Suitable › Gendarmerie › Honoris Causa › Hito › Money Order › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. suitable
  2. gendarmerie
  3. Honoris Causa
  4. Hito
  5. Money Order

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

suitable › Definition and Meaning

Someone with ability or aptitude in performing a task or activity

The ideal word has frequent use in our language, which we use to refer someone has ability or aptitude when performing a task or activity. "The new employee is qualified for the job."
By case it is that the word is often used synonymously with such concepts as intelligent, skilled, capable.

Right, correct, appropriate

On the other hand, the word is used synonymously with adequate, correct, suitable for this or that thing or situation. "The black color is ideal for this reception."
Then, the word can be applied both in people and things, just to realize the skills, abilities and convenience of them.

Formation and preparation

Usually the right people to perform in a job position or performing some task or job, prepare for it a while before, ie, study, form in institutions specialized academic that will give them a basic and comprehensive training so they can develop professions or technical work, for example.
While of course there are some provisions that people have a natural, innate, there are some that need to learn and that is inevitably studying.
We are not born knowing all languages, we can only speak our language of origin and if we manage another language we learn in school. Meanwhile, many of these are specific knowledge that can turn a person suitable for the performance of work or activity.

Personnel selection and testing to assess suitability

Companies seeking certain knowledge by an employee make a call in which specified the same as the candidates are presented must demonstrate through testing and interviews of such knowledge. Because one thing is that it is written on paper like a different resume and test it on a job interview.
Through interviews and then selections it is that companies are able to hire the most suitable for the posts to be filled people.

Unable, the opposite

Contracara ideal is one that proves incapable, inept before the indictment to perform an activity or task.
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[ 2 ]

gendarmerie › Definition and Meaning

Seguridadmilitarizada force meets an naciónque police functions in remote or insecure areas

The gendarmerie is a militarized security force of a nation that performs functions such as police and normally operates in remote villages or require strict surveillance and control because it is dangerous areas where crime abounds.
This security force is very common in various parts of the world, for example in Argentina, Mexico, and are noted for maintaining a military police structure.

The operation of the National Gendarmerie Argentina

In Argentina, the National Gendarmerie Argentina is one of the most important security forces and which differs from the rest by its military footprint.
Its functions are developed especially in terms of internal security and in some cases can also provide support with respect to external security.
The fundamental mission of its creation in 1938 not far from the original, protect and monitor remote areas of the nation as in the case of the borders and of course the towns located in remote areas. Borders and some strategic sites are the areas it controls the gendarmerie Argentina.
But in recent years as a result of the escalating insecurity in the country, the gendarmerie, was assigned the care of some areas, neighborhoods, towns, among others, in which the crime grew fantastically and the police was not enough to meet the security needs of residents.

French origin

The concept and force itself originated in France where they used to be the oversight body of small towns, gens d'armes is the expression French from which comes the word and refers armed people.
In times of the Middle Ages, Mr. Feudal led to these bodies to the war. Later, in the mid-fifteenth century, they became companies that were the basis of armies. In these initiatory times, to force individuals could only belong to the nobility.
In this issue certainly times have changed since nowadays anyone who so wishes and have dedication to service can integrate this force.
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[ 3 ]

Honoris Causa › Definition and Meaning

Honorary title granted by universities to those outstanding individuals in any matter or area and are not necessarily university graduates

The Doctor Honoris Causa is a title of honor granted by universities to those outstanding individuals in any subject or field, intending to recognize its value and merits and contributions made. People who have a relevant academic background, or the flat scientific and culture, or even individuals who stand for the values they embody, or a particular association with a college house can receive this recognition. It is without doubt one of the highest awards that delivers a university.
We should note in this regard that not necessarily the distinguished have to be graduates of any race, can not be by the way, even having gone to university but have excelled in some activity significantly that is what then enables receive this recognition.

Same treatment and benefits that doctors

Generally and unless otherwise noted, once an individual is awarded this honorary title will receive the same treatment and the same benefits as those who receive doctorates in the traditional way, just pursuing a doctorate.


But the delivery of this distinction is no more but is surrounded by a solemn ceremony, ritual and delivering well worth that we emphasize elements.
Because when a university chooses someone to receive the title of honoris causa it will be called a ceremony to make it through a formalized ritual of investiture. The biretta, ring, gloves, and book are the elements that are given to the personality distinguished and usually is the rector of the university in charge of deliver them.
University rectors, or at the suggestion of members of a representative board of the institution may nominate candidates to receive this title. Meanwhile, those who meet the requirements and conditions will be inaugurated at a ceremony as mentioned.
Writers, professors, researchers, journalists, artists and even athletes, among others, have received this singular and important title of honor in the world. Julio Iglesias, Diego Maradona, Meryl Streep, Woody Allen, Mario Vargas Llosa, are some personalities who have received this award from various universities.
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[ 4 ]

Hito › Definition and Meaning

Relevant event or event taken as a reference

The concept milestone is used in our language especially to refer to that event or relevant, remarkable event, and as such will be erected in reference point and almost always as a result of the tremendous influence that marks a before and after in the context in which it occurs.
"The emergence of internet is a milestone in the field of technology."
"The women 's vote was a milestone in the history of social achievements by women".

Signaling routes and roads to indicate distances, directions and mark boundaries

Moreover, the word is used to refer to that post, usually made of stone but can be made of any other material found at the behest of the roads or paths and borders to indicate a direction, a distance or limits a territory.
We must emphasize that it is very common that the landmark consists of small to medium sized sculptures.

Kilometric milestone Indicates kilometers and routes through which it travels

In the case of signaling distances on a road or path called kilometric milestone highlights. It consists of a typical traffic sign indicating the distance between the start and end of a route and whose fundamental mission guide travelers who pass.
Kilometric landmarks are metal and extremely useful for those who pass through the routes that appear regularly on the road, ie, each certain distances, and inform us kilometer by which we will, again, in some cases, the number of the highway by which is circulating.
That is, this sense of the word is used synonymously signal. The milestone is a signal.

National Historic Landmark: building work, an element that has a historical imprint

And in the United States the word has a special use in flat historical and culture as a national historic landmark is that building, structure, location, object that the government national recognizes it as such by its historical imprint.
All of these are listed and formalized into a register known as National Register of Historic Places. Of course, as such shall be afforded respect and preservation by the federal state if they are at risk for some affront.
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[ 5 ]

Money Order › Definition and Meaning

Method for sending money

The money order is one of the methods most used to send money, either locally, within a country mime, ie a town or province to another, or failing that to the outside, ie a countries.
This service is usually provided by national companies or private mail, and also by private companies that are dedicated solely to this task.

How is the shipping process?

The person who wishes to use this service goes to the company that manages and shall indicate the information identifying the recipient of rotation, such as name, document identity, address, telephone and office in which the rotation will retire. Depending on the amount of money sent, the company will charge a commission that final payment is charged to your customer to make such management.
We should also note that the person sending the rotation is requested identification and personal data.

Technology is incorporated into the system and speeds

Today, the Internet, as in many other areas, makes available to people the possibility to carry out procedures, procurement, inter alia, through the web.
And the technology has reached this context we address today which is not now necessary for those who want to send money to someone you approach a post office but directly can do so via the Internet, more quickly and easily, completing presenting data and information you are asked to send money indeed.
While the rotation is not a methodology new money transfer, we note that in recent times it has ceased to be an exclusive task of postal companies and if private companies have joined the category to manage this popular service, providing customers more choice and an agile and exclusive service, and of course, aggiornándose to the times joined the service via internet for those who so wish.

main uses

Usually money orders used to pay for a purchase, to give a family member who is far away, among the most common money.
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