Thalassocracy › Side Effects › Pilot › Barro › Shark › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. thalassocracy
  2. Side Effects
  3. pilot
  4. Barro
  5. shark

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

thalassocracy › Definition and Meaning

The term comes from the Greek talasocracia, specifically the word thalassa, meaning sea and kratos, which means government or power. Thus, the talosocracia could be defined as the power of a nation as a result of its dominance in navigation, both in the military and civilian. This concept is already present in Greek mythology as the Poseidon is the god of the seas.
The idea of government or to have different names: democracy, theocracy, aristocracy or technocracy. Regarding the talasocracia the concept of power is not strictly speaking a particular form of government but the strategic influence of a nation through the control of sea routes (talasocracia connect more with the geostrategic dimension and not as a form of government). Naturally, the talasocracia is applicable to those open to the sea and with a clear military, commercial and cultural projection nations.
In the history of mankind there have been several cases of cultures based on talasocracia (Greek civilization, Phoenician or Portugal, or Spain some Italian kingdoms in the Modern Age). However, there is a nation that stands above the rest, Britain.

The paradigmatic case of Britain

Britain is not a country with a large territory and does not have a commodity of great importance. His influence in the history of humanity has been and is very noticeable and that power is based on its maritime vocation.
We can highlight several historical situations that highlight the British power in relation to the sea:
- From the seventeenth century the Navigation Acts were promulgated a series of laws aimed at limiting the navigation of foreign vessels with the clear purpose of preventing the competitive business of other nations.
- British colonization was based on the domain of navigation, trade routes and military power of his army. In the eighteenth century the British explored the South Pacific and Australia and New Zealand conquered. Likewise, they occupied the east coast of North America and founded the thirteen colonies that later would be the germ of the United States. The colonial Briton also extended in the Caribbean and in various territories on the African continent. We must not think that the British hegemony is a matter of the past, because today the former colonies are united in one entity, the Commonwealth, a commonwealth of nations led by the British crown.
- The maritime vocation of the British has introduced other variants, eg scientific type (scientific expedition of the Beagle in the early nineteenth century allowed the naturalist Charles Darwin producing a revolutionary theory, evolutionism).
Photo: iStock - Sjo
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[ 2 ]

Side Effects › Definition and Meaning

Everything that happens around and even our universe is governed by an idea: a cause causes an effect. The mechanism of cause and effect (also known as the principle of causality) helps us to understand the phenomena we observe and everything that exists. In this way, something happens (an effect) because there is a cause that causes it. And the effects can be divided into primary and secondary.
To take an illustrative example: someone takes a painkiller to relieve headaches. The primary effect is obvious, the pain goes away, but there are a number of side effects (in this case, if we consult the prescription medication can know what precisely).
We are not always aware of what the side effects of a decision are. In fact, in many cases can be as negative as if they were known in advance is very likely to have adopted other decision.

Side effects and knowledge

Knowledge rational and, most especially the approach scientist, attempts to predict events. Consequently, it is possible to know the side effects related to the originating cause. However, the margin of scientific activity is not easy to anticipate side effects. This situation leads to a general problem: we can not project the consequences of our actions.

Side effects and war

War is a situation which by definition is undesirable and nobody in their right mind would be in favor of a conflict of war. However, war is a reality in the history of humanity and, despite its obvious negative effects, there are a number of advances or side effects that have been caused due to the war: military technology adapted to the field civil or the widespread use of antibiotics to treat the wounded on the battlefield. These examples serve to illustrate the paradox that is in the concept of side effects: something good can create a negative effect and a negative can be the source of a solution very positive.

No side effects

In the field of medicine conventional drugs produce a number of side effects and some are so harmful that it is worth considering an alternative. The alternative medicine is intended precisely to provide a curative solution in which there is no secondary and harmful effects to our health.
Photo: iStock - LaraBelova
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[ 3 ]

pilot › Definition and Meaning

A pilot is the person who drives those motor vehicles oriented sport, especially motorcycling and motoring in its various forms. Likewise, the pilot term also applies to who drives one airplane passenger, military or aircraft intended for air shows.
Thus, who has a car is a driver but if we talk about a race car or flyer becomes a pilot.
The idea pilot is associated with the skill that is necessary for the management of certain motor vehicles. It should be borne in mind that drive involves attitude active and some knowledge and skills that are not easy to acquire.

Evolution of the concept of pilot

While the term in question has a precise meaning, the concept has evolved historically pilot. When the first motor racing prototypes, pilots were adventurers who were initiated into this activity as pioneers. In a few years, the profession of pilot became an activity of high risk and remember that great athletes engine died as a result of accidents.
If we are in the world of aeronautics, the first to fly planes were authentic national heroes who have become historical figures aviation (the case of Charles Lindberg or pilots of World War l are examples of figures legendary).
The evolution and development of aircraft has made commercial aviation pilot lost prominence and for decades used aircraft autopilot systems.

Qualities of a pilot

In all its forms a pilot must have special qualities. On the one hand, a considerable sangfroid to confront risks and dangerous and unpredictable situations. Moreover, a good physical, reflexes and a correct adaptation to the machine is necessary. In fact, one could even talk of the pilot-machine duo, as both are necessarily bound (useless a great machine if the wearer does not have the necessary and, conversely, skills just a great driver can do without machine with the technology and services appropriate).

Other senses of the word

In the housing sector show house concept, which is one floor that is part of a complex or urbanization and used to teach prospective clients is used. There are also pilot tests, which are those preliminary tests carried out before a product hits the market.
Photo: iStock - Nicolas McComber
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[ 4 ]

Barro › Definition and Meaning

The mud is a moist soil that is drawn from a vein of land on the mountain. This land is obtained from the so - called clayey soils.
From a cultural point of view, the mud is associated with the art of pottery, an activity that is now eminently decorative, but that for millennia has been instrumental in most civilizations. From the earliest times potters have made all kinds of objects from clay: to facilitate daily life for the storage of products for the construction or decorative objects.
The pieces of clay potters of antiquity have historical value today, as archaeologists can learn about the daily life of a people and their culture knowing the figures of clay made and the techniques they used in their preparation.
Likewise, we must not forget that the clay becomes an essential element to promote creativity handbook of children and adults; even blind people can create shapes using it, it has some ideal characteristics.

The mud in everyday language and in different areas of society

The presence of clay is usually associated with dirt and mud this reason the term is used to express ideas with a connotation negative. So when someone is discredited for some reason it is said that his name is dragged through the mud.
From a cultural and social perspective, the clay is present in all kinds of manifestations: mud fights, cross racing or mountain biking, trial, etc. In all these activities the mud provides a technical difficulty that is key to sweeten this type of sporting and leisure activities.
Mud is a substance with therapeutic properties. Its benefits are well known: improves circulation, serves as a muscle relaxant and is used to relieve certain pains of joints (now the mud is very present in spas and alternative health).
Nor should we forget its presence in the cosmetics sector, especially in relation to skin care, as the clay acts as a disinfectant and detoxifying. Obviously, not all clays are suitable for cosmetic (the most used is known as white clay or kaolin, but bentonites are also used, smectic or refractory, each with specific properties).
The benefits of clay for both curative therapies and for aesthetic reasons have a reason scientifically substantiated: the minerals are beneficial to the organism (silica strengthens certain body tissues, magnesium provides vitamins and calcium favors bone ).
Photo: iStock - franckreporter
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shark › Definition and Meaning

In mass communication shocking news about sharks usually appear. They evicted talking about his presence beaches, surfers wounded, sightings and, in short, news that the shark is presented as a serious threat. One could speak like an animal Shark legend.

key features

The shark is a fish whose skeleton is cartilaginous. Your skin has denticles, like scales that allows great mobility and speed. They are overwhelmingly cold - blooded fish. Their gills by breathing are located on the sides of his head. Has a high sensitivity to electrical fields, an acute sense of smell and vision are perfectly adapted to the shortage of light. His teeth have a pointed shape, they are very sharp and are replaced if lost (the lower teeth serve to capture prey and higher act to tear it ).
For their movements using fins, which are attached to the cartilaginous skeleton (remember that cartilage is lighter than bone and this allows the shark increased buoyancy). A curious aspect of their physiology is the fact that their gastric juices are so powerful that can corrode stainless steel.
The strategy reproductive shark consists of fertilising eggs and hatchlings internally and are more protected. Some are gregarious and maintain social ties, but most are solitary. Although they do not sleep periods of low activity.

Fishing controversy

Shark fishing in order to obtain oil and decades his liver is appreciated as a source of vitamin A (the invention of synthetic vitamins reduced shark fishing). Today, the cuisine Japanese is what keeps shark fishing, especially for the consumption of the famous shark fins. This has caused harsh criticism from animal advocates who have come to say that the Japanese coasts genocide of a species occurs. Japanese fishermen believe the shark fin is part of its gastronomic culture and, in parallel, giving up fishing would ruin for thousands of families.

Zoologists belie the myth of dangerous animal

The statistical number of attacks on humans is negligible ( it is estimated that five people die each year worldwide). Sharks terror comes from the film and myth that was created as a murderer shark animal. Of the more than 360 species there are recognized, only a few are dangerous (the bull shark, tiger and white). Specialists in the behavior of these sharks believe that the only reasons for his attacks on humans are curious or feel threatened.
Photo: iStock - DNY59
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