Weighting › Interrogation › Cinephile › Agenda › Anagram › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. weighting
  2. interrogation
  3. cinephile
  4. agenda
  5. anagram

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

weighting › Definition and Meaning

In a speech staff, ie, in everyday conversation, the words silences interspersed with one another uninterruptedly. However, in conversation, in an exhibition in public, in an interview work or any kind of context is not the same the importance of all the words.

Words and expressions heavier

There are parts of a conversation with a more momentous weight, a deeper meaning. Those parts of speech that carry much weight with showing the attitude that a person has to weigh his message, that is, thinking in a thoughtful way to find the words appropriate and convey a specific message.

Weighting understood in the company

In the context of the company, for example, the leader ponders what he has to say because he is aware that his role in the team is vital to strengthen the motivation in the team and to act as a reference and a mentor. Ponder is the action through which a person can put more emphasis on words than others to direct the attention of the interlocutor to those parts in particular.

Learn to use this communication tool

A parent, as an educator and concerning their children, then ponders what it means their children on many occasions.
There are different ways to put emphasis on a part of speech, for example, emphasize the tone. In the case of a written discourse it is possible to highlight certain phrases in bold. The weighting shows a good mastery of rhetoric since it is not only important to have a rich vocabulary but also learn to make effective use of it. From a philosophical point of view, the Sophists were masters of rhetoric.

Weighting as balance and praise

Weighting also means to balance a certain situation, an analysis to draw conclusions. From another viewpoint, weighting can also mean the gesture extreme praise of a person, potentiating extreme virtues other.
For example, in the current social context in which there is a canon of beauty so picky women should point out that the weighted eternal youth as an important value and thinness is associated with true beauty. In addition, these values are also linked to success and happiness.
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[ 2 ]

interrogation › Definition and Meaning

In the context of the communication, there is a simple formula to reinforce feedback with another person: interrogation. Ie to a specific question to your partner lets you know more about a particular subject.

open and closed questions, and the importance of context

The questions can be closed (those that leave little room for open response) and open questions are those whose answer goes beyond a brief "yes" or "no" because the caller can express themselves more openly in their response. There are many contexts in which the pdoer a question has an added value.
For example, in the context of an interview of work, coach of human resources makes a question to all candidates in order to choose the one who is most qualified for the job employment. Similarly, in the context of psychological therapy, it is common that the patient psychologist ask questions in order to know you better. One question is especially valuable in a coaching process as this process is based precisely on the realization of effective questions as a method of support since the coachee deepens his inner world through those questions.

Questions in the couple and throughout life

In the context of a relationship, the process of mutual understanding involves taking the initiative to ask questions to get answers because it is human doubt. And all will certainly mitigate the beat of the information arising from the right answers.
The questions are also part of the academic life of any student because the teacher asks questions in class students in order to check whether they understand the material. In addition, test scores, teachers also use the method of question as a formula to evaluate.

In the field of philosophy

From a philosophical point of view, the question clearly shows the ability of a human being asking questions because human beings have capabilities that are unique in the universe, for example, intelligence and will. In addition, a person can not just ask you one other information determined but a person can also ask questions herself through that dialogue inside that is so human.
A question shows the desire to know more, the natural curiosity of a restless mind and concerns. There are also uncomfortable questions, those that can be invasive in relation to privacy. Therefore, remember that you are free not to answer that does not consider it appropriate.
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[ 3 ]

cinephile › Definition and Meaning

There are different plans entertainment that enhance quality time in leisure time. A movie buff is someone who enjoys the cinema, likes movies, loves to enjoy the magic of traveling on the big screen through the spectator 's chair. And the film is a marvel while enhances creativity, allows the viewer to travel to other worlds and other places thanks to the protagonists of a story that connects with the heart of the viewer through empathy.

Appreciating a film as it has to be

There are movies that leave traces in the heart of the viewer because they have connected to their vital point. In addition, moviegoers appreciate cinema in general, ie also enjoy the fact of seeing a movie in the comfort of your living room thanks to a television proposal, however, plan to watch a good movie in the cinema is unique because in that case, this plan has an added social value. You may be with friends, with family or couple to arrange a concrete plan. In addition, to be able to see other spectators attending as audience to watch a movie, also an added charm adds.

Experts in areas such as independent film

As is the case in the literature as the literary universe offers a wide range of very different themed books, cinema is also an art that offers a wide variety of genres. There moviegoers who are lovers of the genre romantic while there are other viewers who prefer independent film. There are also a lot of spectators who enjoy the science fiction movies. Of course there are movie buffs who enjoy films in general.

The film, a manifestation of culture and art

In essence, the film is culture, therefore, is also a means to feed the knowledge. A film buff enjoys consulting news from the cinema every week, in addition, also loves to read movie reviews published in newspapers, he loves to discuss with friends, his impressions of the films he has seen.
There are trendsetters films, tapes featuring such box office tracking and a number of spectators so high that are fixed in the minds of movie lovers. A moviegoer has favorite movies and also actors he admires.
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[ 4 ]

agenda › Definition and Meaning

The term agenda is used to refer generally to set or series of issues, topics to be addressed in a speech at a conference, a meeting, among others, or topics in which a subject is divided that dictates in a college career.
We note that the agenda is a concept that is closely related to another l topic, with which just goes hand in hand. A theme in our language is the matter, or matter what something versa.
Meanwhile, one of the basic functions that can be attributed to an agenda is to serve as a guide for those who participate in a meeting. At a conference, for example, it is useful to review the agenda in order to know in advance the topics to be addressed, when and by whom. This information will be very useful because if there are issues that overlap at the same time it may be decided by who are more interested.
But not only for spectators and attendees at such events it is important to know the agenda so will by those who have the responsibility to speak at them and to help them in establishing their shares depending on the agenda to be discussed and which was previously defined.
Let 's put it in clearer terms through a concrete example. A foundation that fights and raises awareness about breast cancer organized a meeting to address the issue of health as common among women, while, from the people summoned to it, the organizers will define the agenda including: status of the disease in the country in question, genetics of this type of condition, main ways to prevent, presentation of clinical cases, among others.
As we see then, the agenda is an element of enormous help and organization at the behest of development of an information or event culture and where various authorities involved in the matter and which are also involved various topics.
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anagram › Definition and Meaning

The concept of anagram is used to refer to that word which is the result of the reorganization of the letters in another word of the same language or tongue. Thus, for example, Mora is an anagram of love, cake is certification and rectification, among so many others that can be found in our speech.
At first glance then we can see that each pair of words indicated is made up of the same letters, but of course, each word refers to a completely different matter to each other.
Grammatically, the anagram, has no relevance, meanwhile, does seem to be very used to instances of the practice of puns, creating puzzles and even to create pseudonyms.
Certainly there are anagrams of all kinds, anagrams with cities and countries, with names of people, among others.
In some sections of wit it is feasible to find periodicals with crossword puzzles, word searches, etc, to the famous anagrams, since that pun offering are very attractive for those who enjoy these activities.
It should be noted that anagrams are not creations today far it is word transpositions dating back hundreds of years ago, with classical Greek culture and whoever would generate so famous.
Punctually its creation is attributed to the Greek poet Licofrón, who lived back in the third century BC and who had an important activity in the Library of Alexandria and in the court of Ptolemy authority to which fascinated them.
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