Tecnicatura › Spinach › Triangle › Poseidon › Afrodita › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Tecnicatura
  2. spinach
  3. Triangle
  4. Poseidon
  5. Afrodita

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Tecnicatura › Definition and Meaning

Tecnicatura is the term used in Latin America to refer to the technical studies non-university type. This is a general term, as necessarily accompanied by a specific term. Thus there tecnicaturas related to a variety of academic disciplines: computer, safety and hygiene, tourism, human resources, gastronomy, cultural management, environmental management and a large number of areas.

General features

The approach of the tecnicaturas is to train students to become qualified professionals. An important aspect is the combination of theory and practice in such disciplines. As for the titration, who ends a tecnicatura it has a college undergraduate technician. It should be borne in mind that in the educational system of most Latin Americans countries primary education and secondary education is compulsory and when this period ends on student wishing to extend their training has two options: college (undergraduate) or higher technical studies, ie tecnicaturas. It is not two completely opposite ways, since when finishing a technical degree a student has the possibility of joining a university degree.
A relevant question in tecnicaturas is their connection to the labor market in each sector. In this sense, the practices that are performed are oriented to the everyday reality of companies. This strategy is deemed necessary in a twofold purpose: to enable students to get a job and there is a connection between academia and the business world.

Study and work

Some time ago the academic training was not in contact with the world of work. Studies emphasized the theoretical dimension and practice was gained in day to day business. This approach has changed in recent decades and, consequently, changes in the labor market end up conditioning the curricula of tecnicaturas. This issue can be illustrated by the tecnicatura game. When the first game, it was a simple entertainment.
However, it soon became a global phenomenon that moves large amounts of money and at the same time requires highly skilled professionals. This change has created the need to establish a specific tecnicatura for the video game industry. This example helps us to remember an idea that does not always apply: the need to associate the labor and academics.
Photo: iStock - Wavebreakmedia
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[ 2 ]

spinach › Definition and Meaning

The spinach are leafy greens originating from China, are grown for consumption of the leaves that have great taste.
Spinach leaves are eaten cooked, steamed either alone, or as part of other preparations as tortillas, soufles, fillers pastes, creams and soups.
This plant is rich in antioxidants such as beta carotene, vitamin C and vitamin K, is also a good source of iron and magnesium, also it brings a lot of fiber that improves intestinal transit and decreasing the risk of cardiovascular disease with very low calorie content, they reach about 20 per 10 grams of spinach leaves.

Eat spinach has several beneficial health effects

The variety of nutrients containing spinach help prevent and control a large number of disorders including:
Skin lesions. The high content of beta - carotene causes increased levels of vitamin A in the body which helps to promote repair processes of the skin, as well as caused by sunlight shielding injuries.
Vision disorders. The carotenoids are precursors of the process of production of essential for night vision eye pigments also be seen that delay the onset of degenerative processes such as cataracts and macular degeneration.
Locomotor system. Spinach are rich in vitamin C, necessary for the body to produce collagen, the main protein of the supporting tissues found in the bones, ligaments and tendons in addition to the skin.
Respiratory diseases. Another great benefit of spinach is that stimulate the immune system while helping to repair damage to the lining of the airway, known as epithelium, which decreases the frequency of attacks of diseases such as asthma and bronchitis chronic.

If you suffer from gout you should avoid spinach

As was stated previously, spinach are plant with a lot of benefits to health, however, also contain a substance called oxalic acid compound to bind minerals such as calcium and iron are oxalates.
Calcium oxalates precipitate in the renal tubules, giving rise to kidney grit and the most common form of kidney stones, the calcium oxalate stones.
Iron oxalates are capable of precipitating producing joint disorders such as gout, one very painful arthritis. Alcoholic beverages contain iron oxalates why gout attacks can be triggered by ingesting beverages such as beer and wine.
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[ 3 ]

Triangle › Definition and Meaning

If we talk about rectangles we are in the field of mathematical knowledge and, more specifically, in the geometry. Triangle rectangle has a characteristic: it is a triangular geometric figure in which one side is 90 degrees and two remaining sides are opposite the first and are called legs. Larger side forming it is known as the hypotenuse and always opposes angle between the legs.

