Zootecnista Engineering › Room › Save › Incunable › Props › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Zootecnista engineering
  2. room
  3. Save
  4. incunable
  5. props

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Zootecnista engineering › Definition and Meaning

Zootechnics is the discipline scientific and technical which is responsible for raising pets. Thus, the engineer zootecnista is the professional that focuses its activity in this area. In short, its activity is focused on breeding and improvement of production of farm animals.

Animal husbandry and veterinary

Zootecnista engineer working with farm animals in their productive dimension, ie as a source of supply of the population. On the contrary, the veterinarian is exclusively responsible for the health of animals. Both professions are closely linked, as the vet care for the health of the animals to engineer zootecnista can design a strategy appropriate production. Also, from animal husbandry breeding of various animal species, optimization of livestock or artificial insemination is sought.
Animal husbandry and veterinary medicine have so many links in some universities unify these two branches in a specialty. Students linking the two branches in their curricula focus on subjects such as biology, physiology, anatomy and zoology (would be the basic and general areas) and, on the other hand, more specific areas (production agriculture, genetics and breeding animal, agrarian legislation or agricultural enterprise management).

Fields of activity

One can speak of two general areas of expertise: animal production and nutrition. As for animal production there is a very wide field of action: the design of farms, livestock production, environmental impact, confinement systems or intensive farming. Regarding nutrition, the engineer zootecnista intended that the nutritional composition of species is the most ideal face of marketing.

Engineering challenges zootecnista

The globalization of trade has also affected the activity of animal farms. One of the most important aspects is to ensure the safety and quality of meat of animals (for example cattle and pigs).
Currently being investigated in organic foods that can nourish farm animals to avoid the use of chemicals.
It should be borne in mind that the animal science focuses on animal production (pigs, poultry, goats) for proteins intended for human consumption. To make this possible have to find a balance between two aspects: the commercial profitability and food security.
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[ 2 ]

room › Definition and Meaning

The rooms that make up a house or an apartment

The term room is widely used in our language to denote any of the rooms that make up a house or apartment and also its use to refer to the bedroom, that is, many people use to describe the room in the house where they sleep and by case which is the bed.

Room in which to sleep

But besides the bed, which is the furniture important and you can not miss in the room, people also have other furniture that display a key role in that part of our house destined to break.

Main components of the sleeping room

Bedside tables or bedside tables are small furniture, which are placed next to the bed and have the mission to organize those belongings that we use when we are in bed and others which make the stay more comfortable, such is the case of a lamp, an alarm clock, book, among others. They may have shelves, doors and drawers.
Other furniture essential in this room is the wardrobe or closet, in which it is ordered and have our clothes and accessories.

Separated by walls and corridors, entrance through the door and communication to the outside through a window

The rooms have a structure and is separated from the rest of the spaces of the house by corridors and internal walls. Exterior is separated by outer walls. They have a door through which you enter the same and usually also have a window to the outside and allows the entry of air and light.
To avoid bringing too much light during the day, if you want to rest, you usually place the window curtains or blinds.

Occupation of a place or a house

And we use the word to account for the occupation of a place or a house. That occupation is perpetrated by people who can do so bequeath, ie, are the owners or tenants of the house in question, or otherwise occupy illegally introduced therein without the permission of their owners.
The latter case is punishable in most laws and who occupies a house illegally can be evicted after the completion of a trial for eviction.
This has gone in crescendo throughout the world, especially in developing countries and deficit in the housing area.
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[ 3 ]

Save › Definition and Meaning

The concept guard has several uses in our language.

Who has the task and responsibility of keeping and caring for something

In principle we say that is designated in that way to the person who has the task and responsibility of keeping and caring for something, an object, a place, among other possibilities. That is, this sense of the word would be synonymous with the custodian and vigilante words.
Normally companies, industries, fields, among other establishments usually have a guard that just will monitor the place, that everything runs properly, not to allow the entry of intruders, and in case of observing some strange maneuver it violates the place, take care to alert the authorities.

