Toll › Compilation › Pedestrian › Call › Parity › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. toll
  2. compilation
  3. pedestrian
  4. call
  5. parity

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

toll › Definition and Meaning

At present most of the highways or roads, they charge, who pass through them, the amount of money that is called popularly as toll. So, if I want to travel on the highway or yes have to pay that amount stipulated.
The toll rates vary depending on the type of transport to circulate and motorcycles are the least paid, then the current cars will have another rate that is higher than the previous ones and finally trucks or buses have to pay a larger sum to mentioned.
Also, the fee will vary depending on which one exit leave the motorway at greater distance more expensive the tolls.
The money charged, either at some km. the path of the highway or in some of the outputs thereof, has several destinations in principle and primarily used to improve the appearance and traffic on the motorway, ie, with the money raised primary mission is to build a highway ensuring safe and fast on the way for those who use it.
With this sense silver is used among other things to improve the paving, signage, lighting, cleaning, to assist motorists in an accident or complication within it, among others.
Then another part of the proceeds will be used to pay the salaries of those working in the toll stations and the concessionaire in general and obviously the remnant is the benefit that any company wants to perceive.
Toll payment efectiviza stations with boxes arranged on motorways for this purpose. When the toll station is nearby, signaling indicates and asked the driver to reduce speed to a minimum, this is to prevent accidents.
Arriving at box payment rate corresponding to the vehicle shall be paid, you will receive one ticket and once paid under the barrier will rise and be given the green light to circulate.
For those paths which often have high flow traffic it is provided a method which avoids prepaid delay. The company delivers a toll device that is loaded with credit motorist who places it on the windshield of your car and every time you pass through the toll and the reader will capture the corresponding amount is deducted. This prevents waste of time and is intended to make the transition faster.
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[ 2 ]

compilation › Definition and Meaning

The collection is a collection, a compendium of the best artistic productions of an author or a musical interpreter, someone, the same artist or author, or a third party, decide to gather and thus generate a new production that just will feature works or most successful songs of the artist in question. So the most common collections are books, discs.
Generally, this type of collected products generate a huge interest from fans of the artist given that they find, for example, the most popular artist themes. Even many people prefer to buy these products where the best and most successful meets the career of someone.
In the specific case of music disks of this type they are called compilation albums and so is generally recognized that the industry beyond that have a title. Almost all bands or musical groups have in their discographies a compilation or greatest hits as they are often called album.
In addition to the great success of a musical artist, the compilation albums can collect the best songs but several performers who share genre musical.
And as you pointed out, in the field literature, it is also common to find this type of production in which various pieces or parts of the works of various authors are collected.
In recent times it has also dabbled in the collection of journalistic material, for example, editorials or columns of journalists or personalities that are regularly published in a journal and of course have the loyal following of readers, usually they meet in books special that they collect and thus allow the followers have gathered in one text only.
And the concept is often used synonymously with others such as summary and compendium. The compendium is a brief but accurate compilation of topics dealing or regarding an area or discipline.
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[ 3 ]

pedestrian › Definition and Meaning

At the request of the road area, it is termed as pedestrian to individual passing through the street on foot, ie that makes walking and not in the vehicle, as in the case of motorists who drive a car, the cyclist who travels by bicycle or the motorcyclist who does the same but on a motorcycle.
As a result the pedestrian does not walk down the street in any vehicle as with the other cases mentioned is that it has a number of priorities for people who are driving in a vehicle. Thus, for example, in crosswalks is the pedestrian who has priority when crossing and the motorist, cyclist or motorcyclist must give way and continue their march once the pedestrian has crossed.
Road policies and also the agencies that deal with broadcast messages that contribute to a harmonious and correct performance vial, both by those who walk as a pedestrian or who drive a car, should, through education and the installation of signals instructing all public spaces transiting how to behave to avoid accidents transit.
It is important in this sense that crosswalks are properly delineated in the streets and on the other hand that signs be placed with pedestrian sign (a man in the act of walking) to distinguish those roads where pedestrians have priority crossing and thus prevent motorists to not moving at high speed by them.
Unfortunately, in many parts of the world the traffic situation is certainly deficient and as a result is constant occurrence of accidents, especially motorists who run over pedestrians, either because the crosswalks are not respected as befits or because also pedestrians do not respect own signs and cross traffic when they should not, when they have free pass.
Most efficient to counter a state of affairs as indicated is teaching, ie teaching both pedestrians who drive cars how they should conduct themselves on the streets. Meaning of traffic signs, respect thereof, ads that invite respect them by the mass media and of course the presence of transit authorities on the streets to ensure and guarantee compliance with the rules.
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[ 4 ]

call › Definition and Meaning

The term that will occupy us in this review, no doubt, has a hyper use widespread in our language and designating au ne of the most common ways and used today to communicate with others who are not in the same physical space we, or close geographically.
To run these calls you must have a telephone device, fixed, or failing a mobile phone. The corresponding number is then marked and thus be able to contact the person you want.
It should be noted that the above is the way traditional making such calls, meanwhile, new technologies have brought us a host of new alternatives when making calls.
One of the most widespread and used today is the connection that allows internet. Programs like Skype, Viber or Line that is accessed via web, allows users to call from computers to computers via telephone or cell to another simile.
The invention of the telephone course marked before and after in this type of communications and recently new technologies another milestone allowing calls to be channeled via the web.
Moreover, the word call may be used in our language to designate the action of calling someone who does not necessarily imply the use of a telephone. For example, when you go to the doctor you should wait for the call of professional in a waiting room. When your turn comes, the doctor will call you by your name to enter the query.
In another context in which the term is used with special reference is in the field literary since those signs that instances of a text whose mission is to clarify or add something about what is said, but elsewhere book, for example in the foot, it is called as a call. That is, in this context the call is a warning, a warning, which provides the reader to appreciate this or that clarification.
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[ 5 ]

parity › Definition and Meaning

The concept of parity is one of the options that exist in our language to designate equivalence and equality of something else or someone else. So it is possible that the term we apply so much about things and people. There is parity in height and my brother. The test results showed that there is parity in education level between one course and another.
Basically, parity, which wants to show is that in those things or people he is given does not exist in any way superior or inferior, just because parity matching marks an even level.
In some situations and contexts parity is something that is sought and valued and is good to give while in other circumstances, especially in situations of competition, parity is not valued much less because in that case there is a need to win or to impose such other to win a championship.
Social, to cite one example, parity is an issue that is sought and also be held because it will mean that there are no social differences between people but talk about a state of affairs which prevails in equity. So, if most of the population of a country receives a salary simile undoubtedly the nation, he will hold parity among its inhabitants since everyone can access the same things, something that did not happen if wages would be very out of date between one another.
And one of the most common uses is attributed to this word is given at the request of the foreign exchange market to name just the relationship that holds a coin, one currency with another and taking as reference measurement international standards governing at that time.
Currently, in the Republic of Argentina, as a result of exchange controls imposed by the state, one US dollar equals $ 8.20, that is, for every dollar in Argentina will give us $ 8.20.
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