Standardize › Disaffected › Cluelessness › Habituality › Fingerprinting And Digital › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. standardize
  2. disaffected
  3. cluelessness
  4. habituality
  5. Fingerprinting and Digital

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

standardize › Definition and Meaning

Equating two things

Through the word homologate we can refer the action to equate two things, that is, through it is possible that two things or issues are similar and to observe similarities. Typically, this action is put into practice in order to gain something in operability and functionality.

In sport, registration and confirmation of the result of a test

Moreover, the word is often used in sports to describe the action of registration and confirmation of the result of a test or trial by a competent body.
Control exercised by an authority for conditions and characteristics of an action or of an element are met.
And through this terminology may indicate the action of control exercised formal authority to ensure that certain conditions and characteristics, whether an action or of an element are met.

Recognition of qualifications or study

Think that we want to travel abroad for x reason and continue with studies that are taking place in the destination, which of course, there will be a diverse program proposal to our country.
Then, it will be necessary to study, perform a procedure generally referred to as approval and is basically that matters have taken and passed far to travel, or failing that the title obtained after the attended, are correspondingly analyzed to achieve equivalence between the educational systems of each country.
Having achieved approval as we can continue studies at the level that we either can practice the profession for which we are enabled.
It is usually a mere formality, but it depends on the agreements that pre - exist between countries of origin and destination. Costs are variable because they depend on whether you hire a manager or if the procedure is performed directly in the consultation, or if the translation of some documents and titles are required.
Procedure for certifying that products are adapted to the regulatory technical force
Moreover, companies that produce goods usually carry approval of them to certify that they are adapted to the current technical regulations.
Approval in this regard will allow products to be manufactured and sold with the quality and safety required.
Depending on the type of product or, approval will be concretized by specialized laboratories to perform tests and tests concerned.
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[ 2 ]

disaffected › Definition and Meaning

The feeling is free and as a person experiences sympathy toward another can also experience the opposite feeling. Disaffection shows the lack of love that a person feels towards another that is indifferent.
It should be pointed out that disaffection has nothing to do with hate. When a person hates another desires evil alien, on the other hand, when a person feels disaffected experience indifference to the other person. Has no implication emotional positive or negative with the other.

opposite feelings

When it occurs the conflict from the point of view affective ? When a clash of interests occurs in such relationships in which there is no correspondence, for example, a person may show interest in meeting other while the other undergoes a profound disaffection and sit on the commitment to respond when inside, the feeling is different.
Disaffection can also refer to a particular object. For example, a person may experience disaffection their work to have lost interest in a progressive way. It is also possible for a person to experience disaffection a leisure activity, for example the film.
Obviously, the disaffected can also be accompanied by other feelings such as anger toward the other. Personal relationships are complex so much that no matter only what feels oneself but also what the other feels as establishing a friendship, of little use you show interest and put everything in their power to win the affection of the other if the caller responds with desitnerés and malevolence to these initiatives.

Disregard the other

When a person gives his love to someone you want to be reciprocated, however, inner freedom is important not only in thought but also in the way you feel. You may experience the pain of broken personal expectations.
Disaffection also could have had a previous affection. There are relationships that despite the love lived in some stage of the relationship, the story leads to rupture, indifference towards and away. Feelings are not static but evolve.
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[ 3 ]

cluelessness › Definition and Meaning

The human being has memory and remember many details of his past life as well as having in mind many of the goals you want to accomplish in the short term. Memory helps keep the focus on the objectives to achieve.
However, the mind also has its limits and is vulnerable to some factors, such as tiredness can hamper attention.

unexpected oversights

Thus, absent - mindedness, forgetfulness of information that the person wanted to remember for a reason occur. For example, a person may have forgotten after the date of birthday of a friend who wanted to congratulate.
Forgetfulness can be relative, ie, there are oversights that have no long - term negative consequences, however, there are also confusions that can have a big weight in the professional success.
For example, have the chance to forget a professional commitment, a working meeting an interview professional or the delivery date of a project determined may have short - term negative consequences. Dawdle when professionals are frequent, they show a lack of responsibility.

