motor

The difference between intrinsic motivation and obligation is that in the first case, a person performs an action because we really want to carry it out. However, in the second option, the person acts beyond the apetecer, for the sake of duty. From the professional point of view, internal motivation takes on a very important value as a person is happiest when working in a job that is commensurate with their vocation.
It should be pointed out that in the long - term goals beyond the initial force you feel the person to strive for that goal, there may be moments of discouragement and apathy on the road.
It is in those moments when the person trains his willpower to act on the commitment made earlier in the fulfillment of a goal beyond what the mood of the moment or internal apetecer.

A capacity trains

People are not machines, therefore even those illusions and projects that you're more involved, it is natural to have stages of fatigue, doubt and insecurity. Thanks to these small personal crises can also develop an enormous willpower thanks to an intrinsic motivation through effort leads you beyond your own limits.
This type of motivation is very valuable because it depends only on yourself. That is, is in your hands the plan of action you have drawn to achieve a certain goal.
To keep alive this internal motivation is very important to visualize the goal is often to connect that future moment with the present moment. And also, believe in yourself as an act of faith and that self - esteem is also a force impulse.
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LITERARY RESOURCES › Definition and Meaning

The resources literary are the set of techniques, figures of speech and stylistic approaches that a writer uses to create a literary work. We must keep in mind that every writer wants to communicate and at the same time, do it in a beautiful and creative way.
Literary devices are the different ways to combine words and create their own narrative style
literary devices are used in all literary genres, although it is in poetry which are used more widely, as the poetic language not simply aspires to describe a reality but beauty itself.
The list of tropes is very broad, but it is worth mentioning some of the most significant. Anaphora is the repetition of one or more words. In alliteration repetition is manifested in the sound. Hyperbole presents an exaggerated dimension. The metaphor is based on the similarity between two terms, something similar to what happens with metonymy. Through irony the opposite of what is thought is expressed. This brief glimpse of rhetorical figures, we should not forget that many that exist: paradox, synecdoche, circumlocution, sarcasm, oxymoron, ellipses... Each one uses a different "formula", ie, a way of combine words for language enrichment.
Additional resources
While rhetorical figures are the fundamental elements of all literary devices, there are other aspects of language that serve as instruments necessary for creation. First, knowledge of grammar as a general structure (its rules, different levels of language, etc). And there are complementary elements that are part of the resources of literature : knowledge of the etymology of words, their semantic value, the correct use of the various punctuation marks, the use of synonyms, etc. These instruments may seem less relevant than rhetorical figures, but are essential to convey ideas without sacrificing the aesthetic value of language.
Just as a painter uses a tool to create, the writer also needs a wide range of instruments. All instruments are at the service of words, which in turn are intended to describe a reality or express feelings of a suggestive art form.
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