Stay › Industrial Espionage › Forgery › Encomienda › Public Library › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. stay
  2. Industrial Espionage
  3. forgery
  4. encomienda
  5. Public Library

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

stay › Definition and Meaning

A person stay somewhere for a certain time and for various reasons

The concept of stay use it much in our language to refer the residence, detention or stay of a person somewhere, for a certain time and for various reasons, for holidays, for work, among the most common situation involved to that person leave your home usual.
The stipulated time spent is precisely what characterizes the stay, ie, begins and ends at a time after time. By this we mean that the stay means and implies a permanence that has a beginning and an end in time, ie not be there forever.

widespread use in tourism to indicate the time that a tourist will spend in a city

While the term we can use in many different contexts to express that stay in one place, we must say, it is in the tourist area where mostly it is used to account precisely the time when a tourist plans to stay in a city and thus in a hotel.
Tour packages usually offer tourists plus airfare an x stay in place, usually seven days, a certain amount. Sometimes the package includes half board, involving also the housing and the passage, the inclusion of breakfast or dinner on the amount.
Moreover, the stay in another country or city can have a cause labor or student.
Now there are other uses of the word that add to exposed but are somewhat less used...

During which time a model stands before a sculptor or painter who takes a portrait of him

At the request of the art plastic, during which time a model stands before a sculptor or painter who takes a portrait of him is called stay.

Every day that a ship does not meet the deadline of stay in a place

And the word is used to indicate each day that passes after a deadline to be set to a cargo ship to unload or load goods that bring or carry, respectively. Meanwhile, for those days when you exceed customer shall pay compensation to those concerned.
As appreciated, in any of the uses mentioned the question is always this establishment temporarily in one place.
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[ 2 ]

Industrial Espionage › Definition and Meaning

The traditional concept of intelligence has historically been associated military and strategic interests of nations. The spy is responsible for obtaining secret or confidential information in order to protect their country from possible threats.
The world of espionage is shrouded in mystery, as it is promoted by states (there is even talk of the sewers state) and it is unclear whether the activities carried out have legitimate purposes.
The concept of intelligence has other areas of application other than those appearing in literary fiction or in the world of cinema. In fact, in business there are also high - value information and try to keep secret. It is in this context that there is industrial espionage, whose main purpose is the theft of information with an economic objective.
The reason for the secrecy in certain industrial or business activities is clear: that the competition does not know the intentions of an entity (for example, in connection with a patent or the design of a car model). This type of information can be so valuable that generates industrial espionage. Somehow, industrial espionage could be defined as the dirty war in the business.

Some key industrial espionage

The security of data is vital in companies that increasingly measures are imposed to prevent spies access to information. In this regard, the information (is encrypted) so that is not accessible to potential spies, also known as cybersquatters saved.
Many companies do not acknowledge that they have been spied upon, then do it would be a disrepute or a loss of confidence of its customers. Normally cyberattacks are hidden because admit would disadvantage in the strategy business.
Currently the information is recorded in format digital and this is a very attractive booty for hackers, computer experts who can also engage in espionage. To prevent such attacks companies try to create spaces insurance information. Thus, if an exclusive product is not sufficiently protected its exclusivity is weakened and may even disappear because it is capable of being copied by some strategy of industrial espionage.
Industrial espionage activity looking very relevant information: who the best suppliers, which customers are the most interesting, what is the profit margin of a product or what the new project of a company.
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[ 3 ]

forgery › Definition and Meaning

False is that which opposes true. And counterfeiting is action to transform or convert something to make it look authentic. Input, any falsification represents a form of deception.
As a general rule counterfeiting occurs with the aim of achieving an economic benefit. If a real object has a great value, a good fake from the original that is not detected as inauthentic can reach the same value.

In which areas occurs

Counterfeiting is applicable to contexts and very different areas. In the manufacturing sector and luxury brands is very common market of counterfeit goods (usually the consumer knows they are not authentic but its price is very affordable and are quite similar to the original version).
In the art world, counterfeiting is part of their own history. And something similar has happened with banknotes, coins or jewelry world.
Counterfeiting not always have an economic purpose. In fact, personal identification documents (eg passport) are falsified to conceal the true personal identity, which logically constitutes a crime.
Somehow any object has two versions: the true and genuine and one that has a similar appearance and, therefore, is false. To take a simple example, natural flowers have corresponding artificial flowers, which are intended to meet the same aesthetic function.