Causes of cluelessness

What factors can hinder concentration and have blind spots ?
1. Proper fatigue is essential to recharge the batteries. However, starting the day with accumulated fatigue from lack of hours of rest means to face this day with difficulty sustaining attention on a particular purpose.
2. When a person is experiencing a period of sadness deep also feels that his emotional world is invaded by this weakness that causes sadness at first. During a process of grieving the death of a loved one or a heartbreak it is possible to experience everyday forgetfulness.
3. In a period of stress in which the person is facing great pressure, it is also possible to experience the vulnerability of having major oversights. It is convenient to assume the limits themselves, learn to delegate and understand that self needs rest.
4. In many cases, confusions are only the result of inattention. This is the case in the absence of active listening in a conversation when one of the members of the talk is more aware of developments in your mobile phone than what the other says.
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[ 4 ]

habituality › Definition and Meaning

Usual quality that shows something

In principle and in rather general terms we must say that refers to the quality habitualidad usual that shows something, a situation or event, for example.

It is done or happens frequently linked to habits

We say something is usual when done or happens frequently and permanence over time. " It is common that Mary is late to school." Mario usual out to run through the park at this time ".
So it follows from what has been said and proposed in the examples usual is closely linked to the habits that presents a person.
Knowing the habits of a person often allows us to anticipate their choices and actions and also allow us to determine if it happens exceptional or unusual situation, if the person has not complied with the usual regularity.

State something durable and permanence of habits and inclinations of a person

You can also refer to the state of durable something and also stay on the habits and inclinations of a person, that is, when an individual eats too much on a regular basis, that situation to feed much all the time can be considered as a habitualidad that person.
Meanwhile, in respect of inclinations that may present an individual can argue that a person who likes to read assiduously presents a regularity in the inclination, taste for reading.
However, we must emphasize the way that it is not a familiar concept and we use extended so everyone is more frequent than usual to refer to those issues, inclinations, actions or habits that are recurrent and repetitive in word use a person or in any context.

Criminal Law: Recidivism

On the other hand, in the field of law criminal, the concept is often used to refer to those criminal behaviors that are repeated over time.
A murders another individual and is sentenced to prison, then to regain freedom after serving his sentence kills others, here then we will be facing a habitual crime in criminal matters.
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[ 5 ]

Fingerprinting and Digital › Definition and Meaning

Footprint, mark or trace a person leaves on the ground

A footprint is the mark or trace a person leaves on the ground or in any way underfoot. Generally, soil, grass, and other materials like wet cement are able to hold very definite way the footprint of that person or animal, that passed through there.

Those marks left our hands on any surface when touched

Meanwhile, in regards handprints, fingerprints or also known as fingerprints, we must clarify in principle that both concepts refer to the same thing are those that just leave our hands and fingers on a surface when touched.
It is more precisely a visible impression that know to leave papillary ridges of the fingers on any surface.

Through them a person can be identified. Unique and nontransferable

The importance of digital and fingerprints is that it is through it that a person can be identified. There is nothing more personal and individual than the marks left our fingers, is unique and non-transferable and therefore it is that they are used as a way to identify an individual in an unequivocal manner. That is, the fingerprints of a person are taken and only correspond to that individual, they can never be attributed to another.

Accompany identifications identity documents and passports

When people manage to competent authorities the documents of identity or other documentation style, such as identity cards and passports, we are fingerprinted for such impressions accompany our identification.
Until the advent of technology, the agencies that extended identity cards and other identification taking fingerprints of each finger through a substance that allowed a clear representation of capillary fingers. Today, with the ever present technology, less messy and cumbersome methods to make them, as a specialized appliances are used.
Meanwhile, if a situation occurs that at first glance does not allow a person to be identified, as sometimes it happens in accidents, by taking fingerprints can be established to identify that person.

Crucial procedures investigating crimes or illegal

Moreover, at the request of any crime or illegal, forces security the first thing they do is take impressions of the place to detect the presence of some of these footprints, which more then allow determining the persons who were present there and probably identify the offender or victimizer.
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