Sommelier › Goldsmith › School Rules › Foundry › Malbec › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. sommelier
  2. goldsmith
  3. School Rules
  4. foundry
  5. Malbec

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

sommelier › Definition and Meaning

skill in wines and provides advice to diners

The concept of Sommelier belongs to the French language and designates a person who is in charge of the service of wines and spirits and is an expert in them, ie, in addition to knowledge about wine varieties knows what the that best suits each dish and menu, and then suggests to customers.
Actually in our language it can also be called as a sommelier, however, there is widespread use of the term Sommelier, being more frequent this job than the other.

Hotels, events, restaurants, sommeliers serving tasting and offer the best choice in wines

In five - star hotels and also at great restaurants category or other establishments where events including wines develop, sommelliers that give the lie client services mentioned besides of course serve the consumer in everything Regarding the service, for example it is personally concerned with serving the guests and to let you taste their proposals.
Of course this work demands a detailed knowledge of wine and then the sommelier, you must study the market alternatives, testing them each course and see what they find an association proper to each dish. This test that make sommeliers is popularly known as wine tasting.

A task that should be dominated by objectivity

However, it is important that we emphasize that this work must be devoid of any kind of subjectivity, must be as objective as possible, ie, may not be subject to a prior agreement with a winery or producer since the sommelier should be able to recommend the best wine that goes with this or that dish and regardless of whether it belongs to the winery friend or not.

The assistance of a sommelier is important to enjoy one hundred percent on wine and food

The wine is undoubtedly the most consumed alcoholic beverage world, meanwhile, different varieties demand the intervention of experts to advise consumers what is the best alternative to accompany each dish. There are dishes that do not get along at all well with certain varieties and vice versa.
For instance, the assistance of a sommelier is important to enjoy one hundred percent wine and food and both are exquisite association.
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[ 2 ]

goldsmith › Definition and Meaning

Processing of objects and elements of gold, silver, alloys. An authentic handicraft

Goldsmith's manual activity that performs a professional skilled in the art and which consists of objects or styling utensils made from materials such as gold, silver, alloys and other precious metals.
Undoubtedly it is an art and who performs it is a true artist because it is a manual labor in which the design fine and original are the protagonists of the piece.

The most important and ancient art objects decoration

The art of goldsmithing is one of the oldest that has developed the human being and remains today one of the most important when decorating objects and elements.
The first antecedents are located toward the end of the neolithic stage and the material used was copper, then would gain more gold, silver and bronze. Diadems, bracelets, necklaces, rings, earrings, among others, were the products that adorned the jewelry of those initiatory times.

main technical

Throughout history, course goldsmith evolved not only in the use of new materials but also techniques, including melting, hammering, beaten, cut, gold, assemblies by welding.

Uses in religion and politics especially

Today, are the fields of religion and politics the most demanding goldsmith services. In religious event items which are then used to acclimate churches (lamps, chandeliers, you crosses), to decorate images or claim figures of holy and some as emblematic as are the tops where the cup and the wafers contained almost always they are finely carved by the work of a goldsmith.
And in the case of politics, those elements that are used after checking with the assumption of a command, as in the case of the presidential staff, and also many other objects that presidents given away to visitors from other countries are made by notables and traditional goldsmiths.
It is common that when a president travels to visit a nation friend, or when another colleague comes to your country, exchange native objects, and then often, they are made by goldsmiths.
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[ 3 ]

School Rules › Definition and Meaning

All schools need a set of rules so that there is a proper order in the teaching process. These standards are reflected in a regulation school.
The fundamental idea of any school regulation is to establish what is allowed and, above all, what is forbidden in relation to the behavior of teachers and students.

Bases for the proper functioning of a community

The school policy is a document that specifies in detail what the internal rules that should govern the patterns of behavior of the whole educational community. There are a number of aspects that are usually contained in such documents: the respect to the established schedules, what behaviors are not acceptable and appropriate sanctions, hygiene standards and guidelines of general behavior in relationships between teachers and students.

Purpose of school rules

A school policy is not simply a set of prohibitions but must have an educational and training purpose. For this reason, the regulations should be known by students, so that a teacher explain their understanding of it. Students should understand that the regulation is positive and there is a penalty system.
Respect for the school rules is to assume ethical limits on individual behavior. If the limits are violated or not respected, there are consequences that must be followed. Breach of the regulations would be an academic activity with many difficulties and education without values. In any case, such regulations must accommodate the age of the students, the idea of respecting a rule is very different to 6 years 15.

Epochal changes, developments in the concepts of education, respect and rights

Throughout history school rules they have changed. In the past it was customary physical punishment and discipline railroad and now the rules are intended to prevent undesirable situations (eg, bullying or disrespect for teachers).
From a social point of view, there is a discussion on what should be the kind of school rules. One could speak of two positions. Some argue that the rules should be strict in its content and implementation. Conversely, others believe that regulations should be flexible and practical implementation must be adapted to the circumstances of each academic context.
Consequently, there are two educational methodologies linked to school regulations. The strictest disciplinary emphasizes elements and the more permissive considers the idea of prohibition should be replaced by prevention and dialogue.
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[ 4 ]

foundry › Definition and Meaning

Production process of metallic or plastic

The word casting calls the melt action and effect to merge, whether metal or any other part such as plastic. The casting is one of the processes of production of metallic or plastic common. When the material is melted, it melts and then place it in a mold where it solidifies and take the shape of the mold, a solid may again started to be used with the corresponding functionality.
Many pieces of metal that manipulate people daily and also also objects, furniture, among others, are manufactured with the methodology mentioned.

Use in metallurgy

Moreover, the casting is a form of metallurgy extraction of heating the ore to reduce it to the maximum and thus make it a pure metal. Typically used carbon as reduction factor.

Place in which metal parts are melted

Also, one physical place, workshop, which takes place this process, activity is called as casting.

Alloy of iron and carbon from which molds are made

The concept also calls alloy and iron and carbon from which molds which parts and elements are manufactured are made.

The smith melts the metal and to produce styling and other infrastructure elements

The foundry is closely linked with ironworks, blacksmith work, who deals with styling iron. The smith heats the metal until it is red heat and then is subjected to forging.
Production of blacksmithing is varied and has many uses in the life of people and cities, as it allows generating infrastructure to build spaces and buildings in cities such as beams, rods and plates, bars, furniture are also produced, tools, sculptures, decorative pieces, among others.
Some who do not know the work of the blacksmith can really consider to be characterized as a trade crude, however, is far from it since the smithy is capable of producing pieces of great sophistication and design.

Set of molds used in printing

And in the field of printing, casting mold assembly designates a class used to request the printing process.
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[ 5 ]

Malbec › Definition and Meaning

Grape variety whose main use is the production of red wine

Malbec concept called a grape variety that comes from the southwest of France, whose major use is the preparation of red wine. For case it is that the term is used so widely to refer precisely to a class of red wine.
When speaking of Malbec in the wine industry at a table or at the request of a dinner, it is known that he is referring to a red wine made with malbec grapes.

French origin

In the former province of Quercy, producer Monsieur Malbeck, who obviously took the name, the variety was achieved after crossing two species of grapes.

Wine, the most popular beverage in the world. France and Argentina pioneering nations in production

The wine is undoubtedly the most popular beverage in the world, while in some countries in addition to its use there is a huge industry devoted to production, we mentioned to France and we can not ignore to Argentina, another large country producer, which is the first to produce the drink in Latin America, and in the special case of malbec, also Argentina has had a leading role since the nineteenth century, when Domingo Faustino Sarmiento was governor of Argentina 's province of San Juan, himself personally he managed the malbec wine production in the province and for this malbec grapes imported from France.

Sarmiento great precursor processing in Argentina

Michel Aimé Pouget French, who was an expert in soil, took the project to improve production Sarmiento wine country and then took the development of Malbec. Even Argentina, eventually overtake France in the production of this variety of red wines. Today, Malbec varietal is the superstar of Argentina and there are thousands and thousands of hectares dedicated to its production. The whole world, including France, his native country, praised the development of Argentina.
April 17 was established as the World Day of Malbec. It took that day because it was precisely on that day, in 1853, the then governor tasked Sarmiento said to Pouget.
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