Individual in charge of security on trains

On the other hand and according to this sense of the term, in places like Argentina, it is popularly known as keeps an individual who is responsible for security in the trains. The guard will address through each car to make sure everything is as it should, that passengers are not suffering an attack, theft, and also controls all have their ticket, ie, the guard will control anyone to ride without paying the corresponding ticket.

Law: legal custody of someone or something

But the word holds many other uses, such as in the field of law it is used to indicate that a person granted legal custody of something or someone, a minor, among the most common cases.

Part of a sword that protects the hand

Moreover, the guard is one of the parts that make up a sword, more precisely that which protects the hand and has the mission case to separate the hilt of the blade, which as we know is the sharp and most dangerous part of a stab like a sword.
That guard may have a design simple and straightforward or have a major design work and also be made of some precious material such as gold or silver.
The sword is without doubt one of the most commonly used knives since ancient times, in armed conflicts and raids and one of the most dangerous along the edge of the blade can cause terrible wounds.
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[ 4 ]

incunable › Definition and Meaning

Books are small works of art that are part of the culture and whose legacy brings significant value to future generations. However, there are books that are especially valuable. Books that are described as incunabula.
What are the characteristics of this type of work? Incunabula books were printed in the fifteenth century. Specifically, the incunabula are those works that were published in the period from the invention of printing until the early sixteenth century.

Old books

At that time, when the technique and printing had not advanced to the level of the XXI century, the editor of a book was a true artist who made each work a unique and unrepeatable specimen who spent many time effort and dedication to give it a perfect result. Some of the incunabula contain a watermark that is a symbol that identifies the author of the work. These incunabula are cared for with great care in libraries since they are works whose value increases over time, great literary treasures.
The term is used incunable being edited books at a time in which the art of printing was still in its infancy. Using the metaphor cradle, said metaphor inexperience of childhood. These books have in movable type printing metallic character.

Small literary gems

Essentially these works are old books that show the very essence of his time through his craft in the process of elaboration. With the creation of the printing press gave way to parchment paper through the system of printing costs it is also cheapened in the printing process.
The incunabula require specific care and are preserved in the library collection of important libraries. In such library collections, books are in conditions of light and moisture for specific maintenance and conservation under optimum conditions.
Incunabula books may require repair processes but investment and care of these works is very important from the point of view culture as these works are heritage of literature universal.
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[ 5 ]

props › Definition and Meaning

Set of tools and tools used at the request of an activity or occupation

The concept of utility has several uses, on the one hand as such is called the set of tools and tools used at the request of some activity or profession. On the other hand, the word is used to denote the set of objects and elements used to create a stage.

Set of objects and elements used to create a scenography

Undoubtedly, the second reference turns out to be the most widely used word in our language usage and is at the behest of the theater, the cinema and TV stations where it is frequently used to refer to put in scene and elements required in these, and that will appear in the foreground scene or to set a film, a play or a TV show. A pitcher, a picture, a table, a set of chairs, a mirror, a lamp, a bed, a chair, some objects are often referred to as props.

Relevance in the staging

The utility has an enormous relevance in the staging of a television program a play or a movie because they help contextualize and often may even have their own weight in the story told. Then, props along with the costumes of the actors and scenery are fundamental pillars of any artistic performance.
Meanwhile, the props can be real, physical, and consist of common objects, common use, such as those noted lines above or be created by a professional who is dedicated to it and is known in the jargon as utilero.

Utility classes

The staging defines three kinds of props, emphatic (includes all those fundamental objects in the development of the action and have a role per se in history or psychology of a character), hand or character ( involves all objects and elements that manipulates actor on stage) and stage (are all those objects and elements that make up the set and which normally remain quiet throughout the performance).

In sports: elements that players use in their training or tournament

The concept also has a use in sporting terms to designate all those elements that players use in training or in a tournament, such as T-shirts, shoes, shorts, balls, among others. It is also popularly known as utilero who is responsible for preparing these elements and keep them always in condition to be used.
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