Tulip › Counterproductive › Cooperation › Doberman › Atrocity › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. tulip
  2. counterproductive
  3. cooperation
  4. Doberman
  5. atrocity

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

tulip › Definition and Meaning

Tulip is the common name of a plant whose scientific name is Tulipa gesneriana, belonging to the family Liliaceae. This perennial and bulbous plant is known for giving the flowers, which have a straight and striking appearance as turban, and a variety of colors.
Tulip flowers three months after planting the bulb and during the spring. Approximately flower wilts after three weeks. Of note is the wide variety presents: Botanical tulips, parrot, botanical, flower Lys or Darwin, as well as some smaller species that are intended for interior decoration.
This plant is not suitable for tropical climates and are well suited to cold climates, moist and rich soil organic matter and properly drained. In this sense the climate of Holland is well suited for the tulip and unavoidably has become a national symbol and even in an important sector of its economy.
As for its origin, it comes from Central Asia, where the sultans used them to embellish their gardens or adorning clothing.

Tulip and financial crisis of the seventeenth century

The Dutch were pioneers in international markets and stock transactions. In the seventeenth century there was a period of economic turmoil concerning market tulips, specifically tulip bulbs. Its price was growing increasingly, which resulted in a financial bubble that ended up leading to an economic crisis that has passed into history as the Crisis of tulips. It is considered that was the first speculative bubble in history and the explosion occurred after a poor harvest in 1637 was preceded by an outbreak of bubonic plague in the previous year.

Beyond decoration

First, the tulip has a decorative feature in the home, both inside and in the garden. Moreover, at weddings it is highly valued to decorate the bride 's bouquet. Not to forget that the cultivation of the tulip in Holland is quite a tourist attraction (trips, flights over the area bulbs, flower festivals and many events are held). Colorful tulips makes them a source of attraction for lovers of photography. In the world of painting, could remember some famous works (tulip field Van Gogh is the best known example). Finally, it should be noted that the tulip has a meaning in the language of flowers, it symbolizes perfect love.
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[ 2 ]

counterproductive › Definition and Meaning

Something is considered counterproductive when you have an undesirable or contrary to what effect is to be achieved. In this way, one could say we value something like counterproductive when a measure is adopted to an end but that measure just hurting the initial target. Let's look at this somewhat theoretical definition with two examples: 1) someone wants your child does not go with friends and discussed with him right in front of his friends (it would be clearly counterproductive action), 2) a company decides to impose very strict standards for and better control workers (prohibitions and stiffness usually also cause an opposite reaction to the desired).

different scenarios

If we talk about diseases all we know that drugs can alleviate or cure an ailment. However, every medication has its contraindications, ie, they are beneficial in one direction and at the same time have side effects, which means they have a counterproductive effect it is necessary to properly evaluate.
In the context of the economic situations of intense growth that sometimes leads to financial bubbles known, an equally counterproductive given.
The exercise is recommended for health. However, excessive physical activity produces lesions, muscle strain, and other drawbacks.


The above mentioned situations show that what is counterproductive expresses the other side of the coin, for something that in principle is positive and desirable ends up being harmful. Accordingly, as standard generally observed that something just backfiring in the following cases:
1) when the solution to a problem incorporates a number of drawbacks, 2) when the dose of something is excessive and exceeds the reasonable and
3) when not the consequences of certain decisions are calculated.
Finally, remember that the counter is all that is harmful or unfavorable for some reason. Sometimes it is possible to know in advance (for example, it is known that the consumption of snuff is harmful), but not always the opposite effects are known, as is the case with many decisions that initially seem positive and eventually manifest as negative.
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[ 3 ]

cooperation › Definition and Meaning

Cooperation means to help or collaborate with someone in order to provide support. Cooperate involves offering to others and, therefore, cooperation is normally associated with solidarity, to altruism or generosity.
There is no single reason for cooperation, but somehow the help of a sense of empathy offered to others or because human beings often contemplate the idea to do for others what we would want others to do for US.
The opposite of cooperation is linked to feelings selfish and, on the other hand, noncooperation is a lack of interest in the needs of others. When we talk about assistance or cooperation we should not think only in humans, as there are animals that have partner attitudes (usually those species that live in groups and have patterns of coexistence, like chimps or elephants).

