Shading › Gratuity › Record › Performance › Lord › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Shading
  2. gratuity
  3. record
  4. performance
  5. Lord

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Shading › Definition and Meaning

The word shading is used to designate the action consisting in bring you shade, shading, either a drawing or painting. And obviously also the result of that action, let alone the final product provided with shading is designated thereby.
So where's the concept in question is at the behest of paint and used art plastic describe those figures, faces, objects, among others, which appear in a drawing or painting, with a shadow effect.
Meanwhile, the shadow is characterized as an area in which the dark premium on light, precisely because the latter is interrupted or is hindered in any way.
Retaking the habitual use is given to the term in question must we say that the shading is a practice that is widespread in the art world and thus plastic artists such use it a lot in their productions.
Basically they use it to: namely creating a shadow, a dark space and thus conclusively represent both the light and the darkness of something to bring you a drawing and texture to a figure or image.
There are many techniques that exist around this practice and can be used to carry it out from pens and even plasters.
Crosshatch shading blur and shading are the two most used alternative shadings.
The first is to make diagonal lines that overlap, while, if you want to bring some clarity some space between the lines mentioned will be left.
And meanwhile, the blur shader is used by those artists shading from exclusive manner pencil and involves pressing the stylus in order to create well after dark areas will blur.
It should be noted that the new technologies that almost everything may have also reached the technique of shading and that is why there are applications and software that also perform this technique, including the popular program used in design Photoshop.
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[ 2 ]

gratuity › Definition and Meaning

Tipping is a sum of money that is given voluntarily a person and give care concept for some service provided, and with whom, where delivery has been very satisfied. Rarely will give tip someone if you are not satisfied with the provision that occurred.
It should be noted that the tip is money that is not included in the value of the service provided and always delivered separately.
So we can say that the gratuity is a reward to be given to a worker because he is fully satisfied with the way in which we attended, that is, he did it with care, with care and that is why it is decided to deliver tip.
In many areas, items, delivering tip, including installed it is practically gastronomic and the area of aesthetics, to name the most common time to receive it.
The waiters who serve well the guests of a restaurant or a bar usually receive tips from their customers who show they have given an excellent service. Even in this category installed when the client is satisfied must submit a tip 10% of the total consumed, however, this is not always true and the amount depends on the client who decides leave gratuity.
The method is deliver before leaving the premises and once paid the bill. Usually the money is placed in the table, under a plate or a glass.
The worker in this sector is always waiting to tip because it is extra money that adds to the assets it perceives.
In some restaurants or takeout food is also customary to share the waiters tip. They usually have a box, or item simile, in which the tip of the customers and then at the end of the day, the spread is received.
And as we said, in the field of aesthetics is also very common to tip if you are satisfied with the result, for example, after a haircut, carrying reflections or color, among others, a hairdresser.
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[ 3 ]

record › Definition and Meaning

The concept record has widespread use in our language. Mostly we use when we mean or refer to that quota, or maximum, superlative brand by the way, in any action or activity. That is, the level or the result achieved in some activity, able to overcome, to a large extent, any other that was obtained previously in the same action.
By case is a term that is often used in different contexts and situations, though no doubt in the sports field competition is where it is most used. In the Olympics, for example, always it is an attraction apart in addition to competition, whether an athlete or athlete manage to break the previous record and of course rise with a new one.
Continuing the impact of the term in the sport competition must indicate that we can find with many records, some belonging to one category at a competition, others corresponding to a local or records that transcend the boundaries of a territory and become world records. The world record is achieved level that breaks all previously achieved.
Now stepping out of strictly sports records as we said above lines, in any activity, even in the most unusual, you can find records. So we find the world's tallest man, the longest flag, bigger cake, egg Easter bigger and vice versa when the measure is the smallest known.
There is a publication recognized worldwide, with the Guinness Book of Records, which for many decades deals with collecting world records in all types of activity and publishes an annual publication that is widely read.
And there is a very popular phrase that contains use this word, in record time, and just use when we want to refer to something certainly was performed in a quick time. Mark and Laura had a son in record time.
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[ 4 ]

performance › Definition and Meaning

The term in question then not originally belong to our language but is an own term English language which has managed to take root in our language to force use. It emerged basically the English verb perform, which in Spanish refers acting.
The performance is a performance art whose main distinguishing marks are, on the one hand improvisation dominating artistic representation and moreover the emphasis given to it in the aesthetic question, ie in the performances, both the action and the image go hand in hand and the same intensity that both are strong sets.
As a result of these two values is that the performances usually awaken who appreciates much astonishment.
It should be noted that the origin of this type of manifestation cultural and artistic is found in the forefront proposing the Futurism movement that spread in the early last century.
That is, representatives of this trend in their eagerness to show that there were other ways to express themselves began using rather unusual and new forms and so that through put in scene particular, acrobatics, samples of paint, among others, spreading their messages, clearly breaking the established order of things in this area.
Also in where performance is characterized by breaking standards set since it is usual that they are carried out in unconventional places and there are no strict link with the art, such as public roads, a shopping mall, a square, among so many others.
Even often it turns out to be more attractive where and not the content of the performance.
While today we find it almost daily encounter various art forms that could be framed in the performance, it is important to mention that when this came with great force back in the mid-fifties of the last century was not so common for an artist or a group of artists express their art on the street. That's why we say that the performance in a sense imposed a new way to express art and culture and also to appreciate it for those on the other side.
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[ 5 ]

Lord › Definition and Meaning

The concept of the Lord is used extended way in our language to direct us or mention politely to that mature man. Normally when we do not trust or do not know an individual sex male adult the ordinary is that we use a courtesy title and call him Lord, as a sign of respect for him. We can simply call Him Lord, or failing if we know your name or surname add them, for example, Mr. Mario Pérez.
It is very rare that gentleman call someone very young and although there is no specific age at which someone called Lord, it is usual to make it past thirty years.
Moreover, we also use the term Lord in written communications as a sign of formality and courtesy to that to which the letter... Mr. Editor, Sir addresses, to name a few examples.
It should be noted that in the case of women, with the same conditions mentioned, the female used lady.
But this is not the only job that has this term, although it is the most common today, in the past has had other powers, as in the case of one that was used in ancient times to refer to men who possessed a noble origin or who had shown some heroic act.
Furthermore, the Lord was a peerage which gave to whoever wielded the power and authority over a territory geographically and will also reported a respectable and dignified treatment by those who were located in a lower social ladder.
The lordship even was an institution medieval very characteristic of this time, the monarchs being responsible for designating a nobleman or a clergyman in front of a manor after which he donated land and slaves to install it. The Lord had absolute authority over the manor and peasants who worked the land, in many cases, treatment had slaves.
With new ideas into the nineteenth century, of course, this institution would eventually disappear.
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