A reflection on the concept of counterfeiting

In principle, the false is something negative, because trying to fool someone. However, this mechanism of deception does not always occur. In fact, there are fakes socially accepted and can be considered as positive and valid. Consider the genre of the novel, in which some unreal and fictitious events are counted and, consequently, is a falsification of reality, but the reader knows that this is so and strictly speaking could not be regarded as a hoax but well as a literary game (sometimes literature has been defined as the art of lying).
Own costume carnival is another typical case of forgery tolerated. Who masquerades not trying to fool anyone, because it is also a game of appearances.
The concept of true and false is not always easily detectable question. Quite often one is used strategy ambiguous and imprecise with respect to one or the other.. It's what happens with advertising, where a product is displayed with messages that distort its authenticity (the music associated with a product has nothing to do their quality and, therefore, we are again in a context of communication counterfeiting accepted).
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[ 4 ]

encomienda › Definition and Meaning

The concept of entrustment is used with various meanings in our language...

Action and result of entrusting

In principle, we use it to refer to the action and the outcome of entrustment, which is nothing other than entrusting someone to do something.

What was entrusted

On the other hand, the word is used to designate the thing entrusted, ie, is used synonymously custom in this regard.

Institution introduced in the American conquest involving the granting of a group of Indians for a colonizer them to work at your service in exchange for protection and evangelization

Meanwhile, at the time of the conquest of America, the parcel, he knew to be an institution very popular and consisted of the award was attributed to a colonizer of an indigenous group, ie native citizens, who would work for him at your service, in exchange for protection by the colonizer and religious evangelization, because remember that in those days the Spanish crown worried and occupied primarily to promote and instill the Catholic faith in all its colonies.
The charge was an institution that facilitated the domination of territory to be conquered and immediately he intended to organize the population indigenous, and to labor as forced labor and absolute benefit of the Spanish crown work. No doubt, it was a form of slavery evening because the living conditions and their treatment Indians were in most cases very bad.
This institution lasted until approximately the eighteenth century.

annuity over a territory

Also the term refers to that annuity that someone holds over territory.

Packet sent by the postal route

And finally in some Spanish - speaking countries entrusted word to refer to that package that an individual or company sends to other device through the postal service or a private company dedicated precisely to the transfer of goods used.
Parcels are quickly and widely used around the world to send things.
A friend wants to send to another who lives in a province or away from yours a pen that bought him as a birthday present location, may do so via parcel.
It is important that the parcel reaches its destination as that in the data packet destination and the sender is also precisely indicate if there is any problem locating the target and need to return to the charge destination.
[ Index ▲ ]
[ 5 ]

Public Library › Definition and Meaning

From an etymological point of view closet or library means keeping books. A public library is a space for reading and consulting books. You can also perform a number of associated activities: consulting files, documents, written press (known newspaper archives), borrow books, music library services, access to internet, etc. In short, all activities performed are related to knowledge and the book has a special role.
Public libraries are, as its name suggests, a public service, which means it is promoted by a state agency (eg, public libraries) and their role is to spread the culture to the whole society. For this reason, access to libraries is free and free, although it is common for users to have a specific license to access the book lending service.

Evolution of the concept of library

The most remarkable historical reference library in antiquity is the one that existed in the city of Alexandria during the Hellenistic period. It is estimated that was founded in lll century. C and its final destruction occurred in the lV century AD. C. This institution was more than a simple library, because it was a center of research in which there were different areas (of botany, zoology, anatomy, classrooms for meetings, etc).
During the Middle Ages were libraries in monasteries, where the copyists reproduced by hand copies of the classics (copies were made in the scriptorium). By then, access to books and knowledge was generally restricted to the clergy and nobility and most of the population had no contact with the culture or libraries.
From the seventeenth century began to create libraries in some European cities, which was due to two main reasons: the development of printing since the fifteenth century and the consolidation of a new social class, the bourgeoisie.
In the eighteenth century appear the first public libraries in the nineteenth century and consolidated as cultural centers to disseminate access to education as a whole oriented society service.

Public Library today

Currently most libraries are digitized, so its ability to store knowledge has increased exponentially. Moreover, most of them complementary activities are undertaken in order to boost the culture: readings aimed at children, reading clubs, forums discussion, conferences, exhibitions, etc.
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