Pythagorean Theorem

The triangle has two acute angles and a right angle. From this structure it is possible to calculate angles trigonometric ratios of these triangles. Thus, if a right triangle the long sides are 13 cm and 12 cm, it is possible to calculate the distance the less acute angle by applying the Pythagorean theorem (in this case the end result would be an angle less than 25 degrees, then the Pythagorean theorem states that in a right triangle the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs).

practical applications and presence of triangles

Pythagoras was born on the Greek island of Samos in the century VI a. C. The theorem is a key to calculate and solve real problems in all disciplines tool: architecture, cartography, geography, urban planning, etc. These and other theoretical disciplines allow solving practical issues, since the shape having a triangle can be found on the map of a city, on a ladder leaning against the wall or in the corners there on a sports field.
The concept of triangle becomes reality in everyday life and, in fact, appears in all circumstances and situations (a roof of a house, a sculptress with a geometric shape or sail a boat).

other triangles

All triangles necessarily have three points connected by segments. If we classify triangles according to their sides have the equilateral triangle with three equal sides, the isosceles has two equal sides and scalene side has no equal. Another way to classify triangles is considering its angles. According to this classification, besides the aforementioned triangle (remember that has an angle of 90 degrees), there is also acute triangle (three angles are less than 90 degrees) and the obtuse triangle (one angle is greater than 90 degrees ).
Photo: iStock - tashechka
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[ 4 ]

Poseidon › Definition and Meaning

The Greek god of the waters

Poseidon is one of the most important gods in the mythology Greek, the set of beliefs and legends that the Greeks of Classical Greece knew how to respect and worship them. Poseidon touched represent a very important place in the world as it was the god of the waters, oceans, seas, etc.

Protector of cities and boaters

The veneration of Poseidon course was extended throughout Greece, cities like Pylos, Corinth and Thebes, was one of the closest to this Olympian god, that purpose protected many of them and it emerged as the main protector god.
He was also the protector of sailors who prayed them directly to that protected his travels at sea. Even one of the great Hellenistic conquerors like Alexander the Great resorted to Poseidon for protection during long journeys at sea.

A cruel enemy to the challenges

However, we must emphasize that the reign offered Poseidon the waters could become a nightmare for many because although when it was quiet creates islands and calmed the waters, when he was bothered by something unleashed all its fury precisely in the same generating tremendous and furious earthquakes, shipwrecks and sinkings. That is, Poseidon was good and protector when harmony reigned but could be a great enemy if challenged.
His great attribute was the trident, three - pronged spear that accompanied the seas and made hendir in the ground when disturbed and it caused the aforementioned earthquakes.

Birth and family ties with other Olympians

According to the legend, Poseidon was the son of Titan Cronus and Rhea, one Titánide daughter of Uranus, God of heaven, and Gaia, goddess of the earth. He was also the brother of Zeus and Hades.
How could it be otherwise the love would find in a couple of sea, Amphitrite, goddess of calm seas. He had a leafy offspring that included many Greek heroes such as Theseus who used to be King of Athens. He was the father of the sea goddess of the island of Rhodes, Rodo, and Triton, a god who fulfilled the mission of messenger from the depths of the sea.
The equivalent of Poseidon in Roman mythology, we must say, was inspired mainly in Greek, is Neptune.
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Afrodita › Definition and Meaning

The Greek goddess par excellence of love, desire and reproduction

The mythology Greek is undoubtedly the most important and popular mythologies. The gods who occupied the Greek Olympus transcended the centuries and even today are in force. And within this vast universe one of the most important goddesses, which he had to refer and represent reproduction, the love, beauty and desire was the goddess Aphrodite.

Owner of a beauty born of the sea foam

The myth about the goddess says that emerges from the sea foam in the Cyprus area, meanwhile, their physical appearance is of great beauty, with a slender and handsome body and hair that stands out for her long braids. Titan Cronus would cut during the Titanomachy the genitals of Uranus (God of heaven) and plunged into the sea and immediately emerged beautiful maiden Aphrodite.
She was married to Hephaestus, the god of fire, a feared God for the rest. The decision took Zeus in fear that the beauty of Aphrodite would generate disputes among the gods intended.

Venerated in Aphrodisias

As was tradition with most of the gods, in various cities and towns in Greece cults and special parties that had the mission to venerate and honor them developed. And of course Aphrodite, goddess so important to the Greeks had themselves to Aphrodisias were called.
They were celebrated all over Greece but particularly in the cities of Athens and Corinth. The temple which was carried out their worship was the Acrocorinto, an elevation formed by rocks in the town of Corinth fairly. It was one of the most important buildings in Greece. It was a common practice sexual priestesses party to pay homage to the goddess.
This goddess is specially linked with the sea and several of its inhabitants like dolphins, swans and clams. Also with pigeons, pearls and flowers such as apple, roses and myrtle, among others.
Aphrodite is a goddess who has had many peers in other mythologies, one of the most important has been Venus in Roman mythology.
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