International cooperation

Today we speak of the world as a global village and in this context has been consolidated in recent decades the concept of international cooperation. There are organizations and institutions whose primary function is to provide support to those countries or regions where people can not meet their basic needs. In fact, there is the figure of cooperating, someone who voluntarily and altruistically brings its grain of sand in favor of a draft humanitarian.
International cooperation has many variants: education, health, agricultural, regarding natural disasters, refugees, environmental causes and many projects. It is in this context that have appeared NGOs, non-profit entities that attempt to remedy the shortcomings of those most in need.
From an international perspective there are plans to allocate 0.7% of GDP in the most advanced nations cooperation. However, nations that meet this commitment are still very few.
While the need to cooperate with the poorest nations is a widely shared idea, there are still a number of obstacles or problems about this : doubts regarding the money for aid, fraud and fear that people who receive help ending up living on international aid and not from their own resources. In this regard, some consider the best way of cooperation is summarized with the following approach: gives a man a fish and you feed him for a day but if you want really help is better to teach him to fish.
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[ 4 ]

Doberman › Definition and Meaning

Breed of dog of large size, native to Germany and ideal for custody

Doberman is a breed of dog well known throughout the world and has a German origin. Dogs belonging to this breed are characterized by their very muscular body, large size, long and thin head and special penchant for monitoring, ie if you. Find a guard dog the doberman is one of the most recommended breeds for the security that demand.

Its creator intended it to protect

His German origins and its name is not a causal but due to the creator of this race was a citizen German and then decided to place him his name to the race that created as a tribute, we are talking about Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann. In the beginning he was called indifferently Thuringer Pinscher or Polizeilicher Soldatenhund, who reported dog police.
Dobermann was engaged in tax collection back in the late nineteenth century as a result of the difficulties that sometimes was mainly associated with their work, assaults or attacks, he decided to protect themselves and thought the best way was through a dog with gifts custody. After making several crosses with other breeds such as the Rottweiler, Manchester Terrier, Pinsher and Weimaranen, the famous Doberman emerged.

salient features

Undoubtedly, the Doberman is one of the races more respect propose to be seen, it obviously has to do its imposing appearance. Males are around 72 cm. Tall and females slightly less, 63. Also the weight is considerable between 40 and 35 kilos. Also its well haughty ears, which usually are the result of a special operation who undergo when the dog is still puppy, also influence the perception intimidating.
Of course we must say that is just a perception formed from its features physical. The initial idea was it, a dog care and intimidates, and obviously the Doberman fulfills that function. However, we must emphasize that tend to be very docile and affectionate when they are educated in that sense, as with almost all races care.
Their coloring can present the combination of fire and black and blue and tan.
They usually live between 10 and 13 years.
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atrocity › Definition and Meaning

Cruel action that has the mission to seriously injure another

Atrocity concept refers to an action or act of great cruelty someone deployed, usually against another or others. This super inhuman and cruel behavior will aim to harm the other, to punish him, because of course, will inflict tremendous pain and often physical, but can also be from some psychic said or comment hurtful.
Cruelty can be committed by any human being of any age, including by children, but we must emphasize that there is a recurring to develop in people who have inclination evil or who like and enjoy mistreating people. People who are good by nature and abhors abuse of course not be anywhere near committing cruelty.

Ways to express

Brutally beating a person, child, adult or elderly, torture, abuse and denigration and deal it verbal threats are examples of cruelties.
But cruelty is addressed not only to other people or material goods but also animals are often the target of the most terrible cruelties. Even on many occasions that condition of animals makes some people download far more cruelty on them. Among the most common examples of cruelties against animals can cite the chains keep them all day, do not feed them, make them load and pull carts, among the most frequent. and of course also more condemnable.
While everyone may be plausible targets of the cruelty of people soulless must say the way that it is common that it is directed to those who are weaker or could have many difficulties in responding, or rebelling against this cruelty, children and the elderly, for example, and as a matter of age.

Enjoy doing evil

From the point of view of psychiatry, cruelty is regarded as an important psychological disturbance that a person can suffer and enjoy characterized by the fact impart harm or suffering to others. It is closely associated with Sadism.

Goodness, the opposite

The flipside is the kindness, which is that human quality that implies a natural and absolute inclination to do good, evil and avoid thinking especially in the welfare of others.
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