Semaphore › Intersection › Parking › Exemplarism › Stowage › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. semaphore
  2. intersection
  3. parking
  4. exemplarism
  5. stowage

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

semaphore › Definition and Meaning

The semaphore is one of the most characteristic elements of the streets of any city in the world and one of the road signs leading to which we must pay close attention because its mission is to regulate vehicular traffic and pedestrians.
That is, through the three lights available and that light alternately, cars and pedestrians know, if they have to stop, if need be alert because they have little time to travel or have a free hand to run on the route or path that they do.
The green color means that the car can travel along the roads at speeds and with the conditions laid down by other rules, when it changes to yellow tells the motorist should slow its march because soon the red light is the It is indicating that you must stop the march because the street crossing is that from that moment will freewheeling and also pedestrians will be able to cross the road by the corresponding crosswalks.
The latter is extremely important to respect that the car should stop just before or on the line that anticipates the pedestrian path, and when the traffic light changes from green to yellow motorist should be aware that the red shift is imminent and then must go slowing their march to stop before reaching the crosswalk.
Moreover, there are traffic lights whose mission is to guide pedestrians, for instance, so perfect is that when you are in the role of pedestrian they are carefully check and detail. Usually he presents the figure of a person walking and when it is lit with light transparent tells the pedestrian can cross without problems because traffic is stopped and has step; when the man stands and flashes red warns pedestrians must hurry because the signal will soon change to the standing, fixed and illuminated with red light man indicates NO cross in any way.
From the above then it is clear that failure to follow the signals of a traffic constitutes a serious traffic offense which may be plausible to be punished by a fine that involves money or removal of the driver's license, depending on the laws and repeated offenses.
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[ 2 ]

intersection › Definition and Meaning

The concept of intersection is used extended way in our language with two senses.
On one hand, in the field of geometry it is used to designate one common point at which two lines intersect. Also to indicate the match between two lines, two planes or two objects that intersect each other.
But without doubt it is in the vial area where more we use the term but we can not ignore that use drift results directly from the reference geometry holds.
Basically, a road intersection is the intersection of two or more streets, roads. Its main function is that those who pass can connect to another path and reach the destination.
The design vial typically has two types of intersections or junctions, level, as in the case of streets or roads that suddenly at a given point cut at the same level.
And then there are those intersections are known to unevenness or underpass, which as its name we anticipate is the adaptation of two or more crossings height, ie, reached the crossing point are not the roads because they are at levels different, clear examples are tunnels, bridges or viaducts.
It should be noted that the at - grade intersections are often more problematic in terms of potential accidents that are not level and that is why some turn out to be historically complicated, municipalities decide to carry out works such as level crossings for remedy these drawbacks which often take the lives of people.
Moreover and according to the danger they represent almost all intersections is that there should be traffic lights at most and these must be added their posters indicators anticipating arrival or presence, among the most common and globally recognized include: STOP / STOP, HIGH YIELD, among others.
It is also important that we indicate that traffic accidents are a leading cause of death in the world, then, the more the indications are respected, both from the side of motorists as by pedestrians, we have streets, roads, roads, routes, safer for everyone.
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[ 3 ]

parking › Definition and Meaning

The concept of parking we use in our language with multiple meanings. On the one hand, it designates the action to arrest and temporarily placing a car or any other vehicle in a space that is exclusively for it. On the other hand, we also use the term to refer to the place, a building that is designed especially for several tens or more vehicles are parked there.
In large cities, parking lots are common places as a result of the huge demand for cars moving, they come to the city and that at some point need to be parked and their owners must errands, go to work, study, between so many activities.
Obviously these places charge a sum of money which will vary according to the time of permanence of the vehicle in them.
Also in the streets of the city, not all, you are allowed to park cars but of course, these spaces can not respond to the tremendous demand for cars that drive and want to park in them.
Where there are clear warnings you can and can not park where even many of them are free to do so in much of the world 's cities. Called in some parts as parking meters are machines which are added money and issue a voucher that enables the driver to leave your car parked on a street and space allowed for a certain period of time.
Normally, those spaces of streets where you can not park are never exits private parking, meanwhile, often marked with lines of bright colors, like yellow, or blue, so that the motorist take note that there will not you can park.
Those who do not comply with the rules indicate that in this or that place can not park and still do may suffer a fine and hauling your car.
A company contracted by the municipality is dedicated to control in those hours is not permitted parking rules are met and when it finds a car in violation hauls and then the owner of the vehicle must not only pay the parking fine but also the costs deriving from the carry.
We must emphasize about this issue that unfortunately although there are places like parking lots or places permitted on the streets, people tend to park in prohibited places, such as decreases in streets for persons with disabilities certainly complicate the transit of his neighbor.
These behaviors are often linked to poor road safety education and the goal of evading the payment of a formal parking.
There is little awareness in this regard even though the penalties that municipalities are placing are therefore trying to inhibit these bad behaviors.
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[ 4 ]

exemplarism › Definition and Meaning

The exemplarism is a teoríafilosófica recognized especially timely proposals made in the same great philosophers like Plato and then St. Augustine, of course taking extensive approach that appropriately performed Plato.
According to this theory the things that exist in our world are nothing more than mere copies, copies shadows realities.
In the philosophy of the great Greek philosopher Plato we can see through his theory of Ideas. Because holding things, real - world objects are nothing but shadows of the eternal forms, ideas; the latter are the only ones capable of being truly known. Meanwhile, the perception of shadows, the world, as we see, hear or feel is mere opinion.
Meanwhile, the main concern of the philosopher must be precisely to learn the ways, eternal ideas and guidance through instruction to rest on this knowledge.
As we know the influence of the Platonic theory was fantastic over time. Especially in the third century AD Neoplatonism emerged what greatly appreciated his called thoughts. Even as at that time with Christianity booming, many theologians took up these ideas and conjugated with the doctrine of God. St. Augustine was one of them and that is why Platonism is considered essential in the development of Christianity.
St. Augustine's theology was heavily imbued with the exemplarism holding Plato. St. Augustine took up this platonian thought about the things of the sensible world are nothing but representations and copies of copies realities and then puts those ideas in the Word of God. God creates the world thanks to the exemplary ideas that exist in it, the world is therefore a reflection of the divine ideas. Meanwhile, things will be so long as the realization of these divine ideas and the truth of these things depend on compliance with them.
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[ 5 ]

stowage › Definition and Meaning

Stowage is a sophisticated and special way of placing cargo on a ship or any other ship moves through the water and having a business of moving goods precisely.
Is extremely important both to take care of what is conveyed as the safety of a vessel which is characterized by moving loads, that they travel as adequately as possible, and a key to get both conditions are met is that these loads are successfully organized and placed in the spaces available. And this is precisely the main objective of stowage.
Many of the loads they carry sea vessels have large weights and case is that it is essential to know how to load them so that imbalances do not occur in the same affecting the security and integrity of the boat. As we can imagine, poor stowage can make a boat suffers a breakdown, the most severe scenario sink for example.
In addition to the safety of the ship, its crew and the cargo itself, stevedoring, seeks through its technique the use to the maximum the available space, the idea is to take up as little room as possible and therein lies the success stowage of knowing arranged so that spaces are maximized.
One issue that is also important is the way in which the charge storage is organized so perfect is that the burden depending on the journey to be made and stops will be scheduled. That is, that burden must be removed first hand should be more than another for example be downloaded at the end of the trip. This action delays and any other avoiding risk.
The container ships are normally appreciate in ports and are responsible quintessential transport cargo and standardized containers are used to transport all kinds of goods around the world, precisely because of the great efficiency with which they do.
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