Self-Conviction › Presentimiento › Aquarium › Hermit › Clandestine › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. self-conviction
  2. Presentimiento
  3. aquarium
  4. hermit
  5. clandestine

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

self-conviction › Definition and Meaning

The most important relationship a person established throughout his life is one that keeps to itself as a self - esteem. The thought is one of the most important human capacities. Through thought, man reaches the truth.

Self-conviction as a subjective reality that proposes self imposed

However, while a truth that is backed by a reasoning scientist shows the value of objectivity, there are times when people can get away from the objectivity of things to get caught in their own subjectivity as shown through the self - conviction. That is, by reasoning with the person itself determines whether a positive or negative way.

Exemplifying from the scene of refusing to love for fear of rejection

For example, a person may try to convince herself that she is not in love for fear of rejection loving. A person who has made a mistake for which he feels guilty can give itself arguments to justify the alleged good intentions of that action. The negative self - conviction is also shown in cases in which a person continues to maintain a point of view even though his interlocutor provides arguments that make you see that is wrong.

A reality with many interpretations

The self - conviction shows how it influences thinking in the way of feeling and also the perception that a person has of reality. The reality is unique, however, they are multiple interpretations. When a person is fixed at a point of view, you can convince yourself that things are like that.

Self-conviction as a tool to overcome obstacles

The self - conviction can also be very positive. For example, when a person is tempted to throw in the towel in a situation that produces fear because of fear can convince himself that is able to overcome this fear through thoughts like "I can do this ", "I am a strong and valuable person, "" I've overcome tough challenges before. "
The self - conviction is very constructive when applied in a positive way, that is, when it does not become a form of self - deception as the truth and objectivity is important to live with illusion and objectivity.
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[ 2 ]

Presentimiento › Definition and Meaning

Human beings tend to think and reflect on the future sometimes makes assumptions tomorrow from the present situation. However, from the objective point of view no one can know exactly what will happen tomorrow considering that although there are factors that do depend on human will, the truth is that there are many elements beyond the control of the human. Therefore, life is unpredictable. Still, the human being is full of mysteries.

Hunch is an intuition that comes in the person and becomes real

This is, for example, in the case of foreboding. A feeling is a thought or intuition that springs to force into the subject (as if it were an idea that springs out of sheer existential intuition) and finally comes true. That is, that idea that was presaged by the person finally materialized in the reality of things. Thus, this thought is experienced as if it were a kind of warning of what would happen then.

Warnings that something bad will happen

A feeling can be very distressing when he announces a possible threat or a tragic event while it may be very happy when you have the intuition that something good will happen. Ultimately, a feeling is a subjective intuition that springs inside the consciousness and yet can not have a logical and reasoned cause.
There are everyday examples that show that the experience of a feeling open discussion of what could be a coincidence or it may be causal (ie, that thought also creates reality). For example, it may happen that during the last days you remembered insistently a person in your environment to which some time ago that you do not see.
And suddenly, you find yourself in a casual way down the street with that someone you've had so present in your thinking. In such instance, the person is not aware of what is going to happen, however, it is surprised when it establishes a relationship between your thoughts and the act itself.

presentiment Abstract

There is also the possibility of having an abstract intuition. For example, feel anxiety about a sense of discomfort caused by the feeling that something painful will happen.
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[ 3 ]

aquarium › Definition and Meaning

The concept aquarium has several references in our language.
One of the most used is given at the behest of field of astrology, where Aquarius is one of the twelve signs of the zodiac. People who are born when the sun is located in this sign are called Aquarians and will precisely determine the sign Aquarius characteristics of personality and which should follow when they want to know the predictions that the sign holds.
The presence of the sun occurs between January 21 and February 19, so if you were born during this time your sign is Aquarius.
Aquarians are said to have a way of being strong and attractive, are human, honest, idealistic, loyal and like to fight for the causes they consider well worth it.
He is represented by a symbol that invokes the water and integrates the group of signs of air with Libra and Gemini.
On the other hand, the other extended reference attributed to the word is to designate those glass or other transparent material are filled with water and allow through the creation of relevant conditions create an ideal space for live aquatic animals such as fish and water plants.
It is very common for people who like to have as pets to fish or other aquatic animals have in their homes these containers.
It also calls aquarium open to the public where you can see different aquatic species, usually huge sized or size, as in the case of dolphins, sharks, whales, among others. That is, the aquarium like this is like a zoo but animals that live in water. It should be noted that in the world we can find these places which incidentally are very attractive for the public and tourism.
In astronomy, aquarium, is one of the oldest constellations astronomy identified more precisely by the astrónomoClaudio Ptolemy. It is closely linked to water. Its name comes from the civilization Sumerian who did homage to their god An who had the ability to pour water on earth.
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[ 4 ]

hermit › Definition and Meaning

The concept of hermit has widespread use in our language, having more than one sense.
The most popular and used by all is designating a person who likes to be alone all the time, live in absolute solitude, without relating to others, regardless of social life in some way.
This decision may be due to a choice of life or be the result of some mental problems that lead a person to want to be in that state.
The hermit not see it at social gatherings, some home leave and also if someone crosses will keep short and terse words.
The common people who obviously do not live in this way frowns with distrust the hermit, and even more, use the concept of negative and indiscriminately to refer to one who demonstrates the characteristics mentioned.
Moreover, the concept is linked to a common practice of certain religious who profess the religion Christian and decide to retreat to a hermitage thus achieve a close and perfect relationship with God. The chapel can be a sanctuary or chapel of small dimensions and which is located on the outskirts of a city or town. Not usually found in the same currents cults.
Because the idea is to completely break ties proposed by the city, and in return remain silent and praying.
Since the beginnings of Christianity appreciated this behavior that eventually was spreading.
It also noted that the hermit in the sense just indicated is not like the Christian religion but it is also possible to find this practice within Buddhism, Hinduism and other Eastern practices known.
And finally hermit can be a type of crab that lives inside an empty, abandoned by a marine snail shell. Basically the shell uses it as protection. Formally this crustacean is called the hermit crab and is characterized by ten legs and belly soft.
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[ 5 ]

clandestine › Definition and Meaning

The concept of clandestine used in our language to refer to something hidden, secret and usually hidden because it has a component of illegality that makes it better hide because otherwise, if you will be exposed, could befall the person some punishment by the laws or any authority.
By case it is that the clandestine usually linked or associated with illegal activities, such as the clandestine sale of some goods, drugs, meetings clandestinely carried out by people and whose mission is to provoke a coup or destabilize a situation.
However, we should also mention that there are no issues that hide for fear of judicial punishment but because level moral are condemnable. For example a man who cheats on his wife with another, and even maintains a relationship with the latter and of course, do not want to know, keep all encounters veiled way, secretly, so that his wife nor anyone else know.
Moreover, there are issues that are not illegal or prohibited but anyway remain underground, hidden fear because there are known and generate some retaliation someone.
For example a young woman that her family will not let her have a boyfriend decides to see his beloved secretly to their parents or prohibit the checkpoint to leave.
Also at the political level, the underground is something that he appreciated current way throughout history and even today you can see it in those political scenarios in which raw dictatorship or autocracy and then those who think differently they are the dogs, leaving them more alternative demonstrate or move in a clandestine manner.
As we can see, the underground is a matter that can be seen with recurrence in life and can be motivated by the most diverse issues.
Obviously not a desirable situation far because it involves illegality, concealment and deception, which ideally would not illegal